Wandering the empty halls of the castle, Nikolai allowed himself to be immersed in memories of his grandparents, he even went into their old library where they taught each grandchild of their history. After his little exploration, he made his way up to the second-floor balcony which was covered in darkness but gave him the full view of the activity down below.
"Prince Angelo and his mate Princess Amelia" the herald called out.
Nikolai smiled down at his parents always amazed by their poise and command of any room. His father still held his mother's hand with intertwined fingers never wanting to let her go. They always sneak glances at each other, light kisses, always wanting to be linked. The guests quickly moved to see his parents, they talked to each guest like an old friend some humorous while some were serious. For Nikolai, he wished this for his future, a loving mate by his side who shall rule as his equal also. His smile dropped when he saw his cousins approached his parents hugging them shortly then flitted away acting rather rudely to guests who wanted their audience.
'Where are you, son?' Angelo asked concerned.
'My favorite hiding spot' he answered his father. He watched as he whispered something in his mother's ear in which she laughed glancing towards the balcony then back to her elderly company.
'Naughty, little Niko. Don't make me come up there for you,' his mother teased.
'No, mama. I'll be down soon,' he laughed. As old as he was now his parents still teased and played with him as he was younger it was a side of them he loved greatly.
"Princess Mina Saville and Beta Zarif Voldev of the Dark Wolf pack Russia"
At the mention of Russia everyone stopped and looked at the Beta accompanying the princess, their whispers were loud. Some questioning if the Alpha too would show up, others asking why the beta was accompanying the princess and rumors of his pack's infamy in Russia. Others were just excited to see a member of the elusive Dark Wolf pack. The pack was known as the largest in Russia to have only pure breeds. No one ever dared to take them down it would be suicide to even go up against one knowing that a Royal was their alpha.
Mina clutched onto Zarif's arm tighter as the eyes of the crowd didn't waver from them. "I'm right here," he said softly in her ear. With his words, she calmed instantly, it left her confused as to why he was this way with her. Since he began calling her angel and always find her company not dull she wondered why but pushed his attentiveness as nothing but brotherly.
"Come. We shall eat. You turned away dinner earlier," he commented leading them to one of the large tables reserved for the family. Along the way, a few alphas stopped them to have a word with the Beta asking him of Dark Wolf's alpha and their training. Smoothly he shot them down and turned back his attention to a certain blonde on his arm.
"Zarif? About earlier when you umm... kissed me. Was it a mistake?" she asked softly.
"Yes it was" he answered firmly. Her heart pained in her chest her hands trembled as she picked up her utensils. She knew it was too good to be true.
"It was a mistake because I should have made kiss longer to savor the feel of your beautiful lips," he said this time in her ear. She gasped in shock dropping her knife on the floor then turned to a smiling Zarif.
"Are you being this way with me because I confessed my love for you? I do not want your pity," she snapped.
"Ah!! There's my angel," he said to her with gleeful eyes. Looking at how beautiful she looked in her emerald green sheer dress, Zarif decided he would throw caution to the wind. For a few years now he knew she was his as he was hers, he knew of her crush on him but never acted upon it due to their age difference but now she was old enough to make decisions for herself.
Taking her hand in his, he slipped the bracelet he had made for her the day he realized they were mates. Confused, she opened up her hand and revealed the gold bracelet with a beautiful intricate design of flowers. Two stones were the only jewels. "Our birthstones," he offered. Mina brushed her finger gently over the design, the beta turned the bracelet over to show her why he was being forward tonight. "Мое сердце - твое." (My heart is yours) she read for only his ears.
"What? Zarif, all of this? What?" she asked confused.
"I have been yours since you were thirteen. You're mine sweet Mina. I watched my princess grow into such a beautiful independent woman. A woman who knows where her heart is and works hard for what she believes in. I want you to fulfill your dreams so I asked Zac to bind our bonding so you can be doctor," he confessed.
"You put your happiness on hold for me?" she asked incredulously. He nodded yes, "Because I love you, angel" She enveloped him in her arms in which he responded quickly, kissing her neck. "I love you too Zarif," she said softly. His heart began to beat faster with joy, his wolf was ecstatic; the woman they loved was in their arms. Even if he had to wait a few more years to be with her all the time he will do so with the biggest smile on his face.
"Mina?" the voice of her friend pulled her out of the bubble. Looking up she saw Sienna beside Matthew, she quickly stood up and went to hug her friend. "I'm sorry bout earlier I was having a rough time" Mina apologized profusely.
"I expected so. It's alright" Sienna said taking a seat beside her. They began to talk ignoring their dates, Zarif didn't mind he was starving and began his meal. Matthew seems to be the one out of his comfort zone, he wanted to just get the night over with and be near Sienna. After talking to each other, Zarif asked his mate to dance while Matthew and Sienna followed them onto the dance floor.
