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Jason POV

Jason POV


Ms. Johnson...


Damn, why is it so hard to start a conversation with her?

She's my personal assistant, it shouldn't be this hard!

I exited out of IMessages and closed my phone. It was ten in the morning when I was flying in my private jet with my sister Jessica. We were flying to Greece for her wedding with my soon-to-be brother-in-law, Caesar including their friends from college.

''---Jason, you need to take a break on your phone,'' My sister Jessica said, pouring a glass of champagne.

She may be two years older than me but sure does act like she's a little sister to me.

''I'm just reading emails Jes, it's nothing serious.''

She dropped her face, ''Bullshit Jason, probably texting some girl.''

''No, I'm not.''

Jessica rolled her eyes. ''Can you at least promise me that you would not be a workaholic for my wedding? I need you to be the normal Jason. Do you know? The funny, comedian, Jason that I've always loved since I was a kid.''

''I don't know that Jason.''

''Quit acting like you don't know what I'm talking about.''

I took a sip of my drink and sighed. ''I don't.''

''Asshole,'' she mumbled.


''Jessica and Jason, we arrived in Athens, Greece,'' said Vincent, our pilot. He opened the door on the left side as we both gathered our belongings and went down to the steps.

''Here they come!" said Caesar, standing there with a bouquet of pink roses next to his Lambo.

''Hi, baby!'' Jessica said to Caesar. He kissed her on the lips rapidly and shook his hand with me.

''Well? What do you guys think?'' He pointed to his Lambo.

''Not so bad, you've got some taste,'' I said to Caesar.

''Learned it from the best,'' He winked at me.

He leads us to the car and reversed his way out from the private parking lot. As soon as we head to the highway, I was already looking down on my phone coming up with a text to Violet.

''--Jason? You heard me?'' Jessica said.

I finally looked up to her and arched my brows.

''Uh, what?''

She rolled her eyes. ''I said, are you okay with Sasha being here?'' She referenced to my ex-girlfriend.

Sasha Woods.

My ex who I had to break-up with for cheating on me during our sophomore year of college. A year and two months drained down the towel, and she had the audacity to say it was a '' mistake''.

I don't believe it.

''Fine with me.''

''Are you sure? Cause you know she's like a sister to me... and I didn't--''

''-- Jes, I said it's fine, if you're okay with it, I am too.''

''Oh okay, whatever you say,'' she replied.

No, the fuck I'm not!

By 5:40 p.m., we have our to our hotel we were going to stay at the Royal Olympic Hotel. After getting my key to the suite, I went over to the elevator and escalated my way up to my room.

I placed my belongings on the bed and quickly switched out to my evening wear for the dinner tonight. Heading back to the lobby, I walked over to the dining room and met up with Jessica, Caesar, a few of their friends, and of course... Sasha and her boyfriend.

''You've made it,'' Jes said with a huge smile.

''Of course, I did.''

''Guys, this is my brother Jason,'' she introduced me to them.

''Hi,'' they said back.

''Come and sit,'' Caesar gestured sitting next to him, which meant I had to sit next to Sasha.

''Be nice,'' Jessica whispered.

I sat over to Caesar and cleared my throat lightly.

''Jason, it's good to see you,'' Sasha said to me.

''Yeah you too,'' I replied, not giving her my contact and took a sip of my champagne.

We began to dig into our food while Caesar and Jessica were babbling about their Paris trip. Everyone around the table was cackling uncontrollably to their story as I sat there in peace.

''--Jason, why don't you tell them of that Jet Skiing incident, it's so funny!'' Jessica said, poking her arm to Caesar as the two look back at me while everyone else turns their heads to me and waited for me to share the story.

''Umm, you know what, I should go and get rest, I'm sorry Jes, but I'm not feeling so well,'' I lied.

Her face dropped as Caesar replied ''Oh, it's cool, you're a busy billionaire get the rest you need a man.''


I got up from my seat and looked back to Sasha, irking my eyes to her.

''Bye, Jason,'' Caesar said.

''Yeah, bye.''

The person you are calling is not available. ... When you are finished, you may hang up, or, press 1 for more options.

''She's not picking up,'' I mumbled under my breath.

After unpacking my suitcase and bag I took a cool shower, brushed my teeth, and head to bed. I was calling Violet to catch up with the sponsors she had with. By the third call, I gave up. I would assume she was sleeping so I let this rest.

A double vibration from my phone woke me up out of the blue around two in the morning.

I looked at my phone and saw that Violet had texted me.

Violet Johnson:

Mr.Vella, Hi, I'm sorry I didn't respond I was in the meeting today with the sponsors.

Are you okay?

The blur through my eyes was dense and I couldn't read exactly what she texted me. Something about sponsors and if I was okay.

I replied back and texted Yes, baby I'm okay.

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