Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter sixteen

The meeting was finally over and all Crystal wanted was to go back home and get some rest.

Nothing was worse than sitting through an hour in a conference room, discussing about why you were sitting through an hour in a conference room. She went back to her office and realised that the position of her desk had been changed.

She didn't care. She was done with that. Nick Hilton could do whatever he wanted and it wouldn't affect her in the slightest. At least that's what she kept telling herself.

He'd been acting all 'proffesional' since leaving her room that morning. Not even looking up at her. She'd left him outside the boardroom before the meeting and only God knew where he was. But like she said... she didn't care!

His absence actually gave her time to breathe freely.

There was suddenly a knock on the door. She turned to find Miguel standing there. He had been awfully cheery the whole morning. At least his day was going well because hers sure as hell wasn't.

"Hey there? how are you ?" she asked and he walked in.

"I'm great. Never been better! "

Man, the guy was seriously thrilled.

"So... can I help you with anything ?" Crystal asked and Miguel shook his head before handing her some sort of paper. She studied it and her mouth fell open.

" Paragon Art galla? " she asked in disbelief. It wasn't just an artgalla but THE artgalla. Held only three times every year and attended by the most prominent people there were. People like her dad and now, she guessed Miguel as well.

"Yeah. I got invited but because of Dahlia and everything I chose not to go, " he explained, that joy still in his tone. Crystal wondered what he meant.

"What do you mean? "

Miguel looked a little shocked.

"Wait, didn't I tell you? " she shook her head, totally confused " Well, as it so happens, Dahlia and I are expecting a child and right now, that's at the top of my priorities. "

Miguel and Dahlia?.. So that meant..... God! she felt so stupid! This was all Nicks fault. Now she was getting jealous of pregnant ladies who also happened to be her friends girlfriend.

"Won't you congratulate me? "

That brought her back to reality and she congratulated Miguel. It took her a while to realise that what she felt was relief. But why?

"Well I know you're into art and that kind of stuff so enjoy. Oh... and if you happen to meet with the organiser of the galla, tell him I said hi. His names Gabe, " Miguel said as he walked out.

She sat on the couch at the right of her office, next to the wall. Still admiring the invitation. The galla was tonight and she was definitely planning on going.

"You ready to leave? " she heard Nicks voice ask.

She turned to find him standing in the doorway. Sneaking up on people had to be some sort of talent of his. She looked at her watch. It was almost five. The damn meeting had eaten up her time.

"Yes. Let's go, " she said as she stood. She went over to her desk and picked her purse, placing the invitation inside before heading for the door.

He stepped aside to give her room to pass. His features stern. How could he just act as if nothing had happened and go on with his life. But if that's how he wanted things to be then fine. She was also going to act as if he didn't exist.

Which was why she was going to attend the galla alone.

He was a distraction and she was willing to do anything to feel sane again. So she decided, she would not tell him about it. No one was obliged to stop her. And she would be back before anyone even realised that she had left.


But even as she planned this, she could feel his presence behind her. Feel his eyes looming over her body. And she inwardly shuddered.

She just needed one night where she was free form all that.

One night when she didn't wonder about what he was doing or who he was thinking about.

Just one night where she wouldn't have to lie to herself about what was really going on. About what she was really starting to feel.


Nick had officially moved into the Lockwood mansion. Two rooms away from her.

If the other nights had been bad, the ones from how in would be a special kind of hell.

After getting home, she preferred to stay in her room where she slept for over two hours. Payment for that morning, he assumed. She then walked around the rose garden at the back of the house. Ate, watched TV and tried to go through some papers for work. She didn't do that for long though, only twelve minutes of frowning and mumbling before she out the papers back.

She clearly didn't like her job. And he craved to know why she was doing it.

It made her unhappy.

And that made him..... mad.

During dinner, she had sat alone at the kitchen counter and that had to be the first time he'd seen her not excited about food. She barely took three bites before setting the plate aside.

"I'm going to bed, " she said as she slid off the stool to put the dishes in the sink.

"Okay, " Nick said and she strode past him. But he held her arm. Crystal looked up at him but his attention was focused straight ahead. It kind of infuriated her but she chose to ignore the feeling.

"Goodnight, " he curtly stated and she felt a little disappointed. So that was it? She wondered.

"Goodnight, " She answered and he let her go.

Nick felt like he was burning up inside. After that morning he had promised himself that he would let her be. They had both been clearly affected by whatever was going on between them.

Trouble was, he didn't want to be.

A guy like him wasn't built for that kind of thing and the sooner she realized that the better it would be for both of them.

But that didn't mean he'd stopped thinking about her. Or paying close attention to every single thing she did. Or craving to touch her skin. Especially after what had happened that morning.

Those images of her would no doubt be imprinted in his brain for a very long time to come. And each time he thought about them, he got hard. Just as he was now.

Just as he had been for most of the day. And it was messing with his brain.

He accompanied her to her room before taking the five steps that led to his. Sleeping wasn't an option and he wasn't the type to read a book.

So he decided to go out for a run. Not like she needed him till the following day.

The neighborhood was quiet. Just like most of the other places infested with the wealthy. Only the sound of some sort of classical music could be heard.

He'd always loved running, even as a child. He recalled those days in the orphanage he and Matt had grown up in. They would wake up extremely early and run rounds in the cold.

Then one day they had decided to keep running. As far away from that place as they could. And they never looked back.

He must have been running for like an hour now. His limbs started to ache and he was getting out of breath but still he went on.


The name rung in his head like a freaking song. One his heart knew the rhythm to.

Goodness! Taking this job had not been his greatest idea. Cause now he didn't want her... he needed her. The same way one needed water or air to survive. He just didn't function well when he was away from her.

He stopped in his tracks, breathless and panting.

He had to go back. Make sure she was okay. Or else he would not make it through the night.

He just had to see her. And with that thought, he circled back and headed for the mansion. Running as fast as he could, and the stillness of the night only intensified his goal.

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