Chapter 6: Making Impressions

-Heather's POV

I was having a great time with Luca and his dad wasn't too bad to look at either. Who am I kidding I wanted to lick up his abs! I came to find out that Luca was going to Dalton Academy which seem to excite him when I told him that I would be teaching there. Xavier tried to ask me some personal questions but I evaded most of them and just gave him the basics. He told me he was CEO of his own company here and started the company from a young age. He seemed slightly boastful and arrogant. He seems to have some secrets of his own but I didn't push to ask much. Learning to much gets me attached which isn't something I can afford to do. Luca was an incredible boy but what stunned me the most was that his mother left him in the hospital after giving birth. I couldn't imagine the hard times he has went through or if he really knew what happened. Leo was also there but he seemed to just enjoy watching us mostly. I could tell that Xavier kept glancing over at me however I was too busy with Luca to really think too much into it.

"Hey Sexy!"

I turn my head around to see a fake barbie running towards us. I internally roll my eyes. Just when I thought he wasn't going to be the stereotype... Hmm WRONG! I look towards Luca who is cringing at her voice. I take his hand and gently squeeze it giving him a smile. Xavier stands up and walks towards her.

"Angel, can we go down to the water?" Luca whispers to me. He looks like he is in pain so I immediately pull him up and begin running towards the water. His smile returns as we run into the water. He begins splashing me when Leo comes to the water edge to watch over us.

I look back to see Xavier in a lip lock with the barbie. I turn back to Luca to see him splashing me. I squeal and begin splashing him gently.

-Xavier's POV

I turn around to see Natasha coming towards us in a very skimpy black bikini. She is waving around at me. I look towards Heather to see her looking at Luca. I get up and walk up to her. When I'm within close enough distance she locks her arms around my neck.

"Natasha, what are you doing here?" I ask try to release her hold from my neck. She doesn't budge though.

"Oh baby, I missed you." She purrs leaning closer to my ear. I look over to see Heather getting in the ocean with Luca with Leo trailing behind them. I turn back to her to have her crash her lips against mine. I stand there shocked. I pull back and press her shoulders away from me.

"What the hell was that Natasha?!" I ask raising my voice.

"I wanted time with you and the bitch from your office said you took the day off today so I figured it would be the perfect time for some us time." She said trying to lean back towards me but I got out of her grip and held her arms.

"I took the day off since my son needed me. I am spending the day with him today... Not. you." I state sternly.

"Baby... It looks like he is doing fine with his new maid. Why don't we-" I cut her off abruptly.

"Natasha, Leave." I glare at her.

"Excuse me?" She ask irritation evident in her voice.

"I said I am spending the day with my son. Now go. I will call on you if I want you."

"Oh Xavier-"

" LEAVE NOW!" I am yelling at her. She looks at me like she is about to cry and takes off running. I sigh and look back at to the ocean to see Luca on Heather's back swimming around. God I hope she didn't just see all of that. I jog back towards the water and smile watching my son laughing. I stand beside Leo and continue to hear the duo just giggle and swim around.

"It's quite a view... Isn't it?" Leo says still looking at them. I nod my head and tread into the water. I reach to where they are and Luca sees me.

"Dad, your staying?" He looks at me confused. My chest tightens. My son thought I would leave him for Natasha. I see Heather is trying her best to avoid my gaze.

"Yea bud, I'm here." I nod my head and reach my arms for him. He jumps into my arms as I look at Heather. She is looking sexy as hell with her wet waist length hair running down her sides. The green swimsuit is clingy to her sensational curves but the most incredible part I notice. She is smiling adoringly at my son. As if making him happy is all that matters. A mother instinct. She hasn't known him for more than a day and yet she is treating him like he is the most important thing. I smile at her and she looks up at me and I see emotions running in her eyes.

"Miss Heather, your phone is ringing." Leo calls from the beach. Heather blinks a couple of times and begins going back to the shore. I watch her walk out towards her phone when I notice Luca poking my arm.

"Do you like my Angel dad?" I smirk at my son.

"Yes Luca, she is quite something." He grins at me and looks at Heather.

"She makes me happy..." I smile at my son and realize he has already made an attachment to her. I look back towards Heather to see her packing her bag up. I pull myself and Luca out of the water and put Luca down. He races off towards her. She kneels down in the sand and takes both of Luca's hands in hers.

"I'm really sorry Luca, but it's an emergency or I would love to stay and hang out longer. I promise I will come back soon." She is trying to smile but I can see the pain in her face. Luckily Luca didn't notice but he hugged her tightly which she returned. I could see the tears brimming her eyes but she took a deep breath trying to keep them at bay. Who the hell called and upset her so badly? I keep looking at her but she refuses to look at me. She kisses Luca on the forehead before releasing him.

"Can we give you a ride?" She shakes her head and I can see the slight shake in her hand.

"No, it's okay. Thank you for a fun day. Luca, I will see you in a few days at school... okay lil man?" She says redirecting herself to Luca. He nods his head but I can see his smile has disappeared. She kisses the top of his head one more time before beginning to walk down the beach. I stand there stunned for a minute before I notice she is already jogging. I want to go after her but I look at Luca and realize that he is about to crumble. I pick him up and hug him tightly.

"Dad, will my Angel return?" He whispers about to cry. I look at him straight in the eyes.

"Yes she will Luca. I promise." He nods his head and wiggles out of my arms to walk back into the house. His old blank face returning. I turn back towards the ocean to see Heather is long gone. Damn, how fast is she? Leo walks up beside me.

"Sir, I think something really troubling was on the other end of that. She paled the moment she looked at her phone." I nod my head but do not comment.

Who the hell was it? What are you hiding Angel??

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