It hurt to look at him. It hurt to be captivated by his ethereal beauty. It hurt knowing that he loved me. It hurt because I knew that no measure of time with him would be long enough, that someday it would all be taken away from me and then what would I be left with?
The memory of this man, this exceptional being that gave me everything whilst giving me nothing. This man that saw the real me, all my imperfections and irritating idiosyncrasies and loved me all the more for them.
The memory of his electric touch on my skin and the way the sun light captured the liquid gold in his eyes. The way his eyes captured me and dared me to look away.
I fell in love with his eyes, I fell in love with his soul, I fell in love with his laugh and his cry, I fell in love with the way he said my name, I fell in love with the way he held me at night, I fell in love with his terrible coffee, I fell in love with everything about him and it hurt knowing that one day I would be left with nothing but memories because he was my everything.
Some say love is just a chemical reaction, I believe it's much more than that. Love is not something that can be forced or created with science. Love is when two people meet and all of a sudden, your world is shifted.
Love is when the earth stops moving and he is the only thing holding you down, love is when everyone around you disappears and you only see him and it takes your breath away.
He becomes your sun and your moon, your food and water, the air you breathe, your life.
Love is unexplainable.
And it’s the most beautiful tragedy of all.