Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter five

Marcus Hines leaned back on the bench. The park had always been one of his favourite places. He loved the feel of the cool breeze as it swept across his face. The smell of fast-food. The sound of children playing and laughing.

If only they knew the darkness that lurked so nearby. How he'd missed this. It had been twenty long years. Twenty years of being locked up and treated like an animal. For twenty years he'd been denied his freedom.

But now he was finally out and he had some scores to settle. He'd made sure that everyone that had taken part in his detention had gotten what they deserved. Them along with those they loved.

The last person on his list of vengeance was the goddamned lawyer that had sent him away.

Lucas Lockwood.

He'd spend every night for the past twenty years just imagining how nice his death would make him feel. How he'd marvel at his demise. He looked at his watch and smiled. The assassin he'd hired must have done it by now and was on his way to tell him that the guy was off to the afterlife. Finally.

He was well aware that his precious daughter was due to return the same day.It was why he'd chosen it. So she would be welcomed by the news of his death.

Before she met her own.

They all deserved it. They'd made his own family abandon him. His own children wanted nothing to do with him.There was no way he was going to let them get away with what they'd done to him. Absolutely no way! Suddenly, someone came and sat next to him. Good, it was about time he showed up.

"Is it done? " he asked the assassin he'd hired. He was one of the best money could buy. And up until now, he'd done his job swiftly and perfectly.

"I'm afraid I came across a bit of a setback, "

What was that supposed to mean? But he didn't ask. It was better to let the guy explain himself before he did something drastic.

"Someone spotted me and pushed the target out of the way. I got out of there as fast as I could."

Marcus clenched his fist.

"Who is this someone? "

"No idea. I think its just a normal civilian, "

Marcus let out a breath. He had to be practical.

"Lie low for now and try again once things cool off. You know what? Don't try.... Actually DO it next time! " He commanded past gritted teeth. Then he stood to leave.

"What about his daughter? Is she still a target? "

"Kill them both!" was all Marcus then he left.

Lucas Lockwood might have been lucky this time but never again. The clock was ticking. And he along with his daughter were living on borrowed time. It wasn't going to be long before their luck ran out.

Tik Tok.


Nick pushed past the crowd of people with Matt by his side. Just like all the other nights, Lotus Club was completely packed up. But more so today because it was a Friday.

It had popularly become the place to be mostly because the owner, Miguel, was usually on the cover of several magazines. Nick didn't come here often but when Matt made him tag along, he figured he could very well use the distraction.

It had been two days and after three bar fights, plenty of random fucks and even more bottles of alcohol, he was back to being himself.

They went up the little flight of stairs and on seeing them, the bouncer outside let them into the VIP lounge. Sometimes it paid off to be associated with the owner, it meant they got free entry and free drinks. Though Nick preferred paying for his. What was the use of having plenty of stolen cash if you weren't going to use it. Once inside, Nick was welcomed by the sight of Miguel , Dahlia and........ Detective Saunders? What the fuck ! He was in no mood to argue so he went over and took a seat across from them.

"Hey guys, what an unexpected surprise, " Matt said and Nick realised that he was acting. He clearly knew they would be there.

"You were supposed to come and see me like two days ago. Why didn't you? " Miguel asked and Nick shrugged.

"I've been busy, "

"Doing what? You don't even have a job." This time it was Saunders who talked and Nick turned to him. An intense look on his face.

"Oh trust me, you don't wanna know! " he kept his tone low and husky, just like he usually did. The cop stood, took a swig of his drink and placed his hands up in a gesture of peace.

"Calm down. I actually only tagged along because I wanted to apologize, " he said and Nick frowned. What the hell was he talking about.

"For what? "

"You know, I was basically harassing you. I had no idea that you used to be in the army, "

Was he crazy or what? maybe someone had drugged his drink.

"Who told you that? "

"Miguel did. Anyways, I gotta go. I should be on patrol right now, " the cop said and left.

Nick turned towards Miguel.

"And where exactly did you get that information from? " he asked and Miguel pointed at Matt. Since when were those two friends. But he wasn't shocked, Matt was exactly the type to go around making things up. It wasn't his fault that people chose to believe him. He just had that effect on people. He wanted to banish their false thoughts but he let it be. They could think whatever the hell they wanted. He didn't give a fuck.

" Here. I brought the papers along with me so you can sign them, " Miguel stated as he handed them over.

Nick took the papers along with the pen Miguel offered and quickly signed.

"Won't you check to see what they say? " Miguel asked. There was something about his tone that wasn't quite right .As if they all knew something he didn't.

"Why, what do they say? " he asked as Miguel put away his pen.

""Not much, just that you're legally free to do whatever you want and that the court won't bother you as long as you have a well paying and legal job.

He had to be joking.

"I think it's time to rethink my offer, " Dahlia said as she leaned in to pat his shoulder.

"Who the fucking hell do they think they are to tell me how to live my life! "

"You have to try and understand. It will be very suspicious if you keep spending money that you can't account for," Miguel explained.

None of this even made sense. A waiter came in and brought everyone drinks and he drunk the whole thing in one gulp, then asked the guy to bring him a bottle. Miguel stated trying to reason with him but he didn't want any of that.

So he stood up to leave. He was currently in no mood for company.

"Hey, where are you going? " Matt asked and Nick said he was heading home. No one tried convincing him to stay. They knew there wasn't a point. On his way out the door he met with the waiter and took the bottle from him.

"Nick, wait up!" Matt shouted after him while he was heading down. He stopped and turned towards him.

"What! "

"Just wanted you to know that I was only trying to help. I knew about the court rule so I hacked into the system over at the place I work and faked your profile. Thus the whole you being a veteran thing, " Matt said and told him it was cool. Illegal, but still pretty cool. Apparently, Matt bad thought it would help him out. Not that he really cared about the court rule, no one controlled how he chose to live. Which was why he was going to go back to his old job as soon as he could. His gun was getting rusty.

"Where did you leave Brianna? " Nick then asked.

Brianna was Matts six year old daughter. Yeah..... poor girl. But Matt loved her to death. She was the result of a random screw. Her mom wanted to abort or give her up for adoption but Matt was completely against it. He had claimed full responsibility and was now... as strange as it might sound, a single dad. At first, Nick hadn't thought he'd been able to do it but he proved him wrong. He was a great father and did anything he had to in order to care for her. Anything. Both he and Matt had grown up in an orphanage so he understood the reason behind Matts actions.

"With the nanny, daddy needed a night out . It's been three days since I got laid, " Matt replied and Nick shook his head.

"You're out of your mind, "

"Thought you said I don't have one. Make up your mind already, " Matt said as he headed back into the VIP lounge.

Nick proceeded to head down. He wanted to leave. The music was too loud and the place smelled like sweat from all the moving bodies around him.But underneath all that there was something else. Something that didn't fit in with all the chaos. And among all the pungent smells was one that didn't belong in this place. One he recognized all too well since it had made him lack sleep for the past two nights .He looked around, not quite sure what he was searching for under the dim lights.

Great, now he was imagining things. He concluded that the faster he got out of that place the better it would be.

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