Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter six

Nick forced himself to get out of the club though some invincible force wanted him to stay. Once he was out of the back door, he took in a deep breath and drunk from his bottle. Something was going on with him and he didn't like it. He needed to leave, so why wasn't he?

Instead, he turned back to the entry and was about to go back in when the door swung open.

She stormed out.

The object of all his newly found fantasies. The being that had managed to mess with his logic in the most fundamental of ways. She smelt the same and he doubted it had anything to do with perfume. It felt like a natural scent. And a rather divine one as well.

She looked up until she met his eyes, then she widened hers.

"Where are you darling? "

"Oh, there she is! " said two voices from behind her.

Two large men walked out of the club. Their arms were both covered in tattoos and they wore stupid grins on their ugly ass faces.

"I like it when they run, " one of them said and the other chuckled.

"Yeah. There's nothing better than a good chase, " the other answered. The girl looked back at them then turned to Nick. Eyes full of fear. He could almost see the pulse tick. Could almost hear her heart beating drastically.

She was silently asking for help.

"Hey buddy, why don't you go in and enjoy the music. " The taller of the two suggested, talking to Nick who hadn't moved a fraction since he saw her.

"I detest the music, " he replied. Sounding as dangerously calm as he always did.

"Then get out of here! "

"And May I know why you think I'll do that? "

"Cause if you don't, we'll wipe the ground with your face. " One of them said and took a step closer. The girl quickly shifted and stood behind Nick. Closely behind him.

He turned and looked at her. The purest pair of amber eyes gazed back at him.And he felt something inside him switch. But this wasn't right. This was the second time they'd met and God forbid there be a third. He didn't go around saving people, it wasn't his job.


This was definitely the last time Crystal was going to a club, she told herself .Some of her old friends had heard of her return and made her go out with them. Said they wanted to catch up. Well! Where were they now?

She should have left when she realized that the two creeps in the corner were staring at her But no, she just had to stay there and pretend she hadn't noticed.

But at least now she knew why she'd been feeling restless the whole time there. Why the hairs at the back of her neck had risen the moment she had stepped foot in there.And why she had constantly been looking around for someone she had been sure wasn't there.

Mr. tall , sexy and handsome.

She hid behind him because he made her feel safe. He was so much taller than she was and she could practically feel the heat coming off his body. And this time he wasn't wearing a suit. He was in a black tight T-shirt that clearly outlined his physique and a pair of black jeans.

He stared at her for the longest while then........ he stepped aside.

Just left her standing there completely unshielded.

The two stupid guys smiled especially when the guy carried on with drinking his beer like nothing was happening.

"Looks like your knight in shining armor isn't as brave as you thought. "

Crystal stared at him. Her face a display of both shock, frustration and fear. Guess she was in this alone. She stared back at the two creeps.

"I'm warning you, my friends will be out looking for me and when they do- "

"What? Huh, what will they do? "

"I'm not scared of you! " of course she was and they could clearly see it.

"Good, we don't want you to be scared, "

she slowly started moving back.

"Back off you..... you... "

She tried to search for a name but couldn't find one. She had never been good at arguing let alone threatening people. Which she knew was strange considering that she was a lawyer.

"I'll scream! "

"Go ahead. We also enjoy a bit of screaming, means we're doing it right. "

She turned to her mystery man again. But he was too busy enjoying his beer to notice. She couldn't believe she had been attracted to him. How stupid of her.

The men walked towards her and true to her words she screamed at the top of her lungs. They held her hands and tried dragging her into the dark. She struggled against them. Scratching and kicking. But they were too strong. She hated the feeling of their rough hands on her skin. Then one of them went behind her and wrapped his arm tightly around her in an effort to carry her away.

And then suddenly, there was the sound of glass breaking and the grip on her loosened, followed by a thud on the ground.

Nick then lunged for the second guy, punching him in the jaw before proceeding to kick him on the ribs.The man fell and Nick followed him down and continued punching him over and over. Crystal was sure she heard his nose break. The other guy struggled to his feet and Crystal warned Nick to look out.

He instantly stood The guy could hardly walk straight due to impact from the beer bottle. Nick hit him on the side of his face with his elbow with speed that seemed impossible for a guy of his size. Then he grabbed the guys arm and twisted it to his back. The guy howled in pain.

"Hey! You're hurting me , " he said as his features contorted in agony.

"Actually this is just soft tissue. And if you wanna avoid complete facial reconstruction then I suggest you shut the fuck up! " Crystal heard her hero say in that deep voice of his.

