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Chapter four

" Men's room? "Crystal asked but he didn't respond. Just stood there looking at her from underneath his thick lashes. Making her feel completely vulnerable. He smelt like power, if that was even possible. A woody yet exotic spice she couldn't quite name. And his stare was so cold she almost shivered. She cleared her throat nervously and shifted from foot to foot.

"Well. Okay then do you mind get out for just a moment.... Please? "

If that was truly a magic word then he was immune to its effects. He didn't even show any signs of wanting to leave.

" Why should I? You're the one that doesn't belong here... " he let his gaze flicker over her yet again "..are you not? "

He might have been the sexiest man alive but he clearly didn't have morals. Crystal was running late and she really didn't have time for this.

" Are you kidding me? Do you know nothing about etiquette? "

" I'm afraid I don't, " was the clear response. Crystal figured that it would be wise not to argue with him. Aiden must be wondering why she was taking so long. And this guy was not going to leave. Which meant there was only one way this could go. She gathered every ounce of courage she had and picked up her top. She then turned away from him though there was no use. She still caught him taking her in in the mirror in front of her.

She let the wrap dress fall to the ground and quickly put on the top. Then she turned around proceeding to pick up her blazer , then her shoes. Once they were on she collected her things from the floor and threw them into her suitcase. She stood up, realizing that he still had his eyes pinned on her, as if mastering her every action.

" Well of you'll excuse me, I have a meeting with people who actually know the meaning of principles! " she firmly stated as she strode around him to leave, dragging her suitcase along.

" Oh and by the way, I don't know if anyone taught you this but it isn't polite to stare at people! " she added before storming out. That was definitely a strange and unexpected encounter, but in the bright side, at least she was never going to meet him again. Whoever her dark haired, grey eyed and impolite mystery man was. Though something told her he was going to be stuck in her mind for days to come.

Which made the idea of never seeing him again a little... Or maybe a lot disappointing.


Nick took in a breath of air. Felt like the first time he'd done so since walking in here. What had just happened? He wasn't the type that got affected by appearances. So why had they just affected him now. He'd seen his share of pretty women. From actresses to models. But he'd never seen the big deal in it. He'd never necessarily saw it as anything but what it truly was.

An appearance.

A look to be identified by.

So what the fuck was going on here! Why the hell did he feel like his stupid heart had stopped beating ?Why was he taking in deep breaths so he could find a hint of her scent in it. Nature. That's what it smelt like.

Like the green fields on a spring morning. Or a flower garden after blooming.

Why couldn't he move and why couldn't he forget how she looked ? Was it even normal to have skin that flawless, with completely no sign of even the tiniest spot? Her eyes. For the love of all things sacred! Those eyes. Amber. That was their colour. They seemed warm, as if a slow burning fire ignited beneath them. What was she? Some sort of witch? Because a spell was the only way to explain what she'd done to to him.

He decided that what he needed was a strong drink to forget everything that had happened. This was so not going to happen to him. He looked down and realized just how hard he'd gotten. And he hadn't even touched the girl. He pretty much staggered out of there and back to the bar, then after that he would go and pick up a random girl somewhere.

Hopefully he wasn't ever going to run into that girl again. He'd rather die than let her affect him like that.


Crystal hurriedly got out of the car and looked up at the building in front of her. Diaz Law Firm. It sounded awfully familiar.

"Eighteenth floor, " Aiden said and she gave him a curt nod before he proceeded to the parking lot.

She walked up the stairs and pushed open the glass doors. Everyone seemed to be busy, they clearly loved their work. It was either that or they had a strict boss. She rode the elevator to the eighteenth floor and went straight to the receptionists desk.

"May I help you? " asked the brunette.

" Oh, wait. Are you Mr. Lockwood's daughter?" she added before Crystal answered. Crystal nodded and the lady stood and greeted her.

She hated being referred to like that. Mr. Lockwood's daughter. The more she stayed here the more she wished she hadn't returned.

"Your father is expecting you. Right this way, "

Crystal couldn't quite tell whether the lady was being nice or was pretending to be because of her job. They got to a door at the end of a hallway and she stopped, knocked on the door then went in with Crystal closely behind her. The first thing Crystal realised was that they were in a board room, with a large table and a number of seats. But there were only three people in there, one of which was her dad.

