New York City
"Maybe he decided to stay. Since Dad died he has been keeping to himself a lot more than before. Only focusing on the company and the pack." The voice of her mate didn't put her worries at rest.
Amelia paced the floor of her room at their large home, she recently heard the news from her only son that he won't be coming home anytime soon. She was a bit taken aback when he said he wanted to come back home, but now for him to cancel she was anxious and worried even more so.
"Angie. Please talk to him. You two are very close and similar in every way. I know he has major responsibilities but I think having him with family for a while, he would open up," Amelia pleaded with her mate while rushing over to him. Angelo opened his arms knowing that his love needed comfort. She fell into his arms and curled up into his warm embrace. Angelo kissed her temple and focused on calming her and her wolf. As he ran his fingers through her golden mass of hair he thought of his son, Nikolai.
When his grandfather died, he saw how distant he became with them and the people around him, Nikolai Starkov meant the world to his son. Every summer he was eager to go back to Russia, sometimes he begged to go for spring and winter breaks not caring about his cousins, not even his little sister. Angelo spoke to him about it but it didn't seem like he got through. Looking at a picture of both him and his son on the side table next to him he saw the same look he saw in himself when his first mate died.
Nikolai was shutting out everyone, he thinks that he doesn't deserve happiness. Angelo held his mate tighter. "His wolf will help through this little hiccup he's probably going through. He needs to move at his own pace. He doesn't want to get hurt nor lose anyone close to him," he confided in her.
Amelia looked up into those green eyes that she still love so much. She still couldn't believe that she found the one guy who would love and care for her this much. He gave her this life of security and love with two wonderful kids. Well....
Biting her lips, she sat up and straddle her mate, his green eyes began to get darker, Amelia was about to talk but was cut off by warm full lips crashing onto hers.
'I know. Your wolf released their scent' he said to her over their link. Amelia chuckled against his lips and responded to his fiery touch. Angelo still wore his hair long in which she loved, she tugged at his dark locks as he trailed his kisses to her mark.
"I love you so much" he breathed out against her skin. His wolf was ecstatic that they were having a third pup.
"I love you too, Angelo" she moaned clutching onto his shoulders as his hand slid under her dress.
"Thank you for loving me. Giving me this wonderful family," he continued with his movements as he whispered those words in her ear. She shuddered in pleasure anticipating his touch, Angelo moved back to watch her, he was still amazed by her beauty, her golden blonde hair, ocean blue eyes, and her plump luscious lips. His fingers finally reached her heated core in which she gasped in shock. "Fuck" he bit out and began the pleasurable motion of in and out. Angelo kept his gaze on his wife, she caressed his face as she accepted the most wonderful feeling from him. As they held each other's gaze, she remembered the tortured look on his face when she was taken away from him. The way he held on to her when he thought she was going to die. The first time he said 'I love you' to her. Angelo was her everything.
Tears of love and pleasure rolled down her cheek as he brought her close to her climax. "Please. Don't cry," he begