
"Good girl," Brent patted her back again and she pulled away from the hug. He slowly got on his feet, turned off the television, and offered her his average-sized hand, "C'mon, hon, you better dress up before they come."

She nodded and went to her bedroom. When she closed the door, she went straight to the bathroom and took a bath. The cold waters of the shower made her shudder and remorse taking a bath the second time of the day. But despite that, she felt very refreshed when she left the bathroom. Wearing only her classy bathrobe, she sat on the chair of her dressing table and looked at her very own reflection. She gasped, Brent was right. She really was a mess.

She opened the drawer, grabbed the hairdryer, and began drying her hair while looking at her melancholic reflection. When her hair was completely dry, she made her face a canvas for makeup. After that, she looked at her beautified reflection for the last time before striding to her walk-in closet and opening it.

‘What luxuries money can give you,' she thought while gazing at the entire room. The whole place was packed with luxurious pieces of jewelry, shoes, and clothes, which were gifts from her friends, relatives, and parents. She set her foot inside and began to pick some clothes and pieces of jewelry that she found interesting to wear. She placed what she had picked on her queen-sized bed: a purple tube dress with plain folds that would trace her perfect curves, a daring red halter neck that matches her flaming red hair, and a grass green dress with a racerback that was a perfect match for her perfect green eyes. After minutes of arguing with herself and wearing the three dresses with their matching jewelry and shoes, she decided to pick the red halter neck with the matching ruby jewelry set and red stilettos.

She wore them meticulously and placed back the green and purple dress with their jewelry and shoes back to the walk-in closet. She looked at herself in the mirror once again. The red halter neck dress embraced her curves and perfectly shaped breasts that made her look extremely sexy. Her smokey eyes eyeshadow and red lipstick made her lovely face into an exotic beauty. A little part of her celebrated when she realized she looked like the old her, the old Allison who was a combination of both a timid kitten and a wild cat.

She smiled seductively at the mirror, seeing that she was ready to lose herself tonight. She checked herself one last time before her bedroom only to meet Brent, looking amazingly hot in his fitting red shirt and black jeans. She walked to him with her head up high, her hips swaying regally and with a smile plastered on her face. She felt like the old her, confident yet sweet. It was a good sign.

"Now that's what I'm talking about," Brent said and wrapped an arm around her bare shoulder as he pulled her closer and kissed her forehead. The simple friendly gesture somehow didn't affect Allison much than earlier for an odd reason.

"We look like Valentino and Valentina, somehow," she commented and he gasped, making her shoot her brow up in confusion. Brent soon sculpted a huge smile on his face that made her even more confused.

"Oh my golly, God has finally answered my prayers!" He exclaimed, rebuking himself not to jump out of euphoria. Though for her, he looked like he just inhaled some kind of party drug, "Allison is almost back to normal! After three freaking long months! She's finally getting her shit back!"

"You sound stupid," she remarked that made Brent even happier, "She's finally coming back! Thank God!" right after saying that, the doorbell rang, grabbing their attention.

"About time," he said before he striding towards the door, a grin plastered on his face.

"Wooh! Time to partaaayyy!" Rebecca shouted as soon as her feet stepped on the bar's floor. Allison looked around and almost lost her equilibrium because of the whole place's ambiance. All of the people around were dancing and drinking, only some were sitting on lounges. Not to mention that the music was too loud, too loud that she could feel her eardrums breaking. What a perfect place to lose herself tonight. Good thing, Brent has his hand on her shoulder though, so she wouldn't lose her balance.

"Let's go over there! On the counter! John's over there!" Johnsy shouted. She lead them the way and they followed. Except for Rebecca, who was already on the dance floor, colliding with different sweaty bodies and losing herself in the music's rhythm.

When the three finally arrived at the counter, a buff and tall man who was over the other side of the counter greeted them warmly with an odd slang Ozzy accent, "Hello mate and sheilas."

"John!" Johnsy called her brother's name and the man's smile grew wider. She ran to the counter, jumped over it with ease then kissed his cheek softly, "'Ello there, li'l sis," he greeted and saw her company. "It's been ages, Allison, Brent."

"Hey, John," Allison grinned as she and Brent sat on each stool simultaneously.

"Hey, dude." Brent offered his hand that John took and they made their signature handshake. It's been eons ever since they saw John, Johnsy's older brother. They've talked to him last summer but that was only small talk since the man was busy dealing with his wedding that season.

"Well, what brings you people here?" John asked as he crouched and rested his elbows on the counter.

"Is it bad to have a surprise visit?" Johnsy pouted at her brother.

"Well no, but sitting on my counter and almost spreading your legs is," he retorted that made his sister's face glow red, and sit down on the stool beside Brent's.

"Act like a lady, Johnsy. Not that I'm restricting you from being the bad bitch you are but I don't want boys lingering around you ten-mile radius. Ah," he gasped before turning his back on them and grabbing a couple of liquors from the shelves and a mixer. "What may I serve you guys, by the way? You can drink any liquor or cocktail you want for free. Of course, none of you are underage, right?"

"Of course, John. We're already legal," she replied, "I want Gin by the way."

"Good choice, little sister," he grinned proudly.

"I'll have Port. How about you, Allison?" Brent asked her as he turned to face her. Allison looked at the shelves. Almost all of the liquors that were displayed were unknown to her. She took a moment to think before replying, "A glass of sherry."

The bar owner replied with a wink, "Comin' right up," he turned his back on them to do his work.

She observed the whole place once again. She hadn't observed the place while following Johnsy's lead because of the lights that made her green orbs sore to the brain. She roamed her eyes around. It would sure look more vivid with lesser lights and the sea of people dancing and shouting. Every lounge had neon lights that made her eyes ache even more and the music was making her ears cry for mercy. Party animals would sure love John's bar.

The three of them were waiting for their beverages when Johnsy's phone rang. They looked at her as she fished out her phone from her clutch. Her expression changed from bored to astonishment and zeal. "Oh, it's Kyro. I'll just answer his call. I'll be back in a jiffy." She didn't wait for her friends' reply and hastily got on her feet then there, she's gone.

"So it's just you and me now." Brent grinned that made Allison smack his arm lightly. Even though he was gay, his features always showed up to be very masculine that made every woman's panties twist and soak, except for Allison.

"As always, Dawson," she replied with a giggle.

"Yeah, right," he snickered and was about to give another reply when a hand grabbed his arm out from nowhere. Automatically, she grabbed his free hand.

"The he..." he complained when he almost fell from his stool. He yanked his arm away and faced the person who pulled him. They both realized that it was actually Rebecca. Slowly, she gushed out from the sea of people, looking very hot and wild in her outfit.


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