Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter eleven

Nick was standing by the wall across from her room when Crystal got out. He took one look at her and realized just how much he had messed up.

She was dressed in a black pant suit and a crisp white shirt. Her hair up in a tight bun.

He still thought she looked great. she just didn't seem like herself. It was all wrong.

"What? " she asked with raised brows. He shook his head but said nothing . She made her way down the stairs and towards the exit. With him following closely behind her.

"Crystal, you're leaving? " A grey haired short lady asked.

"Yes nanny, I have to get to work. "

The lady looked a bit disappointed.

"But you haven't had you're breakfast yet. And you didn't have anything for supper yesterday either, "

Crystal smiled and gave her a hug.Nick watched how she handled the lady. Such kindness unlike he'd ever seen.

"I'm running late and it's my first day at the firm. But I promise I'll be home early for a snack. "

She then gave the lady a quick kiss on her cheek and turned to leave.

"Have your breakfast. I don't want you fainting on the way. "Nick suddenly said and they both turned to him. His voice truly was compelling.

"Yes, listen to the handsome young man ."

Nick turned to the lady and although he didn't smile, his expression did soften.

"I'm really not -"

"I saw you eat the whole left side of a menu. So forgive me if I don't buy your I'm not hungry protest. "

She seemed about to say something harsh but decided against it.

"Come along dear. Before the food gets cold. " Her nanny said as she led her away into the kitchen.

"You come as well. I made enough to feed a small country! " she said, joy in her words. She looked very bubbly and enthusiastic. Like the sort of person who was fond of laughing.

"That's okay. I already ate! " Nick declined but she wouldn't let it go.

"No. I'm not having any of that talk. I cooked and you both will eat. Even if I have to tie you to a chair and feed you myself! " she announced and she didn't look like she was joking.

He stared at Crystal who was trying not to laugh.

"Fine then. After you, "

They went into the kitchen and the nanny had them sit at the island.

"What's so amusing? " he asked Crystal and she shrugged.

"Nothing. I just never thought of you as the the type to get bossed by anyone. "

"So you think about me? " She scoffed and looked away. Deciding to let the conversation go.

Bossed? He'd simply agreed to having a meal.

"I'm not. And you'd be careful to remember that. " He stated as the nanny turned around.

"There you go. "

She placed two plates in front of them. She then poured them some juice and left them to go run some errands.

Eggs, bacon, sausages and toast. Nick took bite and he had to admit that it was good.

Nick watched as Crystal cut a piece of bacon and brought it to her lips.Then she slowly chewed it. Delighting in its taste. He decided the best thing to do would be to lol away. Before he did something stupid. Right there at the fucking counter.

Then he drank his juice and got up. Standing behind her like a good bodyguard ought to.

But God knew he wouldn't be able to control himself for much longer.


The drive was quiet but the tension was there. So intense one could cut through it with a knife.

Nick kept his mind on the road but his mind was elsewhere. Having her this close was a temptation.

What of he let go. What if he just parked the damn car and did what he'd been dreaming of doing since they first met.

Then his phone rang bringing him back to reality. It was probably unprofessional to pick it up but who cared?

"Hello? "

"Uncle Nick!! "

He could recognize that little voice from anywhere.

"Hey, what's up?

It was Brianna on the other side. Matts six year old. The only female he'd ever cared for and actually loved.

"Nick... I found this little puppy outside but daddy won't let me keep it, "

"Is that so? "

"Uh huh, "

He could just picture her innocent little face frowning.

"Wait, what are you still doing at home? "

It was close to nine and she had to be in school.

"I have a cold, " she said mischeviously then feigned a sneeze.

"Really now? "

"Yeah! Will you tell my dad to let me keep the puppy? I'll give you a present if you do, " the child prompted and Nick unknowingly smiled and shook his head.

"What kind of present are we talking about? "

"Ummmm...A hug! The best present in the world. "

Nick chuckled. He couldn't help but be amused. Bri did that to him. Made him do things he normally wouldn't.

"Just a hug? You'll have to give something more, "

"Oh, I know. I'll let you play with the puppy when you come over. " God but she was cute.

"Well that's definitely a tempting offer. " he said, pretending to think it over.

"So will you do it? pity please ?"

How could he say no to that?

"Okay. I'll see what I can do. "

A six year olds delighted cheer.

"Don't celebrate just yet. If he says no there's nothing I can do. "

"You can beat him up till he agrees. "

Nick actually laughed this time. She was still the only person that could make him do that. Sometimes Matt said he thought she loved Nick more than she loved him.

"I doubt that will work. "

"I'm just joking. But make sure he says yes or else...... "

He took a left turn, his eyes still ahead.

"Or else what? "

"Hmm..... I won't let you help me name the puppy. "

Even her threats were adorable. How would she name the dog if she couldn't keep it.

"Oh, blackmail. I like it. "

She giggled. Then asked if he was going to go and visit her.He thought about it.

"Yeah. I'll drop by there sometime. "

Another cheer.

"Bye kitten, " he said and she said it back.

"Love you Nick, " she added. she always told him that.

