"You really don't talk much, do you?" Sienna asked glancing at the quiet prince beside her. With a squeeze of her hand, he sent her a silly grin. Giggling at his shyness, she swung their joined hands as they walked down the silent corridors away from the ball. Still holding his hand she turned and walked backward facing him, Nikolai slowed his steps so he won't step on her toes. "Why did you ask if I would accept you?" she asked smiling up at him.
Nikolai was simply speechless that he forgot to answer her; he was enthralled by her voice, her smile, and the way her eyes shined so bright when she looked at him. "Uh... I expected cousins to poison your mind about me," he tried to explain.
She stopped and took his other hand in hers, "I was surprised how badly they spoke about their own blood. You and Mina. I didn't let them get to me. Especially Matthew. I never met you so I couldn't agree with them." Sienna tiptoed and kissed his lips blushing as she pulled back. It felt right doing that. She no longer felt disgusted and guilty when Matthew touched or kissed her earlier.
He nodded in acknowledgment and pulled her quickly down to the entrance of his family quarters. "You stay with me, yes?" he asked excitedly.
Sienna took in his childlike expression and how his blue eyes lit up while looking at her. Who would have thought that the famed prince would be her mate? Both Lana and Sienna were excited to start this new chapter in their lives.
"Yes. I am staying with you. No hanky panky though" she teased.
"Hanky Panky?" he asked confused. Laughing at his clueless expression, Sienna simply shook her head and followed him into their quarters. Nikolai led her to the family room and sat her beside the fire, he loved how the flames danced in her eyes, kneeling before her he was in simple awe, both held each other's gaze as he reached up and took her hair out of her up-do.
"Better" he murmured. Her long dark hair fell past her shoulders framing her face so wonderfully, his heart was beating so loud he knew she can hear it. "What do you want to do now? We do have the rest of our lives but now I wanna know what you want to do" she said brushing her fingers across his cheek. He couldn't believe that he found his mate and she was right in front of him. He didn't know that her presence would have such a major effect on him. He felt undeniably peaceful, he hasn't felt this way in years. He heard Vadim's happy sighs as he basked in the warm presence of his mate. His wolf was quoting poetry in their native tongue about his wolf and human mate's beauty, man and wolf were both lovestruck. What were they worried about before?
Shrugging his shoulders he went to sit beside her, "We gotta get you to talk more." She laughed edging closer to him. He felt a slight blush on his cheek and turned slightly away. 'Ask her about herself. We must know about our princess' Vadim said to his human.
"Tell me about you," he said softly.
"Okay. Hmmmm where to start?" she said more to herself leaning over to massage her ankles. Nikolai noticed and quickly took her feet and placed them on his lap. Taking off her shoes he began to massage her aching feet, Sienna was taken aback by the gesture and melted into the pleasure of being taken care of by her mate.
"Go on," he said smiling at her. She told him of her family, where they were originally from even told him about her father. He let her talk about herself, laughing at points that were funny, consoled her when she reached the sad part, overall he was attentive.
"Do you want me to look for your father?" he asked of her. "I don't know. I trust that he has a reason to stay away from me but I long to see him"
"You wish to wait, then? I understand," he said. Sienna smiled finding it so adorable how concerned he was for her and how he spoke in accented English. "I like your accent," she said while yawning resting her head on his shoulder.
"I like yours too." he returned while pulling her onto his lap wanting to have her safe in his arms. "To your question, I shall wait." Sienna was beyond tired at the moment, the warmth and the beating of his heart were lulling her to sleep. "I'm glad I found you." she murmured before going into a deep slumber.
"You just saved me, princess," Nikolai said kissing the top of her head.
He didn't dare move from the sofa, loving the feel of her in his arms, he spent the next hour or so thinking of things to show her, making plans of having her back home in Russia even bringing along her family before he knew it he too fell asleep.
"Where's she? I know your brother had something to do with her leaving." Matthew hissed at his cousin.
"I saw Sienna left on her own. She's probably in the gardens needing some air," Mina said to him brushing him off. They were still at the ball and didn't wish to cause a scene, embarrassing the family. "If your loser brother touches my girl he's going to wish he never came back here" he spat coming closer to her.
Zarif didn't like how close he got to his mate nor of the way Matthew spoke of his friend, he pulled her away putting her behind him. "The princess does not know where your girlfriend went. Maybe you should keep a better eye on her." With those as his last words to the prince, he led Mina out of the ball, nodding to her parents as they made their way to the family quarters.
"I'm so happy for Niko," Mina squealed twirling around in the halls. Zarif laughed at her antics running up to catch her by her waist. "Are you happy, my angel?" he asked of her. Wrapping her arms around his neck she crashed her lips against his, not caring who can pass by and see them he pressed her against the wall and gave into her passionate kiss. His groan ignited a fire in her, pulling him more onto her body, she wanted more of him. His hands trailed from her waist to neck awakening the wanton side of her. "I am happy," she said against his lips. Pressing his forehead against hers, he took in her green eyes that showed so much love just for him.
"I'm sorry for making you cry. I only want you to fulfill your dream of being a doctor. Our mate bond would be a major distraction" he explained.
"I understand. It sort of worked out great because now we have love without the help of the bond. We have something that most mates don't have. Original love." She said running her fingers through his curls. "Do you want Zac to undo spell?" he asked growling in her ear as her fingers massaged his scalp.
