Chapter 5
[Amelia POV]
My second day and I have to say the quiet sound of fingers hitting keys while the smell of fresh coffee fills the air is becoming my favorite things. Her second day was better than the first because she had started getting better at operating the espresso machine. It was as busy as the day before, busy during the early hours and then slow loungers filled the café for hours of them on their laptops. The hour had passed quickly and Amelia noticed it was already 10 am, only one hours before Owen would arrive.
“So Amelia, how are you feeling about things so far? Not as hard as your thought right?” Harper asks taking a break after the rush hour.
“Yeah, I think I am getting the hang of things. I am sure with time will get better, but I hope I haven’t been holding things back because I am new.” I say feeling a little guilty that I had not previous experience to bring to my new job and had to learn everything for the first time.
“Oh no don’t worry! It’s only your second day, so any mistakes are understandable. But you have not made many, so it is fine! Don’t be too hard on yourself hun!” She replies patting me on the arm.
I smile back at her, and I am glad I have not caused her too much trouble. Honestly, I loved this place and it felt like I was meant to be here. There was this sense of belonging that I was feeling, and warmth all over. It was a little confusing, but I ignored it. I grab a rag and start cleaning the table close to the window that Owen had sat at the day before, and I could not help but let my thought drift to him.
‘It’s ok to think of him Mia, he is our mate. I would be worried if you didn’t think about him.’ Anaya said.
I smirk at her comment and let the smile linger on my lips as I remembered the sweet moments I shared with Owen, and how I could not wait to see him again. As I was still cleaning, the front door bell rang and Harper greeted the customer who walked in. I tingling feeling ran up my back when I heard the voice of the customer. I froze at the sound of his deep voice. It can’t be him already? I was supposed to have another hour before he came! My hair is a mess from the rush, and I am all flushed from standing in front of the hot espresso machine for the last couple of hours! I look terrible I am sure! Maybe he hasn’t noticed me yet, I may still have a chance to rush away an clean up a little.
‘I am pretty sure he already sensed you before he walked in, I doubt you can run past without him turning and seeing you.’ Anaya said smugly.
‘No one likes a smart mouth wolf!’ I retort.
As I had a little internal struggle I felt a slight brush against my arm and a tingling sensation that soon followed. He was reaching out for me! I tried to ignore the sensations I was feeling and act like I had no idea he was there, but my breaths were getting shaky and my heart started racing.
“Hi Amelia.” Came a voice from the person behind me.
I closed my eyes squeezing them tight before turning, and trying to act normal.
“Oh hi Owen.” I said with a slight crack in my voice.
‘smooth…’ my wolf says sarcastically, and I soon mentally curse her.
“Hi! I am sorry, I know I am early but I had finished my morning stuff early and I couldn’t wait to see you again.” He says with a sweet smile, but I could see a slight blush forming.
‘He couldn’t wait to see us!!!’ My wolf says happily.
I try to hold back the biggest smile at his words, but soon I opt for turning slightly and covering my face slightly as I become a blushing mess. Why does he have this effect on me?
“Do you happen to have a break coming up?” He asks sweetly offering me to sit.
I turn to look toward the counter and see Harper gesturing for me to go sit as well. I mouth to her, ‘Are you sure?’ And she answers with a big smile and a quick nod. So I take the seat across from him and nervously play with my sweater sleeves, wrapping and unwrapping them over my fingers. I look down at the table not sure what to say and wait for Owen to speak. I notice after a few moments that he still hasn’t said anything, and I lift my eyes up to check on him. He was looking at me and smiling slightly just watching me. In any other circumstances I would find it a little odd or creepy but in this case I just blush more. I drop my eyes again, and hear a small chuckle come from across the table.
“You are really cute when you are nervous.” He says with a shallow laugh.
Of course now my face turns completely red and I shrink into myself. I think he sensed how uncomfortable I had become and stood up and knelt down next to me lowering his head to see my face.
“I’m so sorry if I make you uncomfortable. I will try to keep my thoughts to myself.” He says sounding a little sad.
My heart clenches at the sadness in his voice. Oh no, I hurt his feelings!
‘You hurt his feelings Mia! Say something quick!’ Mt wolf says panicking.
“NO!” I almost shout reaching out and grabbing his hand as he stood and was about to walk back to his seat.
I pause and take a deep breathe still holding onto his arm.
“You didn’t do anything wrong, I’m sorry. I am just not used to being complimented. I get really shy, but it’s because of me. It’s nothing you did. Sorry.” I say trailing off into a whisper.
He stood there listening to me and when I had finished talking he came back to kneel beside me. He lifts my chin so I can look at him and gives me a sweet smile.
“You don’t ever have to apologize for just being who you are. I hope that even though the complements make you feel shy, that you won’t stop me from saying them. You deserve to hear them love!” He says covering my hand with his and stroking it softly.