Nikolai watched from afar as his sister and best friend danced he was pleased Zarif opened up to her and they were happy. His gaze wandered across the crowd before he reluctantly left his hiding spot and headed down to join his family.
Vadim was growing uneasy. 'She's here' was all he said. The excitement that his wolf had brought dread to Nikolai.
'What? NOW!? Here?' he returned to his wolf in disbelief and utter chaos in his head. Nikolai slowed his steps, still hiding in the deep shadows he took it as a moment to compose himself. He was about to face familiar strangers, most of them his family. Was he ready to face them also face his potential mate? What if she rejects me? He carelessly thought. Nikolai thought of himself as not a great person to be mated with. His introverted ways can scare people away. They may take his shyness as arrogance and flee from him.
'You can do this' Vadim said encouraging his human. Releasing a deep breath, Nikolai nodded and counted to ten.
"Goddess please guide me," he said to himself.
He took his first step out of the entryway, the herald's eyes widen upon seeing the person before him. He began to stammer then bowed awkwardly before the prince. Nikolai simply nods to him and stood atop the long staircase.
"Presenting the High Alpha of the Dark Wolf Pack. Son of Prince Angelo. The Russian Prince. Prince Nikolai Starkov-Saville IV."
'So much for staying secret.' Vadim said snidely as his human's nerves took over. Nikolai stood watching the sea of eyes staring back at him in curiosity and wonder. He hasn't been home in years and no one in America has seen him in person only via pictures. He kept his face stoic as he slowly descended the stairs.
Mina knew her brother was nervous as hell; his whole family saw it and felt it. 'You are doing great Niko', his mother said to him in a comforting voice.
'I hate it when they stare. I feel like a freak show to them' he replied nodding in acknowledgment as a couple bowed before him.
'You have been away too long that's why.' his father now said. Nikolai then looked for his father in the crowd but only saw his twin cousins. The coldness and disdain in their eyes for him caused him to stop before the guests. They looked at him oddly as he froze mid-step.
Caiden moved to greet his nephew, moving about the statue-like bodies who froze upon seeing the prince. "You sure know how to make an entrance just like your father," he said pulling him into a hug. Stiffly Nikolai returned the greeting, "I wanted my arrival to be a surprise," he said to his uncle. The few who heard him speak gasped at how heavy his accent was.
'She's near. Mate is near' Vadim snapped breaking Nikolai out of his self-pity.
'My mate is here' he announced to his family looking through the sea of people. Moving forward to the throng, he returned greetings to the wolves and vampires even hybrids alike as he twisted and turned to look for her. Looking for that one wolf who can build or destroy him in a few words.
'Can you get her scent?' Zarif asked right away. Nikolai stopped before an elderly couple to extend his greetings while subtly giving the air a sniff. Vadim went crazy, he wanted out.
'Lilies and coconut' he answered.
'I know one of those scents.' Mina exclaimed, 'Walk towards the dance floor. Meet me there.'
Matthew and Sienna watched the commotion from afar only one felt excited and utterly pleased to see the Russian Prince. Having a tight hold on his girlfriend, Matthew reached out to his elder cousins, 'What is he doing here? Did you know of this?'
'Of course not you twit. But it's a big coincidence that he shows up after dad says he's cutting us off.' Reign returned. The anger was there in her voice he was surprised she was still calm.
Cain snorted, 'Look how they fawn over the one-trick pony'
"Matt. I want to meet your cousin. Is it true he is the spitting image of late king Michael? I must see this." Sienna exclaimed tugging at her date. Her wolf was in her best spirits, 'Mate is near, Sienna. Mate is near' she squealed to her human. A large grin made its way to her face; she began to look around, trying to spot the guy who was made just for her. Matthew took in her excitement and was highly confused. "What is wrong my love?" he asked.
"Uhh yeah just looking for... Ummm... Mina. Maybe she can get me closer to her brother," she effortlessly lied. Matthew chuckled. "Come sweetheart let's wait until he's finished with the crowds. I am sure even Mina can't see her brother now," he said gently pulling her away from the dance floor.
Mina saw the two leaving and called out to her friend. "Sienna. Over here."
Matthew heard Mina calling Sienna but wasn't in the mood for any talk of his older cousin. "Let's go out on the balcony. Less noise" he commented. Sienna shrugged but kept looking around her. Something was pulling at her while her wolf Lana was in an utter frenzy. 'Matthew. Stop. I need to talk to Sienna. It's important.' Mina reached out to her cousin quickly before she lost sight of them. Tugging at her dress, pushing at the nosy people she had to bring Sienna to her brother.
'Little one. Where are you? I'm with Alpha Rodrick talking about patrols. Near the dance floor.' he said to his sister with deep frustrations. He may have been speaking Russian to them causing him to repeat himself in English.
'I'll bring her to you. She's with Matthew. Your mate is his girlfriend.' she explained craning her neck to see the two once more.
