Chapter 3.
Sofia's POV.
"So someone in here does know you after all Sofia, you came rushing here when I told them I'll fire everyone." He said giving felicity signs to leave.
"I'll be right back boss, I'll um go to the bathroom quickly." Felicity said in a sheepish voice. Why the hell is everyone so scared of him. He's not god. He's just a devil.
"You miss me so much to be staring at me the whole time Fia." Benjamin broke the tension between us.
"Keep dreaming. And by the way, stop threatening people to get to me. You can never change can you?"
"You loved me for that. Actually scratch that. You love me for me and we both know that I'm your favorite man in this world. Your favorite human being." He replied with a smirk on his face. Wow, he really was that. But his no more. If someone asked me this question three years and six months ago I would've said it was him. But now, now it's Elijah. And it will always be Elijah from now on.
"You really think it's you?" I asked him, laughing.
"I know Sofia." He replied. How the fuck does he know about Elijah I wanted to ask. But I just couldn't.
"How do you know?" I hope he didn't find out the truth.
"You could never lie to me. You suck at it. And when I said I am your favorite person in the world. Your reaction changed. But who the fuck is he?" He took a dangerous step towards me and glared at me. And then he added. "Where the hell is this son of a bitch."
Oh my god, his going to lose his temper again. Before I could tell him anything Marko walked in. I really love this brother of mine.
"Is everything okay boss?" Marko asked looking at me.
"Everything is fine, get back to work." Benjamin replied not taking his eyes off me.
"Is he married?" I asked Benjamin, pissing him even more.
"You could see the damn ring on his fucking finger." He said that taking another step. I saw Marko drop something and I turned my entire attention on him.
"Hey, Mark. Marko." I shouted and I realized Benjamin looking at me, shocked. I can't believe I screwed up. He will definitely use Marko to get to me now.
"What Veronica?" Marko asked turning around. He used my second name and Benjamin knows I don't tell people my second name unless they close to me.
"You dropped something." I mumbling while Benjamin was still looking at me shocked. I don't know how he does it, but I'm serious when I say his eyes didn't blink for once.
"Thanks, love." Marko did it on purpose pissing Benjamin because he already knew he couldn't hide knowing me anymore.
"What's wrong, cat got your tongue?" I said laughing at his face.
"So he is the one you were rushing to meet. And you the one that was talking to him on the phone yesterday." He asked folding his arms and looking at me dangerously. But I'm not scared of him. I know he wouldn't hit me or kill me. And I got Elijah now. I don't need anyone else. Anna, Marko, Annette, and Elijah are the only family I have and need.
"Yes, he's the one I came rushing to surprise that day. But you surprised me ruining my day. And I wasn't the one that called him yesterday. His wife did." I told him the truth because there was no use lying anymore.
"You haven't changed too. A fucking married man. My business partners weren't enough now you even sleeping with a married man. How dare you Sofia." I can't believe Benjamin, the guy I once called my husband. The man I love thinks like this about me. I can't believe he still thinks I cheated on him. With that rubbish, he calls friends. And I can't believe he thinks I'm sleeping with Marko. My brother, my best friend's husband, Elijah's best friend's father. God, he really makes me sick.
"No, how dare you, Benjamin. I never ever cheated on you. Go to hell." I opened my purse and took out a piece of check and throw it in his face.
"What? You kept the check all these years. Why didn't you use it ?" He asked looking at me angrily.
"I didn't want your money, why the hell would you think I would want to use someone's money who called me a cheater." I said trying to not cry.
"One million is a lot of money Sofia." He said glaring at me.
"I don't care. I don't need it."
"You married me for money didn't you?" He said taking my hand and giving me the check back.
"I was desperate then. And that was before you accused me of cheating on you."
Marrying Benjamin was never about the money. The first time he asked me to marry him I did it because I needed to get away from my past and to start a new life and I kinda needed money. But after our engagement, I fell in love with him. He was always rude to me, but he never abused me or called me any names I hate. The names he would call me were Babe, wifey, Fia, Mia, and Sofi. But I never hated them. They were just annoying names. But I missed them.
"And now you don't want it anymore? Listen, it was a deal I made a promise, so keep it." He said not asking me, but he was telling me to.
"I never stayed married to you for a year so I broke the deal. You can give this money to those women you used to bring to your house." I said throwing the check back at him.
"Sofia if you leave just know I'll fire Mark or Marko. Whatever his name is." He said with a smirk on his face.
"Um" I am lost for words. How can I convince him to leave Marko out of this?
"Cat got your tongue." He smiled at me.
"You always want everything your way don't you?" I asked walking to him.
"You know me so well, Sofia. But I'll leave Marko and you alone. On one condition." I was so shocked by what he just said. What the hell is he thinking of?
"What?" I asked in a hurry. I just hope it's something I can do.
"Tell me the answers to those questions I asked and I'm giving you a week to think about it." He said as he turned around.
"What? There must be another way Benjamin please." I pleaded to him and I almost cried. "You so Ruthless, mean, heartless and hell I hate you so much. I don't care if you dangerous, Benjamin Carson." I said that making him turn around and he just smiled and crossed his arms.
"You may be sweet, kind, loving and you may have fucking feelings but God you a fucking cheater." He replied as he turned around and before he left he added. "Tick tock tick tock. Sofia time is ticking. You have ONE WEEK ONLY." He walked out as he said that.
And just like that, I have to talk about my past again. And this time I have to think of Elijah. I'll just tell him, it's the least I could do after all Anna and Marko sacrifice a lot for me. If telling Benjamin the truth going to make Marko keep his job then I'll do it.
But if I do, then I'll be prepared to run away again. You may run away from the past but somehow it will always catch up with you. A Queen once told me that. But if Victoria could make it so can I, and this time I have a kid.