
139.6k Words / Completed


"I want you. Yield to me..." he announced again, this time pinning her down the sofa. When all is left in ruins, how would a princess live being held captive inside the mansion of her most hated captor?
Her freedom all denied, true. But, not her will and heart.....
Genre: Fantasy-Royalty, Historical Romance
All Rights Reserved
JMFelic Books 2020

About Author


  • LauraP

    ha what the actual f#%$? I have really enjoyed your other stories but this one was such a disappointment....so much potential but really awful

    05/30/2023 16:09
  • Morse Code

    Sequel? Please tell me there is one!

    06/05/2022 20:13
  • Olya Alexandrovna

    I haven't finished reading but I can't, Lianne girl! common!! I'm so frustrated!! love the book btw!! it's amazing 😻

    11/02/2021 23:41
  • Madam Sara

    Had high hopes that Lianne would have grown wiser as the story goes on but... unfortunately 🤦🏻‍♀️

    08/16/2021 13:54
  • rosh

    I like the story so far. it’s just cringey when Lianne keeps on hurting Ruen. and she’s entertaining the 2 powerful suitors and being intimate with both at the same time. she says no but lets them do whatever they want anyway? Does she really want Ruen to misunderstand?

    04/16/2021 21:09
  • Reader-293590

    Lianne’s small minded view can be frustrating at times when coupled with her blind hatred towards Ruen for his father’s actions, but the men’s forceful actions towards a young, innocent and broken young lady was also frustrating. The writer does such an amazing job of fusing young and untamed testosterone with misguided and unprotected estrogen coupled with unfortunate circumstances that you get hooked till you can’t put stop reading! I’m on chapter 41 and only had intentions to read a few chapters before bed. This is the second book I have read by this author and she is undoubtedly a talented visionary writer!!!!

    01/14/2021 10:42
  • katelynn gordon

    So well written! First book I've started on this app, and disappointed I am not :)

    09/13/2020 02:37
  • Amanda Caruana

    wow!!! it took me a bit to get into it but then like all your books I was hooked! such an amazing story with such a cliffhanger ending.... does leave it open for a possible sequel???

    09/07/2020 17:04
  • erin genovese

    This was one of the best books I have read in my life! I literally did not stop from start to finish. I cried when Lianne cried, I felt disgust and hatred for every man that touched her, I felt love and adoration for the prince, and the pain and heartbreak. I felt every emotion possible and I can very honestly say I read avidly and do not often get this passionate while reading a book. I wish this was a hard copy book that I could keep on my shelf as one of my favorite books that I reread every few years...

    09/06/2020 19:06
  • Mei Kazuki

    waw! nice prolog, next time i will read again. see you!

    09/05/2020 13:38