

Paris, France

The busy streets of Paris seem to always soothe me. Locals and Tourists crossing each other's paths going bout their own daily feat. It even lightens my heart to know supernaturals are now walking among humans freely. If it's one thing I had to commend the past king and queen for was the alliance they have established between our world and this world. Though laws were put in place, the people were happy about it all, mind they were still radicals in the midst, it didn't stop the Savilles in fighting for every supernatural around the world.

Lost in the view before me I was still aware of my surroundings, I knew when four men stepped into my office without an announcement.

"Did you find him?" I asked.

"No Sir. Nor can we find this family we have read about." one answered firmly.

Nodding at his statement, my gaze was still focused on the outside, though ten floors above them I can still see the pedestrians weaving through each other. "I wonder if he knows of our little crusade. Well, that's the wrong way to put it. Let's use the word, bait." I mused.

"Which he isn't pulling. In this instance, I think he has the upper hand boss."

"We have been doing this for years after raiding his home and still no luck. Touched every place he jumped to."

"Do you think he has outside help to stay hidden for so long? Even for eluding us."

I allowed them to voice their opinions for it was the same as mine. Time was drawing near and soon this plan of mine would either work or fail immensely. Turning around in my chair, I went straight to the job at hand, "How many females were killed?" I asked ready to plot in.

"Fifteen, sir. All mateless and the same age the girl should be," one reported, the attack would surely draw attention to Starkov Palace. In my thinking, De La Vega has hidden his daughter until she's of age but he's a simple Alpha. He has to be getting help higher than himself but I will find her. Tracking him all these years was a bit of a challenge but I was a veteran at it. I would not allow some low blood to take what is mine. The so-called Russian Prince is losing his way the longer without a mate, I don't care how many deaths I have left in my wake that throne is rightfully mine.

"Sir. I just have word that the young prince is leaving Russia soon" one of my men said in disbelief as he rushed into my office.

"Impossible. He's known as a recluse. Any overseas business his beta is in charge." I said snatching the report that he rushed in to give me.

It was reported in the old Russian dialect, dated a few days ago, the prince along with his beta was leaving for his homeland come spring. Why the sudden change of predictable movements? Did he find her?

"Keep tabs on him. It looks like we are taking a trip also" I announced. Maybe I should search for her myself. Knowing how father's think of their family, he will want to be closer to her now. Find her, I get him and it will be simply wonderful.

Get two jobs done at the same time.


Landon Prep

"Привет малыш" (Hello Little One)

I smiled at the deep quiet answer I got from my big brother. I loved hearing his voice during our conversations, only he can put my mind at ease and make me think everything is good in the world. Though he was seven years older than me we have been awfully close, I hated when he always left for Russia but dad and mom put me at ease. From birth, he was destined for greater things than just being part of a royal family. We had no throne to take over just sectors in the kingdom which can be easily handed down to us by our parents but with Nikolai. He had a whole country and its neighboring allies. Yes, my cousin Sean had Europe but he still had to report to uncle Caiden. Nikolai practically right the laws for his kingdom, he consults our uncle Caiden when or if things become worrisome. Maybe that's one of the reasons why our cousins are jealous of him.

"Hi Niko," I replied.

He stayed quiet then I heard a deep sigh. Seated on my bed, tears began to form as I looked at the last picture of us together in Russia for the summer. "I am sorry they treat you this way," he continued. It has been a few days since the fight with Matthew and it always left me with so much unbridled anger.

"Why should you be sorry Niko? You are blood. We were taught to love each other no matter the differences. Granny Em taught all of us that." I was trying to keep a lid on it but I think I was failing.

"Who was it this time" he simply asked.

"Matthew" I spat. Nikolai scoffed then chuckled. The love between those two has never been found for some reason only they can say why well more likely Matthew. Our other cousins were the same towards him but Matthew was the worse. They always had an ill word to say about him.

"You know if elders knew the truth about me I can never have a quiet life I wish to have. I do not wish to be king, little one. Being a Russian Prince is enough." he said with a bitter laugh. He was right. Nikolai was the most powerful amongst this generation of royal children but they didn't know that.

"If you be king our time together would be non-existent" I joked.

" I always make time for you, little one. I am sorry I did not come home as I promised." His voice was soft and regret filled them. "No big. I understand." I replied hoping my cheerful reply helped ease him.

To say my brother was shy was an understatement he is the king of shyness and the biggest introvert. At one time he was coming out of that shell but what that person did to him pushed him further in. "Mina" he called out after debating with himself I am sure.

"Yes Niko?" I pushed.

"I am coming this time. Vadim and I need to find her" he said in the most broken voice. My wolf and I sensed his fear even if we were miles away. "And I would be right by your side. I won't allow her to hurt you like what that bitch did to you." I may sound like the eldest sibling but no one messes with my brother. Anya was in the ICU after I was done with her.

His deep chuckles brought me out of my murderous thoughts, "Is my job to do protecting, yes?" Rolling my eyes I let out an unladylike snort as my answer, we talked about what has been happening back in Russia, me giving him advice and we both agreeing on places to start his search for his mate. He was nervous as fifteen year old and I knew why.

"You're not looking for your mate?" he asked.

I shrugged knowing that he can't see I decided to answer the question all my friends have been asking, "Maybe along the way I will find him. I know how possessive males are but I want to get my career started off first."

"Doctor" he confirmed my dreams. "Yup. I'm happy that my family is supporting me in this when the others think it unrealistic" I said sadly.

"Twins are not better than my Mina. They party. They get in trouble with the public. They don't carry the family name as a shield, with pride. You do. You make us proud, Mina, yes? You make our ancestors proud." he said with all the confidence boost a big brother can give his little sister. Nikolai has always been by my side, he was my best friend.

"Now go to sleep, papa should be at school very early. I sent a little gift for you. I love you, little one" his voice was soft and comforting. I smiled in the darkness of my room as I settle in under my cover. In our nights of confusion and fear of the world, we used to stay up and go for a run, bask in the moonlight connect with the Moon Goddess. Just enjoy the peace away from the glamour of being a prince and princess. We knew we didn't ask to be born into this bloodline but there are times when it's all just too much.

"I love you too big brother."

I can't wait for him to come home.

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