Chapter Two: Jenny

Chapter Two


Some men were such pigs. That duffus had the gall to call me 'doll' of all things! He deserved the kick in the balls. I may hail from a near-desert, but I was more of a desert cobra than a flower. That was one good thing I got from my dad, my thick skin.

It's been both a blessing and a curse. Guys I'd dated said I was an unfeeling demon. When things ended, I'd shrug it off and move on. I didn't really know what love was. It was a casualty of growing up in the club. When your father is a biker legend like Donald Saunders, you learn to trust no one. That's one reason why I would never let myself get dragged down by a biker. I saw what my dad's lifestyle did to my mom. He screwed around on her constantly, and she cried herself to sleep every single night while he was out with the guys. He had his whores and that was what really killed my mom. It wasn't the drugs or the criminal activity that did her in. It was the way my dad treated her like she wasn't the best thing that ever happened to him. He should've seen her as that. She loved him with her whole heart, and he crushed her every single day.

If there was ever a person in this world that I loved, it was my mom, and she was why I refused to ever let myself get sucked in by a biker that way. I had never even slept with a biker and I planned to keep it that way. The guys in my chapter knew not to Fuck with me n any way, shape, or form.

The only thing that had been tempting to change that was when I saw the biker that Bruce had been talking to. Bruce wasn't a biker, but he was a part of the chapter. That was confusing as hell. I didn't get how someone could be one and not the other.

The man that talked to Bruce had caught my attention. He was a bit rough, scarred across his jaw and through one of his eyebrows, quite the silver fox. He had thick salt and pepper hair, a trimmed beard, and honey-hazel eyes. He had light crow's feet around his eyes, but other than that, he didn't have wrinkles.

A white t-shirt, a Black Stallion's leather vest, and dark jeans covered his muscular, tattooed body. I doubted even a leather jacket could hide those bulges.

What was wrong with me? Why the hell would I check him out? He was a biker! I would never get involved with someone like him. Bikers were man whores. Who knows what diseases I could catch from him! Ugh!

I had to admit. He was ruggedly attractive and there was....something there. Like an undeniable connection between two people who didn't know a single thing about each other. It was something I had only ever read about in ridiculous romance novels. Two strangers locking eyes and feeling an intensity, a connection, a desire form. They would find each other, talk, realize they were soulmates destined to get married, have kids, and live happily ever after.

I scoffed at the thought. As if! I wasn't an idiot. That man had every biker bitch at his disposal to satisfy every desire he had. That wasn't me.

I was nowhere close to being a virgin, but I wasn't a slut either. Just because a biker asked me to suck his dick didn't mean I would. Even if it was that attractive silver fox!

I rubbed my hand up the back of my shirt under the fabric, feeling the still sore bruises of my uncle's force. I knew my dad was an idiot. He actually thought he could get away with naming me as his heiress. Like I could ever be the president of the Sydney Black Stallions chapter. No one was going to stand for it and Dad paid for that with his life. My punishment for his stupid decision was my Uncle Ronny, Crack, trying to force me into being a whore to his buddies. Like he thought I had forced my dad to name me his heiress. He accused me of sleeping with my own father to manipulate him. Ew!

My dad had foreseen someone trying to force themselves on me at one point in my life, and he gave me the necessary skills to escape the situation. No man that came at me that night left unscathed. Crack included.

I escaped the clubhouse and ran to my cousin from my mom's side of the family, Liam. I spent a couple of days at his place before I finally told him what had happened, why I was running from Crack, and why I could never go back to Sydney.

I knew Crack had a hit on me now. Luckily, I did have allies in his organization who were loyal to me. Mostly, the newer guys, ol ladies, and bitches.

When Liam suggested going to the local clubhouse, I almost bolted. I knew what would happen if I was found by my uncle. I would be killed and buried with my dad, if I was lucky. It was the only way for Crack to ensure that I didn't take away his power. I didn't want it, but he didn't give me a chance to tell him that. He just jumped on the let's turn my niece into a whore against her will train.

Liam told me that the local chapter was disassociated with the Sydney Black Stallions because of 'Gunner'. He was the president of the chapter and didn't go by the same rules as the other presidents. He did right by his men, but didn't allow certain things that other clubs shrugged at. Liam said if Gunner agreed that I was right in running that he wouldn't turn me in to Crack. I was willing to take the chance of getting protection from my psychotic uncle if Gunner was really how Liam had described.

Liam contacted Bruce who took me to the public clubhouse. It looked like all the other clubhouses I had ever been to. The intention was to introduce me to Gunner but unless he was the jackass I kicked in the balls, it didn't happen. I wasn't surprised that the duffus biker had the balls to ask me to drop to my knees and suck him off. Normally, I would've laughed at him and told him that he wasn't man enough to handle me, but then he added 'doll'.

No one called me a doll! I would go Biker Lola Bunny on their asses for even uttering a syllable of that disgusting word.

The bikers used to call me that when I was a kid, and it always pissed me off. If someone wanted to see the biker in my DNA, call me a fucking doll!

