Angelo released a frustrated sigh and notified his sister on what to expect when her son returns to their quarters. She was kind of disappointed but understood the whole situation entirely. "Meet me in my office Niko." was all he said before striding down to his office in a hurry to get out of the castle. Once upon a time, it was his safe haven but now it's like a cursed place for his family. "Angie?" he heard Amelia called out to him. Turning around there she was dressed in a flowered sundress and flats making her way hurriedly to him, "Why are our stuff being hurriedly packed?" she asked clutching onto his arms.
"Matthew reacted badly to the news of Sienna being Niko's mate and I really don't want my family here for the upcoming tension," he said to her stroking her cheek. Amelia rolled her eyes and hugged her husband tightly. "When we return home, there are things I have to discuss with you. For now, I want you to go get your stuff ready" he said gently coming out of her hold. Looking into his eyes she saw nothing but worry. "You do know that we can take care of ourselves right?" she said with a smile.
"I know but I can't help but play superman for my family who I love dearly," he joked hitting her butt playfully as she left him.
In his office, he quickly got all the documents he needed and put them in his briefcase, "Papa. I'm here" he heard his son said coming in.
"Come here Niko" Angelo ordered sliding a family portrait to the side revealing a safe. His son said nothing but just watched on. "11.13.24. Remember those numbers" he said punching in the numbers on an electronic keypad.
"Why those numbers?" Nikolai asked craning his neck to see what his father was taking out. "Your birthdate. Sienna's and the day I saw that vision which was the 24th" he calmly said bringing out a chest with a unique lock. Angelo stood and looked at his son who now looked confused.
"Sienna was destined for you since her birth. The goddess showed me when you were seven and just came into your powers. I told my mother and we went in search of her. Our search ended in Venezuela, her parents are such lovely people, and their pack adores them and respected them fully. I held her in my arms for the first time that day and my wolf confirmed that she was really the one to help you in the future."
"Help me?" Nikolai asked touching the chest reverently.
"With each new pup, the more powerful they get well, according to the wolf they are blessed with. Vadim is the second original wolf in our family, we have grounds to rule the kingdom but we both decided to let protocol do the talking. You have more gifts than the others, stronger than the others and your mate would be different than other royal mates. Sienna would be like your equal. She won't be getting just one gift like each Royal mate. As she grows with you so would her gifts, it would be like you giving her some of yours in order for Vadim to be balanced." he explained.
"Because of mate, I feel.... lighter. Vadim and myself happier?" Nikolai asked smiling.
"Exactly. Having a mate makes you feel ten feet tall. Like you can do anything once she's by your side," Angelo said thinking of his own mate. Going back to the chest, Angelo stretched forth his hand to his son, knowing what his father needed, he took off the ring his grandmother gave him when he was thirteen. It was a simple gold band with groves all around it as it turned out, the ring was the key. Opening the box was a gold tiara with diamonds encrusted all around, nestled beneath the tiara was a letter with Nikolai's name written on it. "The tiara was made for your mate while the letter is for you from your grandmother. Keep them safe." was all Angelo said pushing the chest towards his son.
"In vision. Nothing harm mate?" Nikolai asked holding the crown.
"Not her son." his father answered. The young prince turned sharply to look at his father who gave him a sad smile. Angelo took his son into his arms and held him tightly, "Promise me you would take care of your mother and siblings. You're strong. You're my son and that means a lot" he said kissing his son's head.
"Visions can change, it all depends on what happens in the present. We won't be losing you, papa. I am going to need you to help me with all of this. You won't be leaving me, "Nikolai said with much confidence. As Angelo held his son, tears of sadness welled on his eyes, his son's grip tighten. The vision still haunts him all these years and he fears of its arrival. What do you do when you know you would no longer be there for your family? Tears flowed down Angelo's cheek as he heard the beginnings of his son crying into his chest.
"Вы всегда будет мой маленький Niko." (You would always be my little Niko) Angelo said.
He looked behind his shoulder so many times one would think something was awfully wrong. Every turn and twist the car made he looked out onto the streets trying to spot that face that haunted him all this time. He had been told everything was alright now but words didn't help.
"Is everything ready?" he asked the men in the van. "It's all been arranged just waiting for his command," one said sending him a reassuring smile.
He released a sigh and closed his eyes hoping he can sleep for the rest of the journey. His wolf was tired as they both have been through a lot. The men who were traveling with him were happy to see their friend sleeping. It has been a toll on all of them, him the most. After another hour's drive, they reached their destination. "Sir. We are here," one said waking up their companion, who stirred in his sleep and was alert in an instant. His wolf surfaced immediately, his fangs and claws protruded out ready to attack. "It's alright. We are here," his friend said softly. He nodded and worked on calming himself. Slowly he came out of the van and took in the house in front of him. Tears formed in his eyes as he saw the familiar lilies his mate planted at their old home. She continued to plant them after he initially planted on the birth of his daughter. On the far-right was a huge lawn with two small soccer goal posts, memories came flooding back causing his steps to falter. Evening games with his son was one of the things he missed over the years. So many little things he cherished kept him going while he was in hiding.
Opening the front door transported him back to Venezuela, they kept the home Spanish style, open and airy, the sunlight streamed through the windows causing the place to glow beautifully. He stood in the middle of the foyer as his men idly looked around admiring the house.
"Joviano usted tiene una reunión para asistir a los ancianos." (Jovian you have a meeting to attend with the elders) he heard her shout from upstairs it sounded as she was coming closer. The clicking of her heels on the marble stairs made his heart come alive. There she was coming down the stairs in a fitted yellow dress, her long dark hair streaked with grey; she was focused on her phone and wasn't taking in her surroundings. His wolf howled for joy upon being with their mate after so long.
She was their home, wherever she was they had to be with her.
"Mi Amor" he called out to her. She stopped in her tracks and looked up into those grey eyes she dreamed of for the past eleven years. The man she cried out to every night wishing he was beside her. Her mate. Her best friend. Tears of joy streamed down her face as she moved slowly to him dropping her phone to the floor not caring if it's smashed. She saw only him. "Emilio" she cried out rushing to him and falling to her knees, squeezing his hand while crying her thanks to the Moon Goddess. "Maria" he sobbed joining her on the floor and taking her into his arms. Her cries were muffled as she clutched onto him, her words came out jumbled as she cried out words of love and how much she missed him.
"Jovian" his mate cried out. "Jovian. Come here. Prisa hijo" Maria took in the tired eyes of her only alpha, his greyed hair, and lean body. Dark circles formed beneath his eyes showing his stress. "Aye, mama. I'm coming" Emilio heard his only son shouted. He quickly stood, bringing his mate and stepped closer to the staircase. As Jovian turned the corner to the staircase, he stopped in his tracks, a wide smile lit up his face instantly.
"Papa" he shouted sliding down the rails then rushing into the arms of his father. Emilio held onto his son, relishing the feel of having his pup beside him. He kissed his son on his head and pulled Maria into the hug. He felt somewhat incomplete because his little girl was missing. Nevertheless, he was happy to be home after so many years.
"I'm home now. Sienna is safe now," he said to them. Maria looked up him confused for a moment. "She has found her mate. Just as Prince Angelo told us," he said smiling down at her.
It was great to be home even if it's just for a moment. He was finally back with his family.