5: What's A Few More Bruises
Life for a witch is anything but domestic, but as I crawl out of bed still sore from getting my ass beat to see Caleb standing at the stove with his shirt off stirring something in a frying pan, a smile tugs at my face.
The closer I get the smell of breakfast gets stronger. Bacon, toast and eggs.
“There she is.” Caleb greets me as he stirs some eggs. “Gretchen gave you the next couple of days off.”
“Oh, did she.” I think I’m going to need an entire week off after last night. My muscles refuse to stretch as I climb onto a bar stool.
Last night. I for sure thought that Caleb would be gone before I woke up. Not gone from bed to be found making breakfast. His eyes stare at me, an unsaid expectation of me spilling the beans on what happened last night.
“You’re going to burn your eggs.” I bluntly reply not giving divulging anything.
He rushes to cover up the fact that he wasn’t paying attention. The yellow flakey eggs start to stick to the pan. “You seem better. Gretchen’s balm must be a miracle worker.”
“I might not have a wolf slumbering beneath my skin, but I do have magic in bones.” Even though my bones still hurt. “I’m fine.” I slide off the stool, my legs a little weak beneath my weight.
Caleb rushes around the counter, his too warm hand latching onto my elbow, big doe eyes staring at me like I’m helpless. I shake out of his grasp. “I’m fine.”
His hands slip away, but he doesn’t back off. I can feel him just behind me, lingering. The heat that radiates off him becomes suffocating, his eyes burn into my back. “I have Avery coming over later to keep an eye on you while I-”
“Go scamper to Marcus.” I finish his sentence for him, tossing him a look over my shoulder.
He runs his hand through his thick hair as he circles back to the stove, He harshly flips the stove off and aggressively slides the pan to the side.
I ignore his simmering temper. “It’s true thought, right or are you denying it? I’m sure you ditched out on something last night and I bet Marcus wasn’t happy that it was because you had to take care of your witch ex.”
My fingers just wrap around the handle of the fridge before his palm smacks against the door keeping it shut, startling me in the process.
A puff of laugher spills from his lips. “You are still so stubborn.” He whispers directly in my ear. It sends a shiver down my spine.
“And you are still so loyal to the pack.” I snap back, instantly angry with myself for playing into his antics. This is how it starts.
His fingertips trail along my arm before he grabs my shoulder flipping me around. My back slams against the fridge and grunt in pain as he pins me against it.
He traps me between his arms, hands to either side of my head. Blocking me in, forcing me to stare him in the eye. “Always pushing people away. I’m not even asking you to ask for help. I’m asking you to accept it.”
Before I have a chance to give him some smartass reply his mouth meets mine with a crash. His hands grab at me so rough that I’ll have a few more bruises on my body, but what’s a few more bruises when you’re being ravaged. My fingernails claw down his back giving into temptation, giving in to him. His grunt of pain hisses between our two mouths. It only takes seconds for his hands to grab my legs heaving me up to straddle his waist.
The crack of the wooden kitchen table he slams me down on echoes throughout the small apartment. It’s hard to tell if it's the hit that takes my breath away or Caleb’s mouth on my neck. His teeth nip at the tender skin as my hands fumble with the button of his jeans. Breakfast forgotten.
It doesn’t take long for my hands to free him and place him between my legs. Thank God I was lazy and didn’t change out of pajamas. My ragged, two sizes too big shorts that only stay up because the drawstring is tied taunt. His fingers easily creep up my leg pushing the thin fabric of my underwear aside.
It’s been months since we’ve been in this position. My pinned beneath him, fresh off a stupid argument. He takes me by surprise as he quickly pushes himself in as deep as he can go. All nurturing aside, the animal is out. An animal that hasn’t fucked someone for so long.
At least I know Marcus hasn’t forced him to take a wolf girl within the pack. He would be so rough otherwise, so desperate. It takes my breath away and turns my legs numb. Our breathless groans become unison as he slides himself out only to slam himself all the way back in, our pelvises slapping together.
I don’t realize I don’t want it to stop until he keeps himself buried inside me. He doesn’t want to stop either and his hips twitch with the spasms of release, little jerks to keep the elation going. Our mouths meet in one final, sloppy kiss before he hovers over me, panting.
“Thank God I turned to stove off.” He jokes.
