Chapter 3 - A shocking Visitor.
"Wait wait wait! Are you joking?"
She asked as she stood up with her arms on her waist glaring at her parents.
"Honey please... We're sorry but..."
"But what? What? In what world does this still happen? Why will you sell me off this way just to pay your debts?"
Mia was seething, she didn't know Xavier Black, in fact, she didn't want to know him or who he was, all she was mad about was that her parents felt it was normal to agree that he would marry her just to clear their debts.
"Look at the bright side, at least you don't have to worry about finding a husband. We already did that for you."
Matt said to his daughter who narrowed her eyes at him, he quickly stopped talking. If looks could kill, he would be six feet under for the comment he just made.
"My dear Amelia, you wouldn't want us to be bankrupt would you? Do you want us to be living on the streets like commoners? How do you think we will be able to pay for your designer clothes and bags if we didn't find a way to clear our debts? Be reasonable for a second. Mr Black was willing to help us at a cost and we paid the cost. You!"
"Well, maybe you should have thought about living on the streets before getting bankrupt!"
She snapped.
Mia still continued fuming, she wondered how Xavier Black was going to be, she decided that she loathed him already. There was no way she was going to fall for a man like him, he simply had no shame she thought. He could have helped her parents without deciding that she should be in the equation.
"Now, why don't you go and make yourself pretty, Xavier Black will be visiting us today and you must look your best."
Mia didn't say a word, she simply stared at her parents with contempt in her eyes, there was no way in hell she was marrying Xavier. There had to be another way to save their company, one that definitely didn't require her selling her freedom to some nameless billionaire.
"Mia, go upstairs and change quickly please. You have to make yourself look presentable. I've sent over a stylist. She will be here any minute now." Her mother said as she checked her phone.
Amelia stormed to her room. Back in her messy room, she collapsed into her bed and screamed into the pillow.
There must be a way out of this, she asked herself as she tried to think of possible ways to get out of the predicament.
She picked up her phone and decided to google Xavier Black, then she found out with shocking realisation that they had no WiFi.
Was it that bad? She asked herself as she threw herself on the pillow groaning loudly.
If her parents couldn't get a loan from the bank or any of their other rich friends, there was really nothing much to do. She suspected that their debts ran into millions and if Xavier Carlton Jnr Black was willing to clear it all away with a wave of his magic billionaire wand, what would she be able to do?
She had no riches to her name except the one she inherited from her parents, none at all. And even that one was no more. The only obvious way she could get out of the situation was suicide and Amelia was not ready to die.
The stylist walked in a few minutes later when Amelia was busy sulking in front of her vanity mirror. First she made Amelia take her bath and then she styled her hair. When she was done Amelia could hardly recognise herself.
Her long black hair had been straightened to perfection and it had a glossy sheen and a flawless finish to it, her skin was glowing and her face radiated with delicate makeup that made her look feminine. The stylist had picked out a knee length blue gown that was far from Amelia's style. It was too conservative and it itched her but it was what her parents had required her to wear.
She rolled her eyes in annoyance when her parents cheered for her when she finally walked out.
"Now, you look like a decent girl. None of those short atrocious piece of rags you're used to and heavy makeup."
Her mother commented and Amelia rolled her eyes. There was nothing wrong with her dressing but as usual her parents were always very critical of everything she did.
"Now Amelia, you have to be very nice and please smile a lot. We've said good things about you to Mr Black and he has to know that we're not lying about you. We told him you studied at Princeton and you're thinking of going for your MBA. We also kind of exaggerated when we said you could play the piano and speak four foreign languages."
Amelia's eyes widened in surprise.
"Why would you lie to him?!!! I don't know how to do any of those things? What is wrong with you two?"
Both parents glanced at themselves guiltily.
"See, we also lied that you could cook so you better learn to work on that one."
Amelia was a terrible cook, once she had almost burnt down the entire kitchen when her parents asked her to make lunch. She had tried constantly to improve her cooking skills by enrolling for lessons and all but she never took them seriously. She also didn't think it was a useful skill to learn when she thought of how easy it was to employ a private chef.
Mrs Pots walked to the dining.
"Mr Xavier Black is at the front door."
She announced and her parents stood up instantly. Amelia rolled her eyes as they urged her to stand up.
"This is stupid. Still very stupid." She murmured under her breath as they all walked to the foyer where they were to receive Mr Black.
They were seated in their large living room when a very familiar face walked in.
Amelia's hands flew to her mouth in shock.
It was the man from the club from the other night, the one she had sex with the other night and thought that she was done with.
And from the looks on his face, he remembered her too.