Lucas Lockwood sat at the very end of the table, looking as refined as always. He instantly stood up on seeing her.

" Are you going to stand there all day or will you come give your old man a hug? "

Crystal rushed over to him and wrapped her arms around him. She had really missed him.

"Hmm , have you grown taller? " he asked as they both withdrew from their embrace. The next couple of minutes was spent talking about how they missed each other. Then someone cleared their his throat. Crystal turned to him. She now recalled why the name of this Firm was so familiar. Because she had spent much of her teenage years listening to one of her closest friends go on and on about it.

" Miguel? I thought I smelt that cologne if yours the moment I walked in here," she said cheerfully. A beeming smile on her face.

""Crystal, I see you're still radiant as always, " Miguel said and Crystal pretty much pounced on him, wrapping her hands around his neck and he laughed as he lifted her off the ground.

"Gosh! You've seriously been working out, huh? " she joked as she touched his biceps. They'd pretty much grown up together. Gone to the same school and when no boy had been brave enough to take Crystal to Prom because they feared her dad, Miguel had stepped in and done so despite there being lots of other girls who were always drooling over him.

"It's been so long and you couldn't have even bothered to call? "

"Says the girl who left without saying goodbye. " Crystal laughed.

"How could I? You'd gone away to law school by then. I did try calling you though ,but you never picked up."

"You ought to have tried harder. But don't worry, I forgive you though you'll have to make it up to me," Miguel said.

Apart from his height and, well, his whole physical outlook, he was still the same. Same dark hair, same brown eyes and the same positive personality. Crystal had never really considered him as anything but a friend but he really was one of the best human beings she knew.

"If we could just finish up with the business at hand first, I'll leave you to your..... interactions, " said the third guy who Crystal had never met. Miguel ushered her to sit down and once they were all seated, her dad had explained everything that was going on. Turns out he was a shareholder in the Firm but with everything else that was going on in his other businesses, he needed someone to represent him here. And who better than his beloved daughter who just happened to be a newly graduated lawyer.

They really didn't give her a choice. Just handed her the papers and showed her where to sign. In situations like these Crystal had learnt it was better not to think about it. That was just going to start up problems and make her dad angry. So she did as asked. Plus she figured it wasn't that bad, she did have one of her oldest friends as a mentor. What could be better than that?

The third guy gathered up the papers, placed them in his briefcase and walked out after wishing them a good day.

"So Crystal honey, Miguel and I were talking and we thought it would be best if you started as soon as you can. That way he can teach you everything you have to know, "

"Sure dad. Whatever you say. "

Her dad then glanced at his watch and hissed before saying he had somewhere to go. And after another quick hug, he headed for the door.

"See you at home darling. And I'm really glad you're back, " he said then walked out. Crystal could only smile. If you could even call it that. Smiles were a sign that you were happy or pleased. She felt none of those things.

" Is everything okay? You have the same look you had when I gave you a toy gun as a birthday present when you turned eight, " Miguel commented and Crystal laughed at the old memory.

" You still remember that? "

"Of course I do. You gifted it back to me for my next birthday."

"What were you thinking getting me that? We both know I was more into dolls and playhouses. " she said and he scoffed, but she could see a smile creeping into his handsome features.

"I thought it was a pretty cool gift, " he argued and Crystal shook her head.

"Yeah, it was definitely better than the scarf you had gotten me the previous year!" he acted shocked.

"What was wrong with the scarf ? It was pure silk you know. "

" It was also brown. Who gives a seven year old a brown scarf as a birthday gift ?"

They both laughed. Their families had been extremely close meaning they had spent a lot of time together. Their moms had been best friends and Miguel's mom had been really devastated when Crystals mom passed away. They spent some minutes recalling the past and Crystal congratulated him for making his dream come true.

"Come on, I'll give you a tour of this place, " he said as he stood and offered her his arm. Crystal crooked hers into it and he opened the door. But although they walked, talked and laughed, there was something at the back of her mind. Actually it was more of a someone.

Someone with eyes so grey they were almost like transparent steel.

Someone who filled her head with thoughts that were too uncivilized to be said out loud.

Someone who she'd probably never meet again.

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