Strolling out the front door of the biker bar, I took notice of the parking lot. I hadn't been paying attention before. I noticed the bikes, of course, but one thing I noticed then was the distressed and peeling paint on the cement walls outside the bar. It looked like once there had been a mural of a woman with light blonde hair and purple eyes but the paint was so aged that I could barely tell it had ever been there. She was pretty.

The mural had a caption. RIP Davina Devereaux. So her name was Davina? Was she one of the girls from the chapter? Why was there a mural of her? So many questions her picture left.

I pulled out a cigarette and lit it up as I kicked one of the many pieces of gravel in the parking lot.

Some bikes were covered in scuffs and scratches while a select few shined like a new penny. There were two pickup trucks, one being Bruce's truck, and a four-door painted cherry red. That car was probably the bartenders' vehicle. He didn't seem like a truck kind of guy. I was curious who the big, mist blue Silverado with a massive Harley in the bed of the truck belonged to.

That bike was beautiful. It had the black diamond with red outlining near the front tire which I smirked at. Kudos to the One Percenter.

"That one is Gunners," Bruce stated as he walked out of the bar and I stood up, tossing down my smoke.

"Hmm. It's nice." It was true. The bike was in perfect condition. It made me miss my own bike.

I strolled over to Bruce's truck and climbed in. His truck was pretty old and beaten up for a rockstar. I was surprised and not at the same time. Everyone had heard of his band, Mayes, and I personally fangirled when I got to meet his wonderful wife, Sally. I wasn't really a Mayes fan until she joined his team. Sally Mayes was definitely my Justin Bieber.

"Did you talk to Gunner?" I inquired to Bruce, as he drove me out of the parking lot, and he nodded.

"Yeah, all is good. He was pretty impressed by you." I looked at him perplexed. What had I done that could impress someone?

"Impressed?" He nodded and smirked.

"When you dropped Drill, the biker who approached you. Gunner respects any woman who can go toe to toe with him or any of his guys." That was surprising. Most guys hated strong women like me. I was used to the scrutiny.

"Really?" He grinned.

"Yeah. I got you a job at a bar they run. They're in need of a bartender, and he liked you. That's a big deal, just so you know. Gunner doesn't like many people. He tolerates most people." Sounds like something we have in common.

"Ripper" I didn't have much else to say without sounding like a bitch. I didn't want to seem ungrateful to Bruce. He was a nice guy, for a guy. I was a bit untrusting of guys. I guess that came with my uncle trying to get me gang-raped.

"A bit of friendly advice, Jenny. Don't get involved with any of the bikers," he stated out of nowhere, and I gave him a sideways glance.

"I'm not into bikers. Trust me. It's not going to happen," I explained, and he nodded.

"Gunner is the only one of those guys that are even a bit trustworthy. He can get pretty possessive though."

"Why do you keep talking about him?" I sneered. It was a bit annoying. I wanted a silent car ride. I didn't even want to go to the clubhouse. It was Bruce's idea to take me to see Gunner. I was a bit uncomfortable being there considering what happened the last time I went to a clubhouse to meet bikers.

"I saw you guys looking at each other. I'm not blind," he explained, and I groaned.



"I don't even know who he was in there." I was beyond agitated at this point. Why was Bruce doing this now?

"I was talking to him when you dropped Drill." Oh. My. God. No. Not the silver fox.

"You mean the guy with the scar on his eyebrow?" I didn't want Bruce to know I paid much attention to him or that I had an attraction for him. Damn. I hoped to avoid the silver fox. He just became twice as off-limits as before. He was my new boss, Gunner.

"Yup, that's Gunner." I slowly nodded before looking out the window. I just wanted to climb back in bed and forget that man for now. Maybe I would remember him later when I was touching myself. In the shower. Relieving some tension. No, bad idea Jenny. I can't be giving in to these desires. It would make it seem too logical. It wasn't possible to even just Fuck him. Maybe if he wasn't the president of the chapter, I could just Fuck him and forget him. If he was just some random guy in a bar, I could Fuck him then leave. I could get him out of my system, but that wasn't possible.

I would not become a whore for bikers. Not even for Gunner.

"His name is Xander. Xander Davenport." That was all Bruce said on the subject, and he dropped it. The rest of the ride was silent.

That name was repeating over and over in my head. Xander Davenport. Xander. God, why was that name so fucking sexy and make my skin buzz with arousal?

Shit. This was going to be way harder than I thought. I was in trouble.

Okay. The first step was to admit I had a problem. I wanted Xander 'Gunner' Davenport. I wanted him bad, but I had to resist my lady bits trying to lead me to do something stupid.

Maybe I was just like my mom, and I was being drawn in by something I thought I saw in him that wasn't really there. If that were the case, I knew I was in trouble.

Hailee Steinfeld's Flashlight was blaring through my phone in my room at Liam's house, while I surfed the internet on my laptop. I was looking to see if I had any better job opportunities than working in a biker bar. Sadly, the other options were worse. Two strip clubs, three lesbian bars, and one bachelor party, and that was for one night. I put in an application for the bachelor party. At least that would bring in some extra cash, so I could get my own place.