Nick wrapped his other arm around the guys neck.

"Now, I'm gonna break your arm. But I'm gonna be a gentleman about it and let you pick which one, " The guy didn't say anything, just begged for Nick to let him go. And after a few seconds, Crystal heard the sound of breaking bones. The guy howled and tears were running down his cheek.

"Thought I told you to shut up, " Nick said and tightened the hold he had around the guys neck for about ten seconds and when he let go, the man simply fell to the ground. Completely motionless.

Then there was silence.

Crystal knew she ought to thank him but for the moment, it seemed like she had lost the ability to form words.


" Is he dead? " Crystal finally asked referring to the guy who didn't seem to be breathing.

"Why would you care? "

His voice was low, deep and rough. Just like she remembered it.

"Well of course I would! "

He narrowed his gaze as if he didn't understand her, then he took slow steps towards her. Crystal wondered what his intentions were. Had he saved her so he could carry on with what the others had been up to? She put up her hand and told him to stop. He did, for a second before going on. Crap! she thought as she stepped back.

He towered above her and had just proven himself to be stronger than the other two men combined. But what worried her was the fact that she wasn't afraid. At least not like she was supposed to be.

He seemed as if he wasn't quite sure of what he was doing. Crystal finally hit the wall and he came closer until there was no distance between them.

"What are you doing? " she asked, her breathing fast and jagged. His presence was too domineering.

"To be honest, I don't know. "

That sounded honest, strange but honest. She lifted her hands to push him away but the moment she placed them on his chest, she couldn't do it. His skin was pure warmth and she could feel the steady beat of his heart. How was he always that calm?

He looked at her hands for a while then at her. Then for some reason, Crystal felt his heart speeding up. And suddenly her hands were pinned on the wall above her head.

"What are you? "

The hell kind of question was that?

"Wh..... What do you mean? "

But he didn't answer, just stared at her for the longest while before leaning in to her neck and breathing in long and hard. Crystal had never felt such a rush of sensation and all he was doing was breathing her in.

"You smell like flowers. Why? "

"Do I?.... I've never realized. " was her response because come on, which other was there?

He pulled away from her neck and his attention went to her hair. It was in a messy bun on her head apart from two strands which framed either side of her face. He recalled how it looked the first time they'd met. A wild mass of silk on her head. He preferred it like that and before he knew what he was doing, he loosened the grip on one hand. Capturing both of hers in one of his, then he untied it.

"What are you doing? " she asked in that shaky yet sweet voice of hers.

Her hair fell in one sweep, he wondered if it was as soft as it looked and didn't fight the urge to run his fingers through it.

"Is this how you treat all the girls you meet? " she asked and he leaned in until their foreheads were touching.

"Only those that interest me. "

"And how many have interested you so far? " she didn't know why she asked.

"You're the first. "

Crystal shook her head and struggled to get free of his hold but couldn't.

"Will you please let me go? "

"No. "

It was a blunt answer, he didn't even hesitate in giving it and he showed no signs of doing as asked. Nick wasn't quite sure of why he couldn't let her go. He didn't even know her name. But she had the strangest effect on him.

She was dressed in a short tight red dress. A VERY short tight red dress.

"What's your name? " she asked and she could feel his perfectly curved chest against hers as he breathed in and out. Then he went to her ear and without thinking, he gently nibbed her earlobe.

She gasped and he wanted to do it again but restrained himself.

"What's yours? " He asked still close to her ear, very close. God! She turned him on just by breathing.

"I asked you first. "

"Then be the first to answer. "

She turned her face to the side, almost as if she were giving him better access.

"Let me go first then I'll tell you. "

"No. "

"Why? "

Nick contemplated the question. Then, as if a switch had been clicked in his head, he realized what he was doing. Christ! What WAS he doing? He instantly stumbled back, running a hand through his dark hair. An action that he registered as Matts. He always did it when he was stressed or confused.

But no him. Nick was never any of those things. He looked at the girl one more time and she looked just as confused as he felt.

"Are you okay? " She asked but Nick didn't answer. He just walked away from there as fast as he could.

Of course he wasn't okay. He was losing his mind and any minute he spent close to that girl was another step closer to insanity. Because that's what all of this was.

Pure madness.

But as much as he tried he couldn't get her image out of his head. Her skin was surprisingly soft and he craved it more than he'd craved anything else his entire life. He needed a distraction from it all. Anything was better than staying at home with images of a sensual stranger glued to his mind.

He'd fought many people in his life and for once he was fighting with himself.

For control.

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