Chapter 5: She doesn't know me?

-Heather's POV

"Wake up sleepy butt!" I yell at Cami walking into her room and ripping her covers off of her.

"Sunshine, get out of my room." She groans into her pillow. "Your the one with a date today not me."

I roll my eyes at her. I called her yesterday to pick me up from the hospital which caused her to want every detail about what happened. I told her all about the little cutie and Leo. She told me I was an idiot for diving in but I reassured her I was fine. I also told her that I made a deal to meet up with him today so here we are, me trying to get her up.

"Come on Cami, get up!" I try again to get her to move but she doesn't budge.

"H, you are flying solo. LET. ME .SLEEP." She exaggerates rolling back onto her stomach stuffing her face into a pillow. I huff before strolling towards my bedroom to get ready. I put on my green one piece swimsuit and find another pair of sunglasses since I lost my favorite pair yesterday.

I lock up and begin walking towards the beach where I met Leo yesterday. It took me a little bit longer since I wasn't running today. Once I'm close enough to the private cove, I see Luca and Leo already outside looking around. The moment Luca sees me he races towards me. I open my arms for him and embrace him in a big hug twirling him around. He giggles while I stop and place him down on his feet.

"I didn't know if you were going to come." He is still smiling at me.

"I made a deal lil man." I say placing my hands on my hips. He takes my hand and starts walking back towards his private beach. I see Leo and I wave at him when I notice someone else walking towards us. I can honestly say he is built, well toned and handsome as fuck. I stop drooling and continue getting pulled by Luca. The Greek god notices me when he stops abruptly with a surprise look on his face.

"You!" He says still looking at me as if I was a ghost.

-Xavier's POV

"Dad, wake up!"

My son comes running in jumping on me. After yesterday afternoon, I didn't go back to work and called my assistant to let her know that I would not be coming back yesterday or today. I wanted some time with my son but that was short lived when he told me that his angel was going to be hanging out with him today. I guess I will get to meet this woman then. I groan feeling him jump on me.

"Alright Luca, I'm up." I say holding my hands up in surrender.

"Come on dad, angel will be here anytime." He says running back out of the room. I get up and change into some swimming trunks throwing on a pair of sunglasses. I get down stairs to see my son already rushing outside. I smile knowing my son is so excited which is not something he is often.

"Sir, Natasha rang and said she would be coming by later today." Tessa says as I walk towards the back door. Natasha is one of the ladies who is incredible in bed. She knows that we are nothing more than fuck buddies but I wonder why she is coming by. I nod my head at Tessa before heading out. I see my son looking around with Leo sitting on the sand also looking.

I look over and notice a familiar shape coming towards my son. Holy Fuck! It's the woman from the club. Her hair is straight and down to her waist. She is wearing a one piece and still looks sensational. My son notices her and instantly takes off towards her. I watch her stretch out her arms to embrace my son. He hugs her tightly and twirls him around. My heart swells seeing them together. My son is grinning ear to ear. She is the one who saved my son! What are the odds of that?

I watch as she sets my son down on his feet while he talks to her for a second before abruptly pulling her towards our beach. I begin walking again until I reach them. My son doesn't let her go.

"You!" I state a little louder than expected.

"I'm sorry?" Her voice rings of confusion. I shake my head at her.

"Angel, come make a castle with me!" Luca says pulling at her hand. I watch her smile down at my son before they rush down the beach. I can't stop staring at her. She is fucking gorgeous and her body... the things I want to do to it. She is playing with my son and not even giving me a second glance. It slightly is irritating when most people would kill for time with me but she doesn't even seem to care. Her sole attention is on my son which confuses me further. "Dad, come build with us!"

I shake my head and walk down towards them. "I'm sorry, I don't believe we were introduced. I'm Xavier Sanford." I say reaching out my hand to shake hers. She looks up at me and stands up reaching her hand out to shake mine. I take her small soft hand in mine.

"Hi, I'm Heather Drake." I hesitate letting go of her hand. Heather... beautiful name.

"I wanted to thank you for rescuing my son yesterday." She takes her hand back and I instantly miss it.

"I would have done it for anyone but your welcome." She says smiling at me. My heart warms seeing her smile directed towards me. She looks back down at my son who is building the castle. "You look slightly familiar. Have I met you before?"

I smirk at her. "I would hope so, I own the one of the biggest companies on this side of the country."

"No that's not it."

My smirk falls. She doesn't even care that I just told her I was loaded. She doesn't seem fazed by it at all. Who the hell doesn't know me?!?

"You seriously don't know who I am?"

"Am I supposed to?" She asked looking at me confused. My jaw drops, she really has no clue. She waves her hand up trying to recall where she saw me but can't seem to remember. "Anyways, It's nice to meet you."

"Angel, help me." My son says pulling on her hand. She sits down and begins helping my son. How come I am feeling jealous of my 5 year old son?

"What are we doing lil man?" Lil man?? She has nicknamed my son?

"Dad help us!" My son says making me getting out of my thoughts to sit down beside him.

The afternoon goes by with me stealing glances at the beauty in front of me. She remains focused on my son which surprises me further. I found out that she is going to be starting at Dalton Academy this week as one of the teachers. I will have to call the school to have my son moved to her class. We continued to have polite conversation but she was very reserved in the information she wanted to let me know. I could tell she had secrets but I plan on finding them out. I told her more about myself and she didn't seem impressed further astonishing me. I figured she would be jumping at me but nope... She is acting as if I was just anyone else. My son has been smiling and giggling the day away which just another incredible sight to see. I can't believe he is as engorged by her as I much as I am. She has this aurora around her that just tells me how pure she is. I didn't want this day to end.

"Hey sexy!"



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