Mina and Zarif
"Princess? Are you awake?" The heavy Russian voice stirred Mina from her deep sleep; she was tired from the late-night talk with her family. Everyone was excited to finally have Nikolai back home, he agreed to come to the ball but refused to step foot out of our wing till that night. He was a master at masking multiple scents and manipulation something the others still struggle with.
"ангел" (Angel) the voice said. It was much more pronounced and closer to her ear. What truly woke her up was the pet name the person called her. Mina woke up instantly and took in the person in front of her. A blush took over her cheeks as she took in her brother's best friend, Russia's strongest Beta, Zarif Voldev. His curly blonde hair was a mess, his blue eyes shone like the rays of sunlight streamed through her thin curtains. He was dressed in simple distressed jeans and a blue t-shirt matching his eyes perfectly. The stubble on his face made him so much more alluring.
"Z---Zarif. Hi. W-what are you doing here?" Mina internally rolled her eyes as she caught on to her stuttering. She was a complete mess whenever she was around him ever since they were kids. Her little crush turned to a full-blown love for him which she kept to herself because to him she was just a sister to his best friend.
Zarif smiled down at her, always amazed by her natural beauty. His wolf, Rahn always submitted in her presence urging his human to grant her every wish, her every desire whenever she asked. "We go to the fair, no?" Zarif asked stepping closer to her wanting to take in her scent some more. Vanilla and almonds.
Wetting her lips with her tongue, she nodded her remembering the request she asked of her brother. She was expecting disappointment but this wakeup call was even better. "Ummmm..... How 'bout I -I meet you at the breakfast room then we can be on our way. I promise you will love it" she said excitedly.
He bowed before her, keeping eye contact and answered, "We will have some fun, yes? Till breakfast, my princess." With that, he turned and left her room.
"Oh, my goddess" she yelped in excitement flopping back onto her bed. Mina and her wolf couldn't help the giddy feeling when he said 'my princess'. It didn't sound nor feel like respect to her title but something more. She couldn't put her finger on it but she knows she won't mind him calling her that again.
Sitting beside one of his men, Zarif was explaining to him about precautions to be taken for the night's ball and moments while he was away from their alpha. He was mid-sentence when the only person who can render him speechless by her appearance stepped into the breakfast room, texting away on her phone. Both men stood and kept their heads low greeting her a good morning in their native tongue. She looked up at them both but Zarif knew her eyes were only on him, her beautiful green eyes shone as she returned the greeting. The beta didn't know when the sentinel beside him left; he only made sense to his reality as Mina sat beside him, waiting for him to be seated again.
"You look beautiful today," he said softly to her. Taking in her blonde curls flowing past her shoulders, she wore no make-up which he loved. Dressed in a simple white jumpsuit and matching shoes she was every bit the angel he deemed her to be. Zarif wishes he can tell her now, tell her everything but he loved her too much to let her be distracted from reaching her goals in life. He feared if she knew, she would feel pressured into doing what's 'right'.
"Thank you" she returned before sitting upright when her meal was brought to her. As they ate in silence she couldn't help glancing his way. It's been months since she has seen him last and it has been killing her to pick up the phone and call him. What would he think if she just calls him out of the blue to hear his voice? To comfort her anger or nerves whenever someone made her feel that way. Recently she has been in talks with her wolf about their feelings for Zarif but both decided to leave it be in fear of being rejected.
'We are only a mere little sister to him. I'm sure his attention is him just being nice' her wolf said with sadness in her voice. Mina released a sigh before digging into her meal.
After a quiet breakfast, both Zarif and Mina walked to the courtyard side by side where three range rovers were parked. Each with a driver and guard. "I have a friend as a guest here at the castle she should be here shortly with Prince Matthew" Mina announced. At the mention of Matthew, Mina didn't miss the tensing of Zarif's body. He simply nodded in acknowledgment. It didn't take long for the two to make it out to the courtyard for the waiting Beta and Princess. Mina noticed the confusion yet awe in Sienna's expression as she saw Zarif, the princess felt a sense of pride knowing that Zarif turns many heads in whatever country he is in.
"Beta Zarif. I'm quite surprised to see you here in this country I must say." Matthew said placing a possessive arm around Sienna.
"Good morning Prince Matthew" Zarif replied giving him a slight bow though he hated the little prince.
Matthew nodded. "Mina you didn't tell me Nikolai is here. He actually left his fort?" he teased.
"Your brother is here?" Sienna exclaimed.
"Apologies. Prince Nikolai not here in the country. As Prince Matthew knows I am the liaison for the prince in any overseas matter," the beta answered coolly.
"Hmmm, I guess it slipped my mind. Pity he couldn't be around his family we sure have missed him"
Zarif was about to retort when Mina subtlety held his hand squeezing it causing him to back down, he sent a smile Matthew's way then stormed off to a jeep. Mina kept her focus on her cousin as he sent a heated glare to Zarif's retreating back before changing to an adoring look to Sienna. "Matthew. Please be civil towards Zarif." Mina pleaded with him.