"Love you too. Bye. "

He hung up and turned to see Crystal staring outside. Her hand was fisted. Her nails digging into her palm. Her spine was also straightened the same way it had been when she walked out on him in the diner.

What had he done this time?

But he let her be. The more he tried to understand her the more confusing she got

But the need to know what was wrong was clawing at him. Urging him to ask.

"What now? " he clearly surprised her. Perhaps she thought he wouldn't notice her reaction.

"What do you mean? " She straightened her palm on her lap. Pretending she was straightening the pants she wore.

"You're mad. Why? "

A puzzled look.

"I'm not mad. Why would you think that. You know what, don't answer that. Just keep driving! "

He didn't want to let it be but neither did he push. Nothing good would come out of it.

"As you wish, " He said and did as asked. He kept on driving.


The feeling was there. Blurring her vision.

A lump in her throat she couldn't swallow past.

'love you too. "

The words were an echo. One that wouldn't go away. One that made her feel miserable.

He'd actually smiled when saying them, and while talking to whoever the other girl was.

So he wasn't made of ice afterall. And what a way to find out. She knew she was probably exaggerating. He could have been talking to anyone. His mom, sister... child?

But it didn't matter. What mattered was that he wasn't acting all cold while talking to whoever the person was.

She recalled how he looked when he laughed and she melted. She was a painter but never again had she seen such a spectacular sight. He'd looked much younger and more...... approachable.

Thoughts of him with another girl filled her head and she unintentionally made a little groaning sound. She felt Nick turn to face her, then he ignored it and went back to driving.

This was so not fair!

She was losing her mind here and he was completely unaffected.

But why did it bother her so much whether he was seeing someone. It was his life. He could live it however he wanted.

She was so relieved when he parked the car she pretty much ran away from there. But he was still following her like a goddamn shadow.

His presence unmistakable.

She nearly died on realising they had to share an elevator.

Just great.

She at least hoped there would be other people along with them. But there wasn't.

If it weren't for her dislike for exercise she would have taken the stairs. It would have been dark by the time she got to her floor but at least her sanity would still be intact.

"If you have something to say just say it! "he said as soon as the doors closed. She freaked out. Was it really that obvious?... Of course not. It couldn't be.

"What exactly would I want to tell you? "

That she hoped he and his girlfriend, if there was one, would burn in hell for messing with her head.


" How would I know? You're the one who keeps growling like some wounded wild creature. "

Growling?.... And had he just called her a wild creature? She was about to ask him just that when he spoke.

"Please note the use of the word like in my statement. I wouldn't want you to try and storm out of the elevator as well! "

"Can we just forget about that? "

He leaned back against the elevator wall and placed his hands into his suit pockets.

"I already did. You're the one who seems to have trouble with letting things go. "

Just how did he expect her to concentrate with him looking like that. He turned his face to the side and closed his eyes. Thick lashes flattered down creating shadows on his cheek bones.

"Then I've officially let it go. " she said and just then the elevator doors opened. She walked out, running into Miguel in the process.

"Crystal... Morning. "

She crossed her arms and assumed a frown.

"Don't morning me. I can't believe you conspired with my dad to get me a freaking bodyguard behind my back! "

He seemed a little shocked.

"What are you-"

She put her hand up and shushed him. "Don't pretend, I know you two planned this and now you owe me lunch for the rest of your life! " And she walked away.

Miguel finally turned to Nick.

"You took the job? Why would you do that? "

Nick wondered why Miguel was suddenly against it. But he really didn't care for his opinion and he made that clear to him.

"Fine. Whatever, " He gave in and Nick attempted to leave before Miguel stopped him.

Apparently, he wanted to know whether Nick knew why Dahlia was acting so strange.

"I'm honestly worried. "

And he looked like he was. Guess that's what love did. it messed with you. Had you questioning everything.

"I don't know anything about that. " he said and left the guy to his lady drama. He had enough of his own to deal with.

He didn't need more.

By the time Nick caught up with Crystal, she was already seated in her office,reading some crazily large book.

She didn't look up when he got in.

He walked around the room, scanning it, making sure it was safe. Then he went over to the floor to ceiling windows with a view of the city.

"You should move your desk, " he advised as he studied the areas surrounding the office.

No response, just the sound of pages being flipped.

"It would be real easy for a hitman to get you at that angle. "


"I recommend you take it to that side, " he pointed to his right and away from the window. At least this time she looked up, then went back to her book a second later.

He was being ignored, he realized.

She didn't even seem to be reading the damn book! He found the realisation quite amusing.

And it went on till noon when she said she was going out for lunch. Probably the most words she's said to him since they got into the building.

She didn't tell him where she wanted to go so he drove over to Dahliahs. And as he pulled over he recalled the first time he'd seen Crystal. Dressed in nothing but jeans and a lace bra.

His fingers itched. Just that simple memory was enough to turn him on. He got out and Crystal fell alongside him as they headed in. Her scent was suddenly a whip against his flesh. And in order to satisfy the strong urge he had of stroking her, he reached out and freed her hair from the bun in which she'd held it.

She turned to him but then went on walking.

She was definitely ignoring him.

He led her to the bar when she would have gone over to one of the tables. And although she gave him a questioning look, she didn't object.

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