"Let's forget about that for now," she whispered as her lips skimmed across her neck. "Angel you are pushing me to the limit," he growled lifting her unto his hips. Mina laughed out loud as he clutched onto her and rushed them to his room. "Zarif" she laughed out loud. He loved the sound of his name on her lips and the way she laughed with her whole heart.
"Don't stop me now angel. I wish many nights to have you in my arms as I sleep." he said kissing her cheek. His words brought a smile to her face, "I longed for that too".
Angelo and Amelia quietly walked back to their quarters after the end of the ball. It was quite eventful, for Angelo it was the hardest with keeping everybody's emotion intact especially the twins'. Caiden told him of his plan in cutting them off thinking it would help them leave their wild ways behind which they have to wait and see. When Nikolai came, he sensed all three cousins' anger. It hurt him so much to feel the hate they had for his son, Niko didn't ask for what was given to him. It wasn't his fault that the Moon Goddess decided to bless him with an original wolf spirit. When Nikolai was born Angelo saw the vision of what his future would be like that's why he confided with his parents' of how early his son grew into his powers, they decided to leave the choice of becoming king up to him. Caiden knew that besides his kids Nikolai can rule but didn't place any hatred on the pup.
For Amelia, she simply wanted to have a good time with her extended family without any bloodshed. She was ecstatic when her son mentioned that his mate was near and couldn't wait to meet the lucky girl.
"I wonder if we know her parents. Maybe she's a local wolf from a nearby pack." Amelia said lost in her own world. Angelo smiled down at his wife leaving her to her own thoughts. He knew of his son's mate since she was a baby. He knew it was time to reveal it all, it has been a long eighteen years keeping such a dire secret from his family but he had to. Only two other persons knew and now they have died with the secret unspoken by them.
They decided to take a moment in the family room but stopped in their tracks when they saw the sight before them. Nikolai was now asleep on the sofa with his mate sleeping soundly on top of him. He had both arms around her as his face was nestled in her hair.
"I think she would be great for him." Amelia commented before tiptoeing to her son. Kneeling beside his head she began to brush his hair back and calling out to him in his sleep. Angelo sat in a chair across from his wife and son, looking on at them. After a moment, they saw the sleepy eyes of their son, Angelo can recall how many times he watched over his firstborn while he slept when he was a child. At moments like these, he amazed himself, knowing Nikolai and Mina now a third were results of his love for his Amelia. Nikolai smiled at his mother before realizing his mate atop of him.
'She's so wonderful.' he said to them over their link.
'What's her name?' his mother asked looking at the girl, melting at the sight of her son stroking her hair.
'Sienna. She goes to school with, little one. Also, she's Matthew's girlfriend' he said with worry.
Angelo muttered a few curses under his breath before he began to pace the floor. 'Maybe he will understand? He must know this would have happened along the way,' Amelia interjected. Nikolai looked at his mother then rolled his eyes; she always looked for the good in any situation. 'We shall sort this out later. Get her to bed, son.' Angelo said walking towards Nikolai.
'Papa....' he started to say.
'Leave everything for the next day, Niko. For now, take care of your mate. You both need each other.' Angelo said to his son, kissing his head then left. Nikolai stared deeply into the now light fire wondering what was bothering his father other than the Matthew thing.
"Niko," Amelia called out softly. He nodded in answer to her unspoken statement and gently got up with Sienna. On instinct, she wrapped her arms around his neck and buried her face in his neck causing him to smile.
Amelia followed her son to his room and watched as he gently placed her on his bed then disappeared into his walk-in closet. He came back out towards her carrying an old ice hockey t-shirt from his college days. "Can you... umm... "He began scratching the back of his head with a heavy blush on his cheeks. His immediate family knew how self-conscious and innocent he was. The idea of seeing the woman in his bed, his mate, naked made him blush entirely. She was the first woman to be in his bed and the first to sleep next to.
"Of course I will" his mother answered pushing him out of his bedroom. She was still amazed by how shy he was but proud of how he respected women in whatever circumstances. As she changed the new princess' clothes she couldn't help but wonder what would be the outcome when Matthew finds out the truth.
'Mina, honey. Please convince Matthew that Sienna is with you for the night.' she said reaching out to her daughter.
'Yes, Mama.'
'Oh and tell Zarif just because he's my son's best friend that I won't crush him if he hurts you.' Amelia said with a smug smile as she neatly placed Sienna's dress in the lounge.
'Yes mama' Mina returned while laughing.
"All through?" Nikolai asked coming back in. She nodded while opening up her arms for him. With a silly grin on his face, he rushed into his mother's arms. "I love you my little Niko. I am so proud you have the happiness your father and I found years ago," she said hugging him tightly.
"It feels good to feel this way. I love you too mama," he replied as she let him go.
"Good night baby," she said kissing his cheek then left.
Nikolai turned to the beauty in his bed watching the gentle rise and fall of her chest as she slept, the way how her lips part slightly, her hair wildly spread across the pillow she was truly a wonderful sight.
'Can I come out to be next to her?' Vadim asked also lost in his mate's beauty. Nikolai agreed, stripping off his briefs he shifted into his wolf. Vadim paced the floor beside his mate before taking in her scent, gently he licked her face then neck before going onto his side of the bed. He laid beside her wanting her body close, unconsciously Sienna turned and pulled him closer nuzzling into his large furry body. "Mate" she mumbled before drifting back to sleep.
It pleased both Vadim and Nikolai that she now accepted them in both forms.
'Good night my gorgeous princess,' was the last words Vadim said before going to sleep.