Chapter 4

[Amelia POV]

I woke up the next morning not realizing I had fallen asleep. I still was dressed in my black outfit from the day before. I sat up slowly feeling like my head was throbbing, I guess that’s what happens when you cry yourself to sleep. I don’t know why I already felt heartbroken before I had even known for sure that my mate might reject me, but it was so hard to believe that I could live up to anyone’s hopes for a mate. I stood and slowly walked to the bathroom switching on the light and glancing at my appearance in the mirror. My eyes were puffy and red still. How attractive right?

I undressed and hopped into the shower. The warmth of the water melted away some of the tension I was feeling, and I just stood under the flow of the water for a short time. I felt more relaxed hearing the sound of the water hitting against the bottom of the shower. I washed myself with my favorite body wash, sweat pea scent! I lathered my hair with my smoothing shampoo and conditioner, honey and vanilla scented. Once I was finally clean and relaxed, I stepped out reaching for my favorite super soft towel and began drying myself off.

I began working on my hair blow drying it, and hiding my puffy eyes under some concealer and dark shadow. I headed my closet and stood trying to decide what to wear, I still had forgotten to ask Harper what the dress code was. As I was considering my options my phone dinged. I walked over to the bed where I had left t last night and turned it over to see a text message. A text from Owen. I felt like my heart dropped to my stomach and my throat felt tight. It was only a text but it sent me into instant panic. I stood frozen for a moment debating if I should open it.

‘Open it you goof, it’s from our mate!’ Anaya said suddenly awake.

‘I will, in a minute.’ I replied.

‘It’s just a text Mia, it wont bite!’ She says teasing me.

‘I know that! Leave me be!’ I snap back at her.

I took a deep breathe before unlocking my phone and opening the message taking one more deep breathe.


Owen: Good morning Amelia, I hope you slept well. I hope it is ok that I am messaging you! How are you? Will you be working today?

(deep breathes)

Amelia: Good morning Owen, I slept fine and yes I will be working in the café today. How are you?

Owen: I am glad you slept well. I am fine, a little busy because are having a special event on Friday.

Amelia: oh, yes Liam my brother mentioned it.

Owen: Liam Miller is your brother?

Amelia: Mhm, yes he is!

Owen: Wow! What a coincidence! We have become very close friends since he has been here. He did mention a sister, but I didn’t know it was you.

Amelia: Yeah, I think he wanted to introduce me to everyone on Friday. So that may be why he didn’t mention me much.

Owen: So you will be coming to visit the pack Friday?

Amelia: I was still deciding but I think since we are mates I should meet everyone.

Owen: It would be great if you could. Everyone is very welcoming and kind here!

Amelia: That is what my brother said too, I am glad he found such a wonderful pack.

Owen: Yes he had adjusted well and has learned a lot since being with us, and of course met Olivia.

Amelia: Olivia is so sweet and has been so kind to me, and we have become very close. I am really happy to be close now so I can see her more. She is the sister I never had!

Owen: That is really great! So, Amelia I was wondering if you would not mind if I stopped by today so we can talk again. Would you ok with a short visit? If you have the time of course.

Amelia: Oh, yeah, ok! If we are not too busy I have a break around 11, how about then? Or I get off at 7.

Owen: I can come by 11, would that be ok?

Amelia: Sure

Owen: ok I will see you then Amelia!

Amelia: Ok, see you then. Bye Owen.


I let out a nervous breath and my heart was still beating a mile a minute, but I couldn’t help the smile that was forming in the corner of my mouth. Our messages were nothing special but just talking to Owen like this still made me nervous and blush profusely. I could only hope that I can control my nervousness better in person this time.


How can someone be so cute in text message, but it seemed liked anything Amelia does is cute. She is so shy and timid in everything, and blushes at the smallest compliment. I feel guilty for making her so uneasy, but holding back and not telling her every day how beautiful she is not something I plan on doing. She really is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. I do not know if it simply because we are mates but no other girl comes close to her.

“Winny! Here are you?” The sound of a voice breaks me away from my thoughts.

“I asked you to stop calling me that Leah.” I snap at my sister playfully.

“I know you did but I didn’t say I would!” She says skipping into my room and sitting beside me.

“I’m pretty sure it’s me who gets to decide, since I am older.” I retort.

“Oh come on Winny, it’s a name of endearment for my best brother!” She says giving me a cheesy smile.

“I am your only brother.” I say rolling my eyes.

“Exactly, so I need to show my love even more!” Leah whines.

I know there is no point in fighting her on this and finally decide to just give up on this, at least for today.

“So is it true you found your mate?!” She says almost squeeling.

“God Leah, how does such a sound come out of you? You’re a wolf, that high pitch sound is not natural.” I say covering my ears and scrunching my face in annoyance.

“Oh sorry! I am just so excited! So, what is her name? Is she pretty? How old is she? Why haven’t you brought her here to meet us? When will she move here?” Leah says almost not stopping for a breath.

“Leah calm down! Ok? You will get to meet her soon, and as I told mother she is shy, and I don’t want to overwhelm her. You and mom together would scare her away, so I wan to introduce everyone to her slowly. Also, I just met her yesterday, so I want to spend more time with her before I introduce you guys to her!” I say standing and walking toward my closet to change. “Now get out so I can change!”

“Uh! Fine, but as soon as she comes here I am making her my new best friend!” My sister says skipping out of my room.