"You are right. I'll be civil towards the Russian you love so much." Matthew sneered.
The princess gasped in shock that someone knew, someone figured it out. "Thought no one knew. You can't hide those longing looks, Mina. How does it feel to love someone who won't see you more than a sister? When he finds his mate you won't even matter to him." Matthew went on to say.
"Matt. What has gotten into you? You can't speak to your cousin like that." Sienna protested squirming away from his hold.
Putting the hurt aside, Mina smiled at her dear cousin who she thought was different, "Its okay Sienna. I'm all but used to it. I hope you listened to your words also. I'm not the only one who would be hurt when the one they love finds their mate," she said to them before leaving.
The ride to the fairgrounds was tense, Mina's mind was miles away thinking over what Matthew said. Her heart ached so bad thinking of Zarif and his mate, a woman who would notice every little insignificant thing of the handsome beta. She wished when that day comes she would be miles away from him probably with her own mate. "Angel, we are here." his voice filtered to her in which she simply nodded and got out on her own.
They made their way to a stage that was built for them to officially open the festival; she sat at her appointed chair while Zarif stood behind her. Moments later the other children of the royals came upon the stage, sitting according to their position. Matthew was seated beside her and she wished she was home in New York at the moment. King Caiden was the last to enter onto the stage; it wasn't a long opening, a small speech, recognition of packs, and then the cutting of the ribbon.
Caiden came to Mina and Zarif at the end of it all to welcome Zarif to his home and commend him for being here for the young prince. The beta coolly answered the king's question but kept an eye on Mina noticing how sullen she looked. Wrapping up his talk with the king, he led Mina away as he noticed the twins' oncoming appearance to her side. "Mina? Is that you?" Reign called out. Zarif heard the taunting on the crown princess' voice but thought nothing of it. Mina tensed at the sound of her name then stiffly turned to look at her elder cousin.
"Your majesties," Zarif said respectfully while bowing. "Oh hello, Beta Zarif I didn't know you were here also." Reign said in a sickly sweet voice edging closer to him. "Late arrival." was all he said keeping his expression cold.
"Ah!! Pity. How is our cousin? I heard of the attacks in his territory. I hope all is settled." Cain commented.
"Prince Nikolai is well. He tended to survivors ever so kindly just as a great alpha should," the beta made sure and filled his voice with pride when speaking of his best friend.
"Um.... well I'll see you all tonight. I promised to show Zarif the grounds" Mina said nervously pulling Zarif away. Once they were lost in the crowds, she released his hand refusing to be enveloped in the pleasurable feeling of his touch. He wanted to hold on to her hand as long as he can but was slightly hurt when she let go. Mina said nothing to him besides showing him silly fair games and pointing out alphas that he didn't care about. He was becoming more and more confused as to why she was so formal with him ever since she returned to his side in the car. Not being able to take it anymore, Zarif pulled her to a clearing behind a large tent. "What are you doing?" she exclaimed.
He said nothing but just watched her with an intense focus. She was looking everywhere but him, she went even further as to take a few steps away from him. "ангел" he started to say.
"Don't. Call me that." she grounded out, she couldn't survive if he calls her that again knowing he would call his mate that soon. He was taken aback by her words that he too steeled himself from any emotion. He would do anything that she asked but he had a nagging feeling something bad was coming.
With eyes to the ground, Mina asked her first question, "Do you wish to find your mate soon?" He said nothing but kept his gaze on her, his heart ached in pain as Rahn and himself fought to keep themself sane, their urge to take away her sadness was strong. "Yes," he said a bit strangled.
Mina swallowed a sob that was in her throat. "Do you ever thought of being with another until you find her?"
"I wish not to hurt her because she's already too special for me," he said hoping she would read through the lines.
"What if someone loves you so much that it hurts. Hurts that when you find your mate she would be nothing but a stranger to you." By then tears of sadness were flowing down her cheek. Zarif's heart was crushed as he put it all together. Mina loved him. His angel loved him. With fists clenched tight, Rahn was whimpering, howling in sadness as they both witness her cry but they had to do it. They had to let her go, let her follow her dreams before telling her.
"Ang---- Mina," he said hoarsely.
She let out a bitter laugh, "It's okay. I was being stupid. I mean what did I expected. You to fall in love with me and we ride off into the sunset? What a dream right?" Hastily she wiped away her tears and looked up at him, giving him a sad smile.
"To clear things up. I love you. My crush turned into love over the years. Just like earlier, my heart broke after hurtful words from my spiteful cousin. I am hurting myself by loving you and it would hurt me more when you return that love for your mate. Pathetic huh! Sorry for ruining our trip but I have to go." she said it all with a smile and tear-filled eyes. Zarif's heart thundered in his ears, his own tears welled in his eyes as he fought with his wolf. His angel was hurting because of him; he wanted to tell her everything but couldn't find the strength to do.
He was about to say something but Mina quickly ran away from him shifting in her wolf disappearing into the forest. "I love you too, my angel." He said more to himself.