Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter fifteen

Food, clothes and sleep. Other than her art those were the only other things Crystal truly loved. Deprive her of any of them and she would naturally dislike you.

So when someone knocked on her bedroom door at four fifty am in the morning, she drowsily picked up her alarm clock and threw it at the direction of the sound.

It hit the door, falling down in bits. Then she peacefully went back to sleep.

It was hard enough she'd had trouble falling asleep due to images of a certain obsession of hers. And now someone was trying to wake her up in the middle of the night.

Yes, because that's what four am was to her. There wasn't a difference between that and midnight.

Luckily for the disturber, sleep always came very easy for her. So she was back in as soon as she threw the damn clock.

And when her eyes flattered closed, she found herself back at the van the previous day.

Only his time she was in the back seat... well, they were in the back seat.

She was lying on her back with him in top of her. Her shirt completely unbuttoned.

He pulled her bra up, exposing her breast. His grey eyes masked with a mixture of desire and intensity. He cupped it in his hand, then he rolled her nipple between his thumb and index finger . She moaned, asking for more.

Nick waited on the other side of the door. But she never opened up.

Technically, he'd said she ought to meet him in the gym at six. But after leaving Matts house the previous night and trying to get some sleep, he'd changed his mind.

He needed to see her, make sure she was okay.

He didn't know why. He just needed to.

He had politely tried knocking. And so far all he'd gotten was something being thrown his way. Thank God the door was locked.

He knocked a few more times and when she still didn't respond, he went in. Not caring that she hadn't invited him. Etiquette was way overrated.

She was on the bed, in a heap of sheets and blankets. But it didn't seem as if she was just peacefully sleeping. She seemed to be turning around too much.

He stalked closer and his breath caught.

She kicked the blankets away. Exposing more of her bare flesh under the little flimsy thing she had on. It was a little red silk dress that had hiked up her thighs.

She arched her back and moaned. The sound had his cock throbbing in a matter of seconds. He wondered what she was dreaming about.

"Oooh.... Nick! " She breathlessly uttered.

Those two words were his undoing.

He inched closer, his breathing heavy and unmeasured . He'd never before felt such a strong compulsion.

He had to touch her.

He had to feel her.

He stretched out his hand and as soon as he came into contact with her skin, his heart thumped. She was warm, such a large contrast to his now chilly hands. Afraid of making her cold, he let go.

Care.... he truly cared for her. It was an outright instinct if protectiveness, of possession.

He blew out a breath and squeezed his eyes shut. Trying to find even the barest thread of control to hold on to. But if he thought that it would be that easy to ignore his feelings, he was outrageously mistaken.

She moaned again and he cursed under his breath.

And before he could stop to think, he got into the bed and leveled himself above her.

Crystals eyes flew open and she started screaming, but he reached down just in time to stop her, covering her mouth with his hand. She was trembling. Her gaze flickered over his in the dim light and she wonders what was going on.

"Don't shout, it's just me! " it was an order and she obeyed. When he let her go, she was still too shaken to form words. But Nick wasn't in the mood for a conversation either. He had other plans in mind.

She nervously looked around her room, trying to avoid his eyes. Then she found the courage to talk.

"What are you doing here? " She asked but instead of answering, he ran his hand down the side of her arm, delicately. A simple action that had her almost gasping.


She tried not to acknowledge the little flickers that the simple action had coursing through her. He seemed to look everywhere except her face. And when he finally did, she wished that he hadn't. Because it became impossible to look away.

"Tell me Crystal... " he gently spoke as he leaned in. His lips barely inches from her. They were basically breathing the same air. And the way he said her name.. the word stretched out as if there were a secret meaning behind it. He made it sound sinful. And she realized that it was the first time he'd actually called her by her name. She wondered what he wanted to say.

"....what exactly were you dreaming about? " Nick wanted to know. He wanted her to spell it out to him in full detail. He wanted her to explain it just as it was with absolutely nothing left out.

So that he would turn her dream into an unforgettable reality.

Crystals eyes slightly widened. How had he known? She had been told that she had a habit of talking in her sleep but surely that hadn't happened tonight...had it? She clearly remembered what her dream pertained.

The things she had dreamt of him doing g to her.

The things she secretly WANTED him to do to her.

And she knew just what people meant when they said they wanted the ground to open up and swallow them whole. Though she doubted she'd be privileged to have that happened.

"Go ahead, tell me. And before you lie I want you to know that I have a pretty good idea of what it is, " he added.

If he did then why torment her by asking for details. Details she just couldn't being herself to give.

"I don't remember, " It was all but a whisper. She pressed her head lower on the pillow to avoid brushing her lips against his. Even though deep down, she wanted to do just that.

"Liar, " It was one word. And he said it with the same arrogance he said everything else.

She dared to meet his intense gaze. Her breathing had hitched up a great noticeable deal .And Nick found the swell of her full breast unresistable as she breathed in and out.

"What makes you think I'm lying? " she uttered. Nick smirked. The first time she'd seen him do so. The action making him seem more like the unresistable devil that he truly was.

Nick leaned in more, such that his lips WOULD brush against hers as he spoke. Her question was a trap she'd set for herself. And he would be more than happy to be the one that threw down the net and held her captive.

"Because, dear Crystal, I can see the amount of courage you're using just to be able to look into my eyes... " he lightly held her chin between his thumb and forefinger. His grey eyes burning into her amber ones with heat strong enough to undo her.

" And I can all but hear how fast your heart is beating..." he traced his hand from her chin to her chest. Resting his fingers lightly on her pounding heart. He even seemed to take a few seconds to feel it.