Sometimes it doesn’t seem like she is actually 17 now, especially when she skips around like that. I couldn’t help but laugh at how immature she was sometimes, but it just reminded me how innocent she still was. I still had time before I was going to meet Amelia, so I decided that now may be a good time to meet with Liam and let him know what’s going on. Not sure how he will feel knowing that his best friend and his sister are mates. I really hope he isn’t too mad!

After I finish getting ready I took one last deep breath before walking out of my room. I walked down the hallway and I an already hear the commotion of everyone at breakfast. Only a few of us lived in this main packhouse, while there was another where several more of the pack members lived, but most came here to enjoy breakfast with the Alpha and Luna. Of course, everyone is always welcome and my parents are always happy to have a kitchen full of our pack. Stepping off the last step I couldn’t help but smile seeing everyone laughing and smiling and just enjoying their time together. I loved being with the pack members like this, it made it feel like such a wonderful big family.

I have always loved these moments of all of us being together, but then a thought crept into my mind. Amelia seems shy and nervous. What if something like this would make her feel too overwhelmed? I would never want her to be uncomfortable and afraid of the size of our pack. But she would be Luna one day! That may be too much for her as well, but she is my mate I can’t lose her. Maybe it is time to have my own house built on the property. Time to call the contractor! But first I need to visit Liam and Olivia, so I leave the noisy dining room and make the short walk to Liam and Olivia’s house.

There were several new small houses built on the property now that so many of our members had finally met their mates, and some had chosen to live out of the pack house. Liam had originally chosen the small house so that he would have an extra room for his sister, but it seemed like she was not quite ready for that yet. Even though I wished she would like to stay with me, if she does agree to move to the pack property maybe she would feel better staying with her brother for a little while.

The walk to Liam’s is short and soon I was knocking on their door.

“Hey Alpha!” Liam says opening the door to see Owen.

“Not Alpha yet Li!” I say passing him and walking inside.

“Oh hey Owen! What brings you by?” Olivia asks while setting done the last of their breakfast on their dining table.

“Sorry for dropping in unexpectedly, but I have something I want to talk with you about Liam.” I say feeling the nervousness building.

“Oh ok, sure! What’s up?” Liam asks.

“Well, yesterday I stopped by this café that I really like and I met someone. She is my mate.” I begin and pause trying to gauge their reaction so far.

They look at each other for a moment but don’t respond so I continue.

“Like I was saying, I met my mate and she works there. Her name is Amelia, and I learned that Liam she is your sister.” I say almost running out of breath just trying to get the words out.

Again Olivia and Liam look at each other and then they look back at me trying to mask their emotions from the news.

“I am sorry Liam if this makes things awkward for us as friends! I swear I didn’t know she was your sister when I met her. You have become a good friend of mine and one of our best warriors, I would hate for things to be ruined because of this news.” I say feeling panic set in.

Then they both let out a laugh, and I sit there a little confused by their reaction.

“Aw Owen, don’t worry! We found out last night when we spoke to Mimi. She told us all about you guys meeting,” Olivia says smiling.

“Yeah, she told us and we made sure to let her know that you are a good guy.” Liam adds patting me on the shoulder. “But she doesn’t know that you are the next Alpha, and I think it’s a good idea for you to tell her soon.”

Right, the next alpha…

“Did she say anything else about meeting me?” I ask shyly.

“She didn’t mention a lot, but there are a few things I should explain about my sister.” Liam says taking a more serious tone.

“Like what?” I ask nervously.

“Well, I told you a little about how we grew up. My mom didn’t know much about werewolves and she didn’t like talking about it at all. She hated the word after our dad left us. She basically called all werewolves monsters and made my sister feel like she should be ashamed of what she is. I never listened to her and as soon as I could I left, but Mia was stuck there for another two years and had to deal with my parents putting her down and making her feel utterly worthless. She was so scared of disappointing them or getting in trouble from just being herself that she has never even shifted before. She is sensitive because she feels on edge around people, this makes her shy and quiet sometimes. She is scared to open up, and she has little self-confidence. You will have to take things slow with her or she will retreat into herself and shut you out. Even now she probably thinks that there is no way that she is good enough to be someone’s mate.” Liam explains.

“I would never not want her! Why would she think she wasn’t good enough for me? That is not true, and I will reminder her every day that she is perfect in every way!” I say confidently.

“Owen that is so sweet, and I am sure over time she will trust you and open up to you, just be patient with her.” Olivia said giving me a comforting smile.

“I think the firsts step would be to bring her here and let her see how close the pack is. I had planned to bring her Friday, but since she doesn’t know you will become alpha maybe we should have her visit before then. And it would be best if you let her know you are to become the next Alpha before she finds out Friday. That will give her some time to accept things.” Liam suggests.

“You’re right, I guess there is a lot I need to explain to her. I just hope it’s not too much for her to find out that if she accepts me as her mate, that she would become the next Luna.” I say before we fall into a comfortable silence.

“She is stronger than she knows, she just needs your patience and trust. Once she knows how special she is and believes it, she will be the best Luna.” Liam says proudly.

“You’re right! Well, I guess I better leave now and go meet her. We agreed to meet at 11!” I say smiling happily and saying a few quick goodbyes.

Even though I had only just met Amelia, something inside me was pulling me to her. I wanted to be with her all the time, but I knew she needed time. There is just something so welcoming and comforting about being around her and the smell of her scent. There was something else about her too that I could not put my finger on, an aura or feeling I could not figure out which. My wolf had sensed something about her too but it was faint and hard to pinpoint. One thing I am sure of, she will be the most incredible mate and Luna I could ever hope for. Now I just need to find a way to make her believe.

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