After making sure they were cleaned up and comfortable, Nikolai proceeded to tell his mate what his father wanted to tell her. As he spoke, he watched her closely to witness her reactions, after all, he was telling her why her life in Venezuela was uprooted.
"Are you all close on finding out who is behind it all?" she asked. Sienna was trying to wrap her mind around it all. There was someone out there trying to kill her to create a chain reaction that would end with either Nikolai or his father dead.
"I just got reports of your family's escape. I need to link all these attacks from over the years. These people followed your father wherever he was moved to for safety. They have thought that you are hiding with him, that's why they kill females at your age each year. They are smart and have a great knowledge of our family," he answered caressing her back in an act of comfort.
Shaking her head, she moved away from his comfort zone and stood above him trying to get some clarity.
"Okay. Your father had a vision of me being born eighteen years ago and mating with you. A threat is hanging in the rafters for you and I. Our mating was blessed by the goddess because of your wolf. Someone found out all of this and wanted to get rid of me eleven years ago by outing our pack. Daddy was and still is under the crown's protection until I'm fully mated with you......." she began. She chuckled as she caught the shy smile on Nikolai's lips as she said the last part.
"The people who have been tracking my father are vamps and hybrids a few humans, none of our own kind was scented at the packs?"
"We believe they have a boss who is a wolf. The packs are well hidden. Only wolves can find them," he explained.
"The guy who was sent to train my brother and I. Who was he?"
A proud look came upon his face before he answered. "My great uncle Jonah Stevenson. He used the last years of being Delta for you and your brother." Sienna was shell shocked to know that her trainer was 'The executioner' well one of them. "No wonder I was paired to fight with Mina or Matthew," she mentioned idly. Nikolai was proud to hear her statement, his baby was a great fighter if she's fighting alongside his sister.
"Grandmother planned everything for you and your family. To keep everyone safe until we find each other. I am happy now," he commented before standing before her. Nikolai still couldn't believe that his mate was before him, he dreaded the day they met, fear laced his mind of her rejecting him but didn't expect all of this.
"Wow. Just Wow," she said staring off at the distance letting her thoughts go crazy. Her life was seen beforehand and they all went above and beyond to take care of her just for him. Devotion to him. "You are not..... How you say. Freaked out?" Nikolai asked. She didn't hesitate to answer him, "No. I'm not. Well, not anymore. I wanted answers for so long and somehow I knew at the back of my mind that it was something dire, something that is beyond our control. Aside from the fact that someone wants to kill and destroy me. I say everything is great. I found my mate. My papa is back. Most of all I am happy" she exclaimed. Nikolai laughed heartily at her declaration as she told him animatedly. Sienna paused and listened to him laugh, he looked and sounded so carefree, and this was the way she always wanted to see him
'Both of them' Lana said pleased that they made the prince this happy.
Saville Family Castle
"Matthew. Are you sure? It could have been Uncle Angelo or Mina."
His brother and cousins have been asking him the same question over and over since he explained to them what happened with the confrontation with Nikolai.
"Why the fuck would I lie? It's fucking Nikolai," he spat at his brother.
"You better watch your tone, little brother," Sean growled. Matthew sat on an armchair bothered and plain old annoyed, thinking of his Sienna with his wimp of a cousin. Mates? They both are mates. She should have been his mate he thought. He was the one who loved her. Matthew was brainstorming on how to get his Sienna back, ignoring the other occupants In the room. He needed her by his side.
"This can't be right. It was known to us that he only inherited a basic gift. Telepathy. How in goddess' name can he create a shield, have the power to freeze and reverse the damage done by others." Sean was agitated now, his uncle has been lying to the whole family, and they thought them fools. Since he was young, he always thought his uncle Angelo was treated differently by everyone. He had the same caliber of respect by their people, never bent to King Caiden's random orders, had the same authority as the king, and freedom to do as he pleased. While being trained tirelessly and being taught to be the perfect leader for his kingdom, word came to every one of Nikolai's new station as High Alpha. They all studied each kingdom, their rules, and hierarchy. Him being Russian High Alpha gave him his own territory and dominance over so many packs. He was a Royal on the same footing as the present King. The wolf king's own pups didn't have that much power in their own kingdom and they were heirs to the throne.
Sean's resentment began way back then, Cain and the other's joined him when they two saw the difference in treatment. Nikolai and Mina were the most favored and they didn't like it at all.
"You think they kept the secret of his powers, giving them time to plan in taking our throne? You do know if he is proven stronger than us, he'll have it all. The fucking Russian would be above us in all things. The elders are even considering it. To them, neither Reign nor I are 'fit' to be king or queen." Cain said with venom lacing his voice.