'And the war has begun,' Nikolai stated to his family knowing what will transpire when it is all revealed.
'MATTHEW! STOP!' Mina commanded of him. She knew his wolf will stop at her command thanks to her father's hidden hierarchy within the family. Matthew, on the other hand, will think of this as her playing the dominant wolf over him.
'Don't you dare use that tone with me. What in goddess name do you want with Sienna? I just want to spend some time with my girlfriend' he snapped stopping both himself and Sienna at a table.
Mina didn't dare tell him why she needed Sienna by her side. Goddess knows what he would do with that temper of his. 'To meet my parents and tell her some good news.' she said innocently. 'I'm sure it can wait.' he said cutting their link.
'He's not stopping. I think he's taking her away from the ball.' Mina said to her brother.
'I am not up for games. I just want to meet my mate so I may know if I am doomed or saved' Nikolai snapped.
'Go back to Zarif' he ordered his sister, 'What is her name?'
Getting too antsy, Sienna stepped away from Matthew wanting to meet her mate once and for all. Her attention was no longer on Matthew, her body soul and mind was alert in finding her mate. He was close. She can feel him.
"Sienna? Where are you going, sweetheart?" Matthew called out to her but his voice sounded far away. A wave of euphoric calm washed over her body, Lana sighed in bliss, completely calm and unaware of the world around them. The noise around her was muted and the people were blurred but a figure at the other side of the room was the only thing in focus. She couldn't see his face. The sense of belonging and want grew stronger. It's him. Her mate.
'You look so breathtaking tonight' A husky male voice said to her. His words tickled her senses, leaving pleasurable shivers down her spine.
"Who are you?" she said out loud.
He chuckled at her words, his soft laugh made her smile.
'Follow me' he said softly to her. Her heart felt ten times bigger at the huskiness of his voice. The way he spoke in heavily accented English made it known to her that he was a foreigner but she couldn't detect his accent for his voice was so low. Focusing on the figure in black, she obediently followed forgetting everything and everyone behind her. She didn't hear Matthew call out for her nor did she see the happy smile her friend had just for her. The person led her out of the ballroom and into the darkened hallway, the only light was from the moon streaming from the tall bay windows. Her steps faltered as she heard the closing of a door behind her.
'Don't be afraid. Walk further down. Take a right.' the voice said.
Her sense of sound was coming back to her as she heard the loud clicking of her heels on the floor. The sounds of the night creatures made its way to her ears now as she near a large doorway on her right.
'It's him, Sienna. Our Soul mate' Lana said in reverence.
Holding up the hem of her dress, she slowly stepped closer to the door, outside of it was a small flight of stairs leading down to a small garden. The fairy lights made it even more beautiful, a koi pond sat in the middle of it with two benches. One on the right and another one on the left. When she gave the garden a look around and found no one she thought herself silly for listening to voices and following strangers.
She was about to leave when the voice spoke again but this time much clearer.
"Did I tell you how gorgeous you are tonight?"
Behind the tall rose bush, out walked Prince Nikolai with his hands clasped behind his back, his heart thundered in his ears as he took in his mate. From her dark hair to her curvy hips, she was a beauty, what nearly made him lost his breath was her eyes. Her soft brown hazel eyes. Sending a shy smile her way he stepped towards her. When she made no move to run he went closer, taking her petite hand, he held onto it with both of his.
"I know your name so let me introduce myself. I am..."
"Prince Nikolai" Sienna breathed out. Though she never saw his pictures, the heavy Russian voice and piercing blue eyes were a dead giveaway not mention the wild dark hair. His smile put her at ease and his presence was welcoming.
"Yes, I am Nikolai. Sorry I led you away from the party. My sister was trying to get you," he explained. Sienna smiled up at him, unconsciously she cupped the side of his face and stroked his cheek with her thumb which was covered in a five o'clock shadow.
"It's okay" she found herself saying. Nikolai was lost for words, he didn't know what to do. She was touching him, she didn't shy away.
"You accept me?" he asked her. Searching her eyes for any signs of confusion or malice what he found was clarity? Peace? His heart was aching to hear her answer, he clutched onto her wrist begging her to answer.
"My heart is doing the talking for once. Yes." she finally said giving him a smile only meant for him.
Vadim howled in delight, breaking free of his human's hold, howling into the night. Sienna's laugh filtered through his howl lifting his spirits even more. Without warning he crashed his lips to hers, enveloping her in his arms. Loving the feel of her skin against his fingers, her lips were soft and delectable; teasingly he bit her bottom lip getting a groan of pleasure from her in return. Her fingers found their way in his hair tugging gently on it. This one kiss to her mate sealed everything that she didn't know was open. For once in her time in America, she felt safe, at peace, protected most of all claimed.
"Finally have you in my arms," he whispered against her lips between kisses.
"She's safe now my friend"