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Chapter two

Crystal Lockwood squeezed her way past the crowd of people. Why did airports have to be so crowded? As if her large suitcase wasn't enough of a burden, she'd decided to wear eight inch platform heels. Curse the desire to look fashionable.

Initially, her brown hair had been tied at the top of her head. But now it was a loose mass of very irritating strands. She peered around for her dad.

It had been five years. God! Even she hadn't intended to be away for that long.

London was a great place, although she hated that the reason for her being there was to learn how to become a lawyer.

That had to be like the most boring proffesion in the history of boring proffessions. But it's what her dad wanted. He'd laughed when she'd told him she wanted to become an artist.

"Painting is a hobby, not a career! " he'd said. That had broken her heart, but not as much as being forced to study law. She'd only seen her father a few times since he'd accompanied her to the airport that chilly morning five years ago. He was, after all, the best lawyer in the whole if Seattle. No wonder he wanted her to take on the stupid course. Just to follow in his footsteps.

Her dad was lucky that she loved him, otherwise she would have stood her ground and defied him.

She got to the exit and looked around. Where was he? She tightened her grip on her suitcase and bit her bottom lip. She was in an open space now so it wouldn't take long before he noticed her.

"Um... Mrs. Lockwood, is it? " asked a guy from beside her. Crystal turned and nodded.

"My name is Aiden, your dad sent me to pick you up, " said the middle aged man in a suit.

"Where is he? " because he couldn't have just sent someone else to pick her up unless he was really held up.

"He had an urgent meeting to attend to but he asked me to take you to him. Welcome back by the way, "

Crystals eyes widened. A meeting? He'd left his daughter who he hadn't been in close contact with for five years for a meeting?

"Right this way ma'am, " Aiden said as he took the suitcase from Crystal and directed her outside. Crystal followed quietly behind him. They got to the car that had been parked outside, clearly her dads taste, and she got into the backseat as Aiden held the door open for her.

She wasn't used to this treatment. Hadn't been for five years. But now she recalled how life close to her dad was. There was always someone to fulfil her every wish, someone to make sure she was truly satisfied.

Aiden put her suitcase in the trunk and got into the drivers seat.

" So where exactly did you say you were taking me? " she asked, curious to find out.

" Diaz Law Firm, you know, that company your dad invested in. "

Crystal narrowed her eyes. Why did he want her there? They could have just met at home after he was done with his work.

"Ma'am, buckle up please, " Aiden said and Crystal smiled and fastened her seatbelt. Not that she saw the need to. Aiden was a rather swift driver, not too fast, just fast enough.

"So how long have you been working for my dad? " she asked in an attempt to break the silence. Plus she was a rather talkative person or at least that's what all her friends back in London kept telling her.

"Not long, probably a year, maybe less. " the blonde haired driver answered.

"You've been away for quite a while, isn't that right ma'am? "

"Five years. And you can call me Crystal. Ma'am makes me feel way too old, "

" Crystal it is then. So do you spell that with a 'C' or a ' K' ?"

Crystal laughed and asked who in their right senses spelt Crystal with a K.

"This girl I used to know in highschool. She literally believed in sorcery. I actually remember this one time........ " and just like that they were talking. He was a nice guy. Very friendly and funny too. Exactly the type of company she liked to be around. They talked about a lot of things which kept her from wondering why her dad wanted to meet with her and why he hadn't gone to pick her up. Then Aiden answered her question.

'It must be nice huh? Finally being back here after all that time? " Crystal thought about it, then she realized she wasn't as exciting as she'd expected to be

" I guess so, "

"If I were you I'd be ecstatic. I mean getting to work in a Firm like that. I google it, turns out the Firm is the best in the -"

"Whoa, chill out! What are you talking about? " she cut in because she truly had no clue. Aiden simply shrugged.

"Well, I mean, I overheard your dad talking the other day and he wants you to work there on his behalf. Didn't you know that? "

Crystal couldn't even bring herself to respond. What the hell was her dad thinking? She didn't even want to become a lawyer in the first place. She only said yes in order to not disappoint him. Plus at the time her mom had just died and she hadn't seen the point to add to his frustration. She knew absolutely nothing about running a freaking Firm.

"I guess it's supposed to be a surprise, " Aiden said. Oh it was a surprise alright.

"Do me a favor and act shocked when he tells you. I don't want him to think I'm spying or anything ,you know? " At least this time she nodded. Though she was still very much confused . But what choice did she have. She'd learnt from a very young age not to argue with her dad. There was simply no point because he never listened. One of those people that believed they were always right.

"Oh shit! " she exclaimed. Realising how she looked. She was wearing a baby pink wrap dress that gave new meaning to the word short. Not to mention the ridiculously high heels she'd with and a slight feeling her head convinced her that her hair was a mess.

"Is everything okay? "

Of coarse it wasn't. She had a controlling dad who held her on a leash and who she was about to meet for the purpose of a job she hadn't even known she had and she looked like a character from a Halloween movie.

"Crystal? " Aiden asked again as he quickly glanced back. She asked whether he could stop at a Gas Station or something so she could use the washroom and he told her they had just past they had just passed the last one before they got to the Firm.

"Actually we're almost there, " She really didn't need to know that.

"Yeah but isn't there somewhere else you can stop? Please? " He seemed to sense the desperation in her tone and he looked around.

" Well there is a restaurant around the corner. The owner is real nice. I'll stop there. "

Crystal thanked him then started thinking about what she would wear. She needed to look formal. God! She dreaded that word. It was another reason why she loathed being a lawyer in the first place. They're wardrobe was a girls nightmare. Especially a girl like Crystal who was obsessed with fashion. She went shopping every week and just loved all the different fabrics and colours.

A short while later, Aiden parked in front of a massive restaurant and she quickly got out, asking him to open up the trunk. She went and took her suitcase out and as she ran inside the restaurant she could hear Aiden shouting from the car, telling her not to take too long .

The inside of me restaurant wasn't at all like what shed expected .The place was elegantly breathtaking . There were countless tables all covered with pure white table cloths and surrounded by seats which Crystal could have sworn were painted in gold. Unfortunately, she didn't have time to admire the place. She looked around wondering where the bathroom was and followed her instincts when she saw an entrance to the right. Hopefully, there wouldn't be anyone there to witness her craziness. If there was one thing Crystal was worried about it was what people thought about her.

Perhaps it was because of her upbringing. People always expected the rich girl who lived downtown to be elegant and sophisticated.

Crystal was okay with looking the part but when it came to acting the part she was always subconscious. She thought and rethought everything she did.Trying to judge what people would think or how they would react. And for someone as social and talkative as her, that was usually a problem.

It sometimes made her feel trapped in an invincible cage. The worst part was there was nothing she could do about it. It was just in her nature.

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