"What about me? He would have power over me. I am not letting a hermit of a cousin ordering me around. Isn't having a monarchy like Russia enough? Their side of the family has been playing us all along while our parents just sit there and allow it. Mom and Dad have become so lenient the servants think they are the same rank as us." Sean was the first to claim his throne and did so proudly, he ruled Europe with an iron fist in which his parents have no say. He believed that the royals then the alphas below him are the dominant leaders in every situation. Whatever they say goes. Anyone beneath them wasn't allowed to eat with them, talk to them like old friends. Lots of rules have been put in place since his reign which the people did not like and often complain to the past prince. His father had no say because he willingly stepped down from his position as a leader.
"Mom goes to Uncle Angelo every time we do something 'unfitting'. Isn't our father her mate, what the fuck is up with that? Back at the ball, when precious little Niko showed up our own father actually went up and greeted him like a fucking son. We just got a scowl and the fucking news of being cut off. Dad needs to grow some balls" Cain sneered while sipping on his scotch.
"We need to know the rest of Nikolai's gifts. But how?" Sean mused. With a sly smile he turned to his little brother, Matthew felt the gaze on him and turned to see both Cain and Sean looking at him. He knew what they were thinking and began to deny their request. "Both Sienna and Mina know my dislike for Nikolai. They will be suspicious if I suddenly approach them in a friendly manner. We parted in a not so nice way." he explained with a grimace. Seeing how his cousin held Sienna was enough to make him throw up. How can she simply go to him after a meaningful relationship they had?
"Do you guys really think Nikolai is the strongest out of all the pups of this generation?" Cain asked staring blindly at a portrait of their grandmother above the mantle.
"If his father was the strongest. I won't be surprised if he is," Reign finally spoke since she came into the sitting room with her cousins and brother. Her gaze was out the window, following the raindrops rolling down the glass.
"What? Have you gone completely bonkers due to no longer being a spoiled brat," Sean sneered at his older cousin, taking in her sad disposition by the window.
Reign let him have that insult and turned to them. "Dad isn't the strongest of the three. Uncle Angelo is. Read the family journals closely and compare how everyone acts," she said quietly turning back to look outside. Cain felt his sister's sadness but brushed it off as not having any expenses and being put to work in one of their dad's companies. Her dark blonde hair was in a messy ponytail and dressed in a t-shirt and sweat pants she no longer looked like his glamorous twin sister.
"Where did you hear that shit from?" Matthew asked.
"Mom and Dad. I heard them talking when I was younger around 17. Nikolai made his official debut as Russian Prince. They were talking about how Uncle Angelo had this gift that can help them with a pack abduction crap. Dad said Uncle Angelo can be king if he wanted to because he was above them all. His wolf is an ancient spirit or something."
They all sat dumbfounded by the information even more so they wanted to know why. Why did everyone keep it a secret? Better yet did the kingdom know? "I think only one other person knew of Uncle Angelo and Nikolai's true potential. The one person who loved us dearly but was more to a certain pup," Cain said staring at Emma's portrait.
"Grandmother?" Matthew asked out loud.
"Who cares anymore? If Niko wants the throne, let him have it, I don't care anymore." Reign grumbled before leaving the room.
"What's up with her?" Matthew asked her brother in utter confusion. She was the one who led the 'I hate Nikolai' club now she was bailing.
Cain simply shrugged and refilled his glass.
Reign's mind was taken over with more pressing thoughts. There were far more important things than money, position, and a stupid crown. Her walk led her to the throne room where the seats of her mother and father were on a heightened stage. Idly she allowed her fingers to trail over the portraits of past kings and queens then the rope barriers, her walk ended on the stage where she sat between the gold-framed seats. Her mind drifted back to Seattle where she left her heart for someone and they didn't even know it. His smile. His vibrant hazel eyes covered by his shaggy brown hair. His voice so husky yet soothing even the way that he walked captured her. Little things she had to remember him by which would make her smile, the other things not so much.
"Are you always this mean? Just because daddy pays for everything it doesn't mean you can come here and treat me this way."
"Why would I want to go out with you? I don't think I'm rich enough to be your type. I heard what you said to your friends. You didn't even defend me when they started their trash talk. You just laughed."
"Don't you get it? Whatever you do whatever you say, no matter how much money you throw my way it doesn't change the fact that you hurt me. It isn't always about you, Reign. What about me?"
Tears of heartbreak rolled down her cheeks as she recalled every word Shane shouted at her. No matter what she did and thought was right, it turned out wrong. She thought her status would make him come to her easily, as everything that has come to her was through her name. Reign Saville.
Her sobs became louder but she tried to muffle the sound by covering her mouth but it was useless. It hurts to know that the one thing she ever wanted and needed would never love her back.
Reign has to live knowing that her human mate hated her and would never return her love all because of her selfish conceited ways.
She needed to get away from here, do something that will take away the pain. She just wanted to feel numb.