I feel my heart racing again and I am not sure what to do but to look up at him slightly and smile. He smiles back at me and our eyes focus on each other. Usually I find eye contact that lasts too long a little uncomfortable, but I couldn’t look away. The sound of a cup dropping broke us out of our moment and Owen cleared his throat and stood to return to his seat. We stay silent for some time both of us feeling a little embarrassed.
‘you should have kissed him!!!’ My wolf teases.
‘Are you kidding? We barely know him! And it’s my first kiss, I think I want to know the person I give my first kiss to a little longer than 2 days. What is with you?!’ I ask her annoyed.
‘What can I say? We wolves don’t need all these formalities when we meet our mate. The bond is enough to make us trust and care for each other and feel entirely comfortable. You are the one who is too shy to make a move.’ She replies then shutting me out.
I could not deny that I was drawn to Owen I am guessing it was because of our bond, but the feelings were all so new and strange. I had never felt this way before, and that scared me. It should be impossible to fall for someone this quickly, and yet I felt like I was falling for him. He is handsome and sweet, everything I could ever want in a mate. So, what am I so scared of? He soon breaks me out of my personal thoughts.
“I visited your brother and Olivia this morning. I wanted to tell him myself that you are my mate. I hope that was ok!” Owen says shyly.
“Oh, I had already told them. Sorry! Olivia kind of pulled out of me.” I replied with a hushed laugh.
Owen laughs as well. “She does have that power doesn’t she? I was worried that maybe he would be upset since we are close friends, but he seemed happy.” He said with a proud smile.
I smiled in reply, but I did not know what to say in response. Goddess, why am I so socially awkward? I noticed Owen’s smile fades and it looks like something is weighing on his mind. His eyes drop down to the table and I take this chance to examine his face in concern.
“Are you ok?” I ask softly.
He looks up quickly and tries to give me a smile, but I could see something was bothering him still.
“I am fine! I want to tell you something, but I don’t want to scare you away.” He says with a sad look examining my reaction.
“Ok.” I answer waiting for him to continue.
“I know your brother invited you to visit the pack on Friday, and well it’s actually a special day for me. Because well it’s actually a ceremony.” He says pausing and watching me.
“A ceremony for what?” I ask.
“Well, I am to be anointed as the next Alpha of our pack.” He says quickly.
I could not help the surprised look that take over my face, and his sad look turns sadder when he sees how I react.
“I know this is probably a big shock to you, but I didn’t want to wait until Friday for you to find out. I thought it would be best if I told you myself.” He says going quiet.
I am stunned that’s for sure. I can’t believe that not only did I find my mate, but he is a soon to be Alpha. He seems so sad now that he told me the truth, and as much as I am freaking out inside I can’t stand to see him hurt. Does he think I will reject him now that I know? If anything, I would think he would want to reject me, because I am hardly Luna material. Oh my Goddess! That means I would be Luna! What do I do?
‘Stop being afraid that you are not enough! Talk to him before he thinks we don’t care about him because of this! Go on!’ My wolf says to me annoyed.
I look back up at Owen and he still hasn’t looked up at me. I know I need to say something, but I am not sure what to say.
‘Tell him that him being Alpha does not change anything. We are mates and we are meant to be together!’ She growls at me.
‘How can I say that? How can I be Luna? I am nowhere near qualified.’ I reply sadly.
‘Mia I am sorry, but this is not about what you feel like you can and can not do. The moon goddess chose you two to be together because she sees something in you that you can not see. She knows that Owen needs you! A pack without a Luna can grow weak when the Alpha does not have his missing piece. A pack can only grow stronger when there is an Alpha and a Luna to take care of them. When you are mated and bonded with Owen, you will grow stronger too. This is our destiny, and he needs us Mia. Please don’t reject him, it will break us both and could even kill us.’ My wolf explained.
Her last words hit me harder now that I have met Owen and spent time with him. I don’t want anything to happen to him, or for him to suffer or die. As afraid as I am, I would never want to hurt anyone.
“I think you will be a great Alpha.” I say finally smiling at him.
“You think so?” He asks smiling shyly. “And you aren’t going to reject me because of who I am?”
“You are my mate, given to me by the moon goddess, you are a gift and I would be crazy to reject you.” I say with confidence.
I have no idea where that came from but hearing him say that he thinks I would ever reject him is too much and I had to let him know that I would never do that to him.
“But I am just worried because I am not sure if I would be a very good Luna. I mean I have never even shifted before, and in human form I am kind of small and weak. I don’t know if I would be enough for the pack.” I admit softly.
“I know this is sudden and you probably never expected to become Luna of a pack, but I can se that you are exactly the kind of Luna our pack needs. You are kind and humble, and with the pack behind you, you will grow stronger over time. I know this is a lot to take in so I don’t expect you to jump into the role of Luna right away. I am sure you need some time, but if you are ok with it I would like to introduce you as my mate to the pack on Friday. I am sure it will make them happy knowing their Alpha will bring them a Luna soon!” Owen says a little unsure.
I take his words in, and as afraid as I am on the inside my wolf keeps pushing me to give in and accept my destiny. The battle within me is exhausting and I decide to trust my wolf this once and agree.