Chapter 2
Once all the guests were seated at the long table and everyone was settled, Lady Persephone stood and cleared her throat, everyone's attention turned to her. “The De-Vander house is joyous to have you here today to welcome spring, may the season be fruitful and may the Gods bless each and every one of us” her voice sang out and the guests all raised their glasses to toast. Seraphina stood to the side and kept her head low and her eyes cast down, only moving when someone need their glass refilling.
A Noble lady she recognised as Lady Lissandra of the De-Bohun house gestured to her, she immediately rushed over and bowed. “As lovely as this wine is, could I trouble you for some blood instead?” Lady Lissandra asked smiling wide, revealing her impossibly white fangs. Seraphina smiled politely and pulled a small blade from her belt, she carefully cut open her wrist and allowed it to flow into Lady Lissandra’s cup. Lady Lissandra watched Seraphina’s every move and tilted her head to the side, she pushed back Seraphina’s hair and in her song like voice announced “My my, aren't you a beauty and a Dhampir no less, tell me child, why do you hide yourself?” Seraphina wasn’t sure if she was purposely trying to get her in trouble or if she was just a friendly soul. Seraphina lifted her gaze to meet Lady Lissandra’s and blushed a deep shade of red “Th-thank-you my Lady b-but I am just a lowly servant, I do not deserve such compliments”. Seraphina could feel Lady Persephone’s hot gaze on her back like daggers.
She finished filling Lady Lissandra’s cup and stepped back to the side with her eyes cast down again. She sent a silent prayer that no one else heard Lady Lissandra’s comment though she knew it was unlikely as half of the guests were vampires not to mention, voices travelled in the courtyard as though it was an ample Théâtre. Lord Silverus from House De-Montagu spoke up “Yes, Lady Persephone, do tell us how you managed to acquire a Dhampir servant, and one with such...interesting markings as well?” his green eyes glistened at her. At that moment, she realised she hadn't fixed her hair since Lady Lissandra moved it leaving her neck and chest almost completely exposed. She blushed an even deeper shade of red and immediately pulled her long thick hair in front of her.
“What? That disgusting wench? I found her as a babe in the streets amongst the rats and took pity on her”. Lady Persephone’s words dripped with so much disgust even a deaf man would have been able to hear the distain in her voice. Seraphina struggled to stop herself from gasping in response. She did not know how she came to the De-Vander house but, she definitely knew it wasn’t because Lady Persephone took pity on her. Lady Persephone quick to change the topic turned to a young noble girl Seraphina didn’t recognise and asked about her pregnancy however, Lady Lissandra was not ready to leave the topic and spoke up “Yes you do have such interesting markings, do you possess a familiar?” Seraphina knew she couldn’t ignore a direct question from Lady Lissandra and tried to calmly answer her “I am not sure what you mean my Lady, I do not know what a familiar is, only that I am disfigured”.
Lady Persephone’s blue eyes bore into her with a deathly coldness as Lord Silverus spoke up “Disfigured? That is nonsense, do show us your markings er..er.. What is your name?” “Seraphina my Lord” she whispered in reply.
Seraphina wished to the Gods that the floor would just open up and swallow her whole. “Seraphina, please do show us your markings, it is so rare to see a Dhampir with a familiar” Responded Lord Silverus. Seraphina frowned slightly, she did not know what a familiar was however, Lady Lissandra and Lord Silverus were insisted that she had one.
She made a mental not to ask Bethel later, that is if Lady Persephone let her leave this breakfast banquet alive and judging from the glares she was giving her, she very well may not. Lady Persephone softened her murderous glares and turned towards where Lady Lissandra and Lord Silverus were seated “Trust me, this wretched servant does not bare any unique markings, they are simply scars from where she has been punished over the years, if we were to strip her now, you wouldn’t want to eat for a week after seeing her disgusting disfigured body”, she spat those last words out and the harshness of them made Seraphina’s eyes tear up, it was nothing she hadn't heard before but, being so publicly shamed in front on some of the Empires most respected Nobles was too much to bare. “I did not believe Dhampir’s marked so easily” answered Lady Lissandra “however if you insist they are just scars...hmm.. Such a shame to mark such a beautiful girl”. Lady Persephone’s cheeks reddend at hearing this but, she said nothing more on the matter and jutted her chin at Seraphina gesturing for her to leave. Seraphina turned to exit the room just at Lady Lissandra and Lord Silverus shared a strange look, Seraphina didn’t know what that meant but, she did not allow herself time to wonder and left hastily so as to not endure anymore torture.
Seraphina rushed back to the kitchens where Bethel was cleaning up, her eyes still brimming with tears and immediately crashed to the floor sobbing. Bethel ran over and raised Seraphina up and guided her to a chair, her face painted with worry. Lady Persephone had been very evil to Seraphina over the years, beating, starving and torturing her but Seraphina hadn't shed tears since she was a young child, she learned from an early age that tears only worsened Lady Persephone’s wrath. It took a few minutes of Bethel slowly stroking Seraphina’s hair and gently singing to her for Seraphina’s sobs to calm down. “What happened child? Did the Lady hurt you? Did someone touch you?” Bethels eyes darkened as she said this, she had tried desperately over the years to ensure Seraphina’s virtue stay intact, always ensuring Seraphina was never left alone in the Manor for too long around Lord Isiah or his sons.
Seraphina gently shook her head and tried desperately to summon her voice “N-noone h-hurt me....j-just her words...th-that w-woman", Seraphina tried desperately to hold back another sob. 2 of the other servants that were present at the banquet entered the kitchen just then and rushed to Seraphina’s side, “I can’t believe our lady could say such things to you! And in front of company” said Rose, her large brown eyes filled with sympathy. “I can” retorted Melanie with a look of disgust on her face. “You calm her down, I'll go and make some tea” Bethel said to Rose and Melanie. It took a few more minutes for Seraphina’s sobs to quiet and when Bethel placed the little cups of tea in front of them, she slowly raised the cup to her lips and sipped tentatively.
Seraphina took a few deep breaths and slowly the redness under her eyes started to subside. “Bethel?” Seraphina whispered. “Yes, my dear” Bethel said, relieved to see that Seraphina had started to calm down. “What is a familiar?”