Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter ten

"She said and I quote, ' I never want to see that arrogant and shameful excuse for a man again! ' " Miguel said leaning against the counter of the bar at Dahlias restaurant.

"What did you do to her? " Miguel demanded sounding extremely pissed.

"I didn't do anything. " Nick said as he took out his phone to call Matt. His car was at the garage and he needed a ride. Not like Miguel was in a mood to give him one.

"So you mean she's lying? "

Nick sighed. The guy was starting to get on his nerves. He didn't need to answer to anyone.

"Why don't you leave me alone and go back to work... seriously! "

"You know I won't leave till you tell me so you had better start talking, "

Nick shook his head. Deciding to just tell him and get it over with. He explained what had gone on and all the while Miguel paid very close attention.

"Man! You screwed up. If there is something girls are serious about it's their clothes, " he then said after Nick was done explaining.

"I guess that means you aren't going to take the job. " Miguel sounded practical. As usual.

"Why wouldn't I? "

He turned to Nick, eyes wide.

"Cause she hates you. It's not rocket science. " He explained. "And I would advise you not to. She's a nice girl and you are...... well, you know how you are. " he went on.

He sure did change his mind quick. Just the other day he was begging him to take the damn job.

"I don't care about what you think, I'll do what I want! " Nick stated as Dahlia came over.

"Can I get you guys anything? " she asked. Nick realised that there was something different about her. She looked sort of worried. Miguel looked at her then narrowed his eyes.

"Hey love, are you okay? " he asked, his tone full of concern. Dahlia forced a smile.

"Of course I am. Just tired. " Then she went to work, wiping the counter. Nick knew something was wrong but it wasn't his place to ask. So he got off the bar stool and Matt texted him a minute later saying he was outside.

He exited the restaurant and spotted Matts car.

"So where to? " Matt asked after Nick got in.

"Uptown. SkyField neighborhood. " Matt seemed a little confused.

"What are you going to do there? "

"To get a job,"

Surprise was not a strong enough word to describe the look on Matt's face.

"Um.... okaaaay. But you're paying, I'm not your fucking taxi driver! "


Crystal was hanging the clothes she had just bought when the housekeeper told her that her dad was calling her. He probably just wanted to hand her another law book. How boring.

"I'll be right there, " she said then finished up with what she was doing and left. Her dads office was on the second level of the house. She hurried down the stairs and walked straight towards it.

But then she took her time before going in. Something was off

She could feel it. Not in a bad way. Quite the opposite. The hairs at the back of her neck rose.

Only one person had that effect on her. But she was probably never going to see him again. That just proved how much he had affected her. She was literally imagining him.

But as long as she never saw him again, she was alright.

With that in mind, she opened up the door and got in.

What in the...........

Her dad was standing by his desk dressed impeccably in a grey suit. But that wasn't what caught her attention.

It was the man standing next to him.

"Crystal, there you are, " her dad beamed but she barely heard him. So she hadn't been imagining things afterall.

"Dad? What's going on? "

"Why don't you sit. I have something I need to tell you. "

What was he doing there? Had he come to apologize? Obviously not. He didn't seem like the type of guy that ever admitted his mistakes.

"What are you doing here? " Her voice came out much shakier than she intended. Being near him had that effect on her.

"Nick here is Miguel's friend. He told me you met, " The nerve of him!

"Oh, we've met alright, "

She had clearly called Miguel and warned him to make sure she never had to see this gorgeously feral yet very rude man again. Just wait till they met. She would make him regret not keeping his promise. I mean, he hadn't really promised but it would have been nice if he had actually prevented this.

"Why don't you sit? " Her dad asked and she sat down.He did the same but Nick didn't. He just stood at the back of her seat.

Warmth from his body suddenly clouded her.

It felt good.

Shr hated that it did.

Then her dad started talking and she couldn't believe what he was saying. Someone was out to get them. He told her that their lives were in danger and until the culprit was caught, she had to be under constant protection.

That didn't sound at all amusing.


"So what? Am i supposed to stay in here all the time? " Because that would be torture in its own way.

"No. That's why Mr. Hilton. "

Hilton, so that was his last name .Until now she knew two things about him. His name and his stuck up character. But was exactly was her dad getting to?

"What do you mean? " She asked and when her dad answered she went motionless. Shock did that to her sometimes.

"Wait wait. Did you just say bodyguard? "

"Yes. An officer specifically referred him to me. He is the best at what he does, "

Was this some sick joke? Cause it was not in any way funny!

Had this been some kind of conspiracy all along? Miguel was so dead.

"Dad, I don't need a bodyguard. "

Much less one that made her lose herself.

"This isn't up for discussion Crystal. I have already made up my mind! " Her dad said firmly. And she knew she had lost. There was no arguing with that tone of his. Though that didn't mean she wouldn't try.

"Then let Aiden watch me. You can take this one! "

She felt Nick shift behind her but he didn't move. Probably due to being referred to as 'This one' .

"Like I said. Not up for discussion. That will be all. " And he went back to his work, signing papers as if she wasn't even there. He made her go mad sometimes all she wanted to do was scream.

But she settled for striding out and slamming the door.

She didn't like being treated like a child. And the worst thing was that her new bodyguard followed her out.

Just perfect.

She dashed up the stairs then went straight to the hallway that led to her room.


Nick instructed as he trailed he trailed behind her. She was practically running but he might as well have been taking a stroll.

"Don't tell me what to do! "

Nick was done with her games. Girls were so complicated. They assumed you wronged them, wanted an apology, but didn't give you a second to actually give them one.

But an apology wasn't what he had in mind. He didn't think he had done anything wrong. He grabbed her arm and turned her around.

"Don't. Touch. Me! " She warned, then she yanked her arm away and continued walking on. He placed his hand on her shoulder and moved to stand in front of her.

Then he forced her back up against the wall. Her eyes widened in cute shock.

"Arrogant and shameful excuse for a man, huh? " He asked as he leaned in. His eyes fixed on hers, challenging her to stare back.

"Tell me something, will you? " She swallowed and looked aside. This was too much .

"Let me go, "

He all but ignored her.

"You were angry at me for my assumption about you. "

"I still am. "

A simple nod then he went on.

"Then isn't it fair that I should be angry. You did make assumptions about me as well now, didn't you? "

She still refused to face him.

"I'm gonna scream! " she warned but he didn't seem affected in the least.

"Isn't it odd how you always threaten to do that each time I have you pinned to a wall... "This time she turned to him, the intensity in his eyes a little more than she could handle. He darted his gaze across her eyes.

"...Yet you never do, "he finished and she looked down. The floor suddenly becoming surprisingly interesting. Of course she didn't. Because in as much as she knew she wasn't supposed to like him, she did.

"I have to get ready for work. " she managed to say, hoping that he would let her be.

But he didn't.

Her lips were all of a sudden dry and she licked them. And immediately after, he caught her bottom lip between his teeth and gently ran the tip of his tongue across it.

The action had her heart racing and waves of heat washed through her.

She wanted to grip onto him tightly and urge him on, but she wasn't that far gone. He let her go and moved aside.

Just like that.

It was a good thing. So why did she immediately miss his presence?

"Hurry up then. " he said as he stood straight and focused ahead like some sort of military guy. Was he seriously giving her orders? She went into her room and locked it. Trying to erase the feel of him being so close.

A task that was baseless. He would, afterall, be closely following behind her from now on.

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