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Chapter twelve

Crystal sat next to him at the bar. She was sure he was supposed to be standing behind her... like normal bodyguards do, but she really didn't care.

She listened as he exchanged a few words with the bartender. A young guy with tattoos covering his arms. They were clearly familiar with each other. That meant he came here often.

What she didn't get was why they were at the bar. She needed food, not alcohol.

She impatiently tapped her fingers on the granite countertop .

"There he is! " said a soft voice from behind them.

Then an attractive blonde walked towards them and ruffed up Nicks hair, turning it wild before wrapping her hands around his shoulders.

" Twice in one day. You missed me that much? " she said before going around the counter and standing across from Nick.

Not them... just Nick.

If Crystal had been jealous before then she was truly and wholly envious now. This must have been the girl he was talking to earlier.

Why did she have to be so pretty?

"Blondie, what did I tell you about playing with fire? " Nick asked but his voice was a little calmer. Different from how it was when he talked to her.

The blonde pretended to be thinking. " That it's okay as long as you don't get burned. "

"Don't be cocky, " he said and she flipped her hair and gave him an exaggerated curtsy.

"Yes, your grace. "

Nick fixed his mused hair and shook his head. The blonde seemed to finally notice Crystals presence.

"You must be Crystal. I've heard so much about you. "

Wait. Did that mean he talked about her to his.... girlfriend?

"Oh really? "

"Mmh. You're Miguel's childhood friend right? "


She knew Miguel as well and he probably liked her too. Crystal managed a smile and nodded.

"Yeah, that's right. "

The lady extended her hand to greet her.

"Hi. I'm Dahlia, " Crystal returned the gesture.

Dahlia then asked them what they wanted to eat. That meant she worked there and Nick probably went there everyday. After they ordered she left and Crystal took out her phone.

She needed a distraction.

"I see you're still ignoring me. First the book, now your phone. What are you gonna do next.. whistle? "

Nick said after a while. She was not expecting that.

"Who says I'm ignoring you? "

He locked his fingers together on the counter, then shrugged nonchalantly.

"The fact that you're staring at your apps is a pretty clear hint. "

Shit! Should have just played Temple Run instead, Crystal inwardly scolded herself.

"I don't know why you're complaining. In case you haven't noticed you aren't that much of a talker. "

When he was with her that is. He didn't seem to have a problem with chatting with his little 'blondie '

Dahlia came back just then. Two plates in her hands.

"There you go. Anything else? "

They both said. they were fine and after crystal thanked her, she left. The food was good but she couldn't truly enjoy it.

"Dahlia seems nice. " she decided to cut through the silence. And she could not seem to get over how jealous she felt.

"She is. "

Gosh. He didn't even look at her. But she couldn't let it go.

"So how did you guys meet? "

She had to know. They did not seem at all compatible. Or maybe that was just the jealousy talking.

Nick turned to her and narrowed his eyes. He was starting to put things together now.

"Through Miguel, " he answered and she nodded, going back to her meal.

Perhaps he just went there because he loved Dahlias cooking. Or perhaps he just wanted to see her.

She suddenly wasn't hungry anymore. Placing her fork back down, she looked around. The restaurant was truly elegant. There was the most magnificent chandelier on the ceiling.

"This is a nice place. "

"Yeah. it's Dahlias. "

That did it.

She had officially had enough. She decided to go out and get some air.

Nick was against it but she promised to only go as far as the doorway.

She knew she was being silly. Dahlia was obviously a nice person but she couldn't help how she felt.

No matter how hard she tried.


Nick stared at the doorway where she stood. The sun illuminating her. Making her look like the most angelic of beings.

"Where did she go? " Dahlia asked as she walked towards him. He gestured to the door.

"Oh, " she said then began drying some glasses with a towel. She seemed off again. In that eery quiet way that was not at all like her.

"Your boyfriend is worried. Says you're acting weird. "

She stopped, looked up, but then continued right after.

"Why would he say that? "

"Cause it's true. And I know this is unlike me but....... is everything okay? "

She started placing the glasses on the shelf with anxious movements.

"Of course ,I'm fine. Completely. Noooo need to worry. "

He wasn't buying that. No one would.

"Okay but if there is something wrong, you should tell him. No need to make him lose it for no reason. "

She stopped arranging the glasses. He couldn't see her face but he could picture her troubled expression. She tucked her hair behind her ear and Nick stood to leave. If something really was wrong with her then she had Miguel. It wasn't his place to meddle.

"I'm pregnant. "

Well that was unexpected.

He suddenly stopped, turned around and asked her what she'd just said. But instead of an answer she started crying

"God, how could I let this happen. "

Nick really didn't get why she was mad. And normally he would have just stood there and watched her cry. But he realised he had a soft spot for her.

"Aren't you happy? "

She sniffed back a cry.

"Of course I am! But what about Miguel? What if he's not okay with it? "

Were they talking about the same Miguel he knew? Cause there was no way he would be mad about something like that.

"Why wouldn't he be? " he asked as he walked around the counter and she was the one who went to him, wrapping her arms around him. He was a little startled at first but he soon returned the gesture. Wrapping his own arms around her.

"We talked about it once and he said he didn't think he was ready for kids. What if he thinks I'm forcing it on him! God... I'm so stupid. "

More crying.

"Don't say that. "

No emotion in the words but they seemed to ease her.

"I'm sure deep down you know he'll be happy. So just tell him. " he said it in that measured matter of fact way of his.

She let him go and took a step back.

"You really think so? "

"I know so. "

She wiped her tears and started looking for her purse.

"I have to go. "

Finally, she was back to being herself. " Man. I don't know what came over me. I must look like a hot mess, "

She found her purse and started heading for the washroom.

"You know If it weren't for the fact that you won't appreciate it, I would have thanked you. "

Yes, she was back alright.

"Go wash your face blondie. Tears don't look good on you. "

She stuck out her tongue at him and stared walking away, but then she came back.

"She likes you. You know that? " she asked referring to Crystal.

Nick didn't answer, the fact that it was Dahlia speaking meant it was true. But it wasn't anything he didn't know. Dahlia chuckled and went ahead.

"You suck at your job. She could be dead right now. " She shouted as she took a turn.

Nick realised that Crystal had walked out. He found her seated quietly at the passengers seat.

She seemed angry.And he was sure he knew why.

"Take me home. I don't feel good. " she said and Nick drove off.

She was most likely trying to get rid of him.. Too bad that wasn't going to happen unless he wanted it to.

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