That cursed taunt!

She shifted her attention from his hand to him, then to his hand again. But his gaze never flinched. All it did was bear into hers until she couldn't handle it anymore. And she was forced to look away.

"I can also see just how pebbled your nipples are... " he moved his fingers to her breast. Lightly tracing the tip around her nipple. The action was slow.... the action was deliberate. She swallowed hard and squeezed her eyes shut. Trying not to make a sound. Then he rolled her nipple between his fingers and her lips parted of their own volition. A moan escaping despite her attempt to act unaffected.

"And I might not be a psychic but I am certain that you are wet right now... " he stated in that low, husky and controlled voice of his. She glued her thighs shut.

That was the limit. She might have had a crazy sex dream about him but he had no right to just break into her bedroom like that. So what if she was unbelievably attracted to him. He was still a lying and egotistical jerk .

"I think you should leave, " she said as looked aside. The wall catching her fascination for the moment.

"Do you now?... " he asked. Then he leaned in to her neck. How nice of her to give him such great access to it.

"Yes. "

"Okay, I will, "

she turned to him. She had not expected it to be that easy. Guess he wasn't really in the mood to-

"But first.. " Oh. There it was.

"I want you to answer something ,truthfully ,"

His breath on her neck was sending shivers down her spine.

"What is it? "

"Are you?.. "

"Am I what? "

"Wet? "

Christ! The guy had serious privacy issues as far as she was concerned. She swallowed .Both his hands were now on either side of her head. Caging her under him in the bed. His scent invaded her lungs. That dark unearthly spice that only functioned to fuel her lust. But if he wanted an answer, she would give him one. To hell with his 'truthfully ' based BS.

"no. "

He made a hmm sound from the back of his throat. As if he were gaging her honesty.

"Are you sure? "

Crystal scoffed, then she rolled her eyes. She was playing it least she thought she was.

"Of course I am. "

Nick nodded and pursed his lips. Then he slowly sat up on his heels. Crystal tried not to feel the effects of his loss.

She was about to sit up as well when he suddenly placed a hand on her chest and pushed her back down. She yelped at the unexpected move.

"What do you think you're -" he cut her off by placing a finger on her lips and shushing her.

"Let's confirm my theory, shall we? "

She could not think past her laboured breathing. She could not act past her scrambled thoughts. All she could do was lay still and try to figure out what was going on.

Nick lowered his hand to the hem of her nightdress. She instinctively tried to clench her thighs together but he stopped her by transferring his knee in between her legs. Then he raised her dress and let his eyes flicker over her black lace panties before teasingly running his finger along the seams.

She bit the inside of cheek.

Nick contemplated on whether to tear the lace off of her or simply work his way through it. He decided on the latter. No need to go all caveman. Not now at least.

He felt her fighting for control beneath him. He wanted her to lose that battle. He wanted her to realise that with him, she would always lose when it came to hiding the truth.

He dipped his hand into her panties, forcing her legs apart with his knee. Then he captured her pussy in his hand. Clamping it all the way from her mound to her opening. He didn't move his hand, not yet. He simply held it as a sign of possession.

Crystal bit back a moan. Hardest thing she had ever had to do.

Then he started slowly massaging her and she could no longer hold it in.

"Don't fight it. I'm simply doing what you secretly want me to, " he said.

Nick could already feel just how wet she was. He slowly parted her pussy lips and she whimpered. Nick stroked either side of her lips, intentionally avoiding her throbbing clit. Her back arched up and her hands found their way to his shoulders. Gripping tightly for dear life .

"You were right... " he said as he started to increase his pace. "you're not are completely drenched, " she moaned and he was there, pressing his lips to hers. Absorbing the sound as he gently sucked her lips. It wasn't a demanding kiss such as the one they had shared the previous day. It was more of a gentle caress.

And she enjoyed it.

Nick hurried his stroking motion. Then he entered one finger inside her.

"ooooh.... God! " she cried out as she squeezed her eyes shut and bucked up her hips to meet his strokes. He slowly retracted the finger and entered her again, this time with two.

Nick watched her. in the dim light, lying under him, her lips slightly parted her skin now coated with a layer of sweat.

Christ!.. For the millionth time, What was she doing to him!

He retracted his fingers and added a third one. Crystal tightened the grip she had on his shoulders till her knuckles hurt. But she didn't feel the pain. All she felt was the unbelievable pleasure of having him fingerfuck her. Nick continued with the in and out routine until she could no longer hold on to the restraints.

"Oh gosh! close... so close! "she cried out as she felt her orgasm approach. And just when she was about to come... he let her go.

Crystal wanted to scream. She could still feel the pleasure hanging in the balance. It was torture.

She was panting. At this point she .could ask him to finish what he started and not think twice about it. Or she could do it herself.

She wasn't thinking straight. She reached her hand down but the he grabbed it.

"Don't. " he commanded and she shot daggers at him with her eyes.

Nick was also having trouble steadying his own breathing. He shifted his knee to her center and applied pressure on her clit. Crystal moaned and rubbed herself against it.

He simply watched. She felt the little sparks of pleasure travel to her center, then they exploded and she moaned as her climax finally hit.

"Nick! " she drew out till she rode out the last crest of pleasure.

And once she was done, she opened her eyes and found herself staring at his steel grey orbs. He gently cupped her cheek. Then he placed a soft kiss on her forehead. She was too delirious to think.

But then he got out of the bed and she frowned. He walked over to the door and opened it.

"The lessons will start tomorrow morning. " he said and just like that, he was gone.

And just like all the other times he'd walked away, she was left wondering what had happened.

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