But my own laugh is cut short by his phone ringing from inside his jeans pocket, which are nearly wrapped around his ankles. I squeeze him one last time before he pulls himself out, getting me a haughty laugh in return.
I know who it is before he even answers it. My suspicions are confirmed as he walks to the furthest corner of my apartment, voice nothing more than a whisper.
When Caleb finally comes back to face me, I’m just sliding off the table adjusting my shorts. Back burning, legs wobbly. “How did he like it?” The whole Alpha knows what you’re doing at all times is weird and embarrassing. It’s the reason why Marcus knew that Caleb was with a witch in the first place.
“Hazel.” His tone threatening.
“Fine.” My eyes on the floor.
I hear his footsteps before I see his hand come up under my chin and lift my head to meet his gaze. “I’ll be back to check on you. I’ll bring your favorite. Pachuzzi’s.” He places a kiss on my forehead and leaves me with cold eggs and bacon.
Definitely on-again, I think to myself as I start to clean up the mess.
Hours go by before a soft knock taps on the door. I open it with a smirk. “My replacement babysitter.” I step aside to let her in only to have the closing door stopped by a foot. “Avalos. What a pleasure. You brought your baby brother.” I taunt as he comes strolling in.
“Oh, let’s not pretend that you don’t secretly love me.” He’s a spitting image of Avery except a little more masculine, not sure. His features aren’t chiseled or sharp. He has a softness to his features. He flops down on the loveseat taking up the entire thing with his long legs.
I let the door slam with a loud clap. “Oh my God, you figured out my deepest secret.” All enthusiasm gone from my voice leaving nothing but a bored tone.
Just as Avery sits down on the couch, a smile wide on her face, “speaking of secrets, did Caleb sleep on the couch when he stayed here last night.”
Her little fairy giggle matches her mischievousness to a tee. She even goes as far as to pet the seat cushions.
“That isn’t a secret. It would be more like a lie.” I regret the words as they come back. Damn it.
“Um-huh.” She hums.
“So,” I snap just as Avalos’s lips smack open with smartass comment. “Do you have anything planned? Or are we suppose to just sit and stare at each other.” I fall onto the couch next to her, but quicken straighten up as thought comes to me. “We could work on my cotton candy recipe.”
“Cotton candy?” Avalos questions just as Avery snaps, “No.”
I can see the curiosity on Avalos's face, but the strict and firm ‘no’ from Avery puts a stop to my fun.
She smoothes out the dress she wears as she collects her composure, which is an act because I know deep down she would love to watch her brother puke cotton candy. It’s sibling rivalry that neither of them have grown out of yet. “I thought we would have movie marathon.”
I can only imagine what movie she chose. “I accept...since I really can’t decline.” I flash her a forgiving smile, but I eyeball Avalos trying to get clues on what we’re going to be forced to watch for the next however many hours.
“Get ready for the horror classic…” she pauses for suspense, “Scream.”
“The boyfriend did it.” Avalos shouts out.
“Shut up.” Avery leaps off the couch to slap at him.
The room is silent as she signs into my TV and brings up the first movie. The sun just lighting up the living room to shining brightly into the space to half setting behind the horizon bringing a shadowy darkness to everything. We sit with the lights off watching the third movie, popcorn all gone, soda’s caffeine waring off.
And then the loudest, startling bang rattles against the door scaring the shit out of all us.
I recover the quickest and hop up to answer the door. The instant Caleb meets my eyes, takes in the door room, he says, “I didn’t scare you did I?”
“Of course not.” I lie.
He chuckles at me before unloading the multiple bags of food on the kitchen table. The very kitchen table he claimed my body. “Who’s hungry?”
And just like little hungry piglets Avery and Avalos come shuffling closer. There’s enough food for all us and leftovers. With plates piled high we all go back to our designated spots, but this time the couch is less spacious as Caleb squeezes in next to me.
I catch Avery’s eyes as she glaces in my direction. I’m surprised she doesn’t choke on her food.
“What are you watching?”
“Scream.” Avery replies just as Avalos once again shouts, “the boyfriend did it.”
“The boyfriend is dead already.” I snap.
“That’s disappointing.” Caleb says between chewing.
“Is it now.” Avery and her mischievousness is out again.
And instead one of them choking on their food, I do. The cough is rough and painful and draws several stares in my direction, but I clear it away, with a hand holding Caleb back, ignoring their concerned stares with nothing but reddened cheeks and a chipped ego.