I was frustrated and consigned to working in that biker bar. That didn't mean I had to be happy about it. If I worked there, I would be more tempted by Xander Davenport, and I wanted to stay away from the temptation.

I slammed my computer shut and turned off the music before going downstairs.

Liam was the proud owner of a two-story, five bedroom house. The exterior was plastered in stucco and painted white with black shingles and matching shutters on the windows. There was a pool in the backyard and a pool house. The interior was laid back. White walls, a few photographs on the walls, and black leather furniture.

The living room had a ceiling high fireplace, two sofas, a glass coffee table, and soft, white carpet. It was the same carpet everywhere except the dining room and the kitchen.

Liam was cooking in the modern kitchen that any housewife would kill for. His bodyguard, Trip, sitting at the mahogany kitchen table, playing on his phone like a teenager.

"Hey, Jen!" Liam smiled at me, and I returned it. We weren't even close, but we used to be pen pals. He always said if I ever wanted to escape that his door was always open, and he lived true to his word. I would always be grateful to him for that.

"Liam, hey," I said, as I ran my fingers through my hair.

"How did it go at the bar?" he asked, while turning down the stove. Liam and Trip were gone when I arrived, so I hadn't gotten to tell Liam that I got offered a job by Xander.

"As could be expected, I guess." I strolled over to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water from the drawer.

"Which means what exactly?" he asked and Trip snickered.

"She kicked one of my brother's asses." Trip grinned big, and Liam's jaw dropped.

"What?" He looked at me accusingly.

"He called me 'doll' and asked for a blow job. Well, asked would be putting it lightly. He demanded I drop to my knees. He was asking for an ass-whooping," I justified my actions and Trip laughed.

"Seriously? That's what he said to you?" I nodded, and Trip grinned big. "Way to go putting him in his place like that. He's new and doesn't know how things work yet. If the boss heard him say that to you, I doubt he will be around much longer." Trip explained, and I was befuddled. What was that supposed to mean? He was talking about Gunner, Xander, right?

"Why?" I asked, as I took a seat across from Trip at the table.

"Because the boss has a thing for you. Obviously." My eyes widened. "I got a text from Hook. He said he saw it. Xander has tell-tale signs for those that know him. It's easy to tell once you get to know him. People that don't know him can't tell," Trip uttered, and I looked over to Liam who had his protective cousin mask on.

"Be careful there, Jen," Liam warned, and I rolled my eyes. I had already resigned myself. I was not going to Fuck Xander Davenport no matter how much my pussy was begging for it.

"I don't date or Fuck bikers. I'm going out to the pool." I waved to them, as I went out the back door.

I loved Liam's pool. He had a gate installed around the pool, loungers set up around the rectangular-shaped pool, and the pool house built a few feet from the pool. The pool house was more like a tiny house painted an ocean blue with yellow trim. The inside was like an island getaway with a hammock in the living room instead of couches. The small kitchen only had a microwave and a sink, no table or chairs. The bedroom in the back was simple. A queen sized bed with a bedside table and that was the extent of the pool house. It didn't even have a bathroom.

I went to the pool house and changed into my black string bikini. I stole some sunscreen and put on a good amount before walking out to the poolside. I put in my earbuds and turned on the music on my phone. Korn's Coming Undone filled my ears, and I relaxed against the lounger.

People thought I listened to a strange mix of music. I liked all kinds of music, but I listened to a lot of rock around the bikers back home. Korn and Incubus reminded me of my dad, and I was starting to miss him a lot.

If he had heard what Trip was saying about Xander, he would've done some pretty gnarly things to Xander for even looking at me. Actually, most of the guys in the clubhouse would've lost their dicks. My dad was pretty protective of me which was probably why Crack went so above and beyond with his punishment of me.

I was always Daddy's little girl in his eyes. Another reason why guys didn't stick around long. I didn't mind. That was for the best. I didn't want guys to stay around longer than they were useful. No use in leaving a string of broken hearts behind in my wake.

I must've dozed off because when I opened my eyes there were at least fifty people around. I sat up, pushing my sunglasses up my forehead.

Half were women, supermodel gorgeous with revealing bathing suits, and the other half were men wearing either swimming trunks or shorts that they were pretending were for swimming. It was a pool party. I think Liam mentioned it last night. It must've slipped my mind. I recognized a couple of the men from the clubhouse, and then I caught sight of him.

Xander Davenport. He looked so scrumptious. He was shirtless, showcasing his gorgeous tattoos and thick muscles, and he had on some black and gray swim trunks.

People were playing pool volleyball and the ball hit right next to Xander. He picked it up and pegged it at one of his men, laughing happily. He might've been rough around the edges, but I was sure of one thing about him. When he laughed and smiled, he was beautiful. His teeth shined, and his eyes twinkled with enjoyment, accenting his crows feet around his eyes.

Then, his eyes met mine, and I had been caught staring at him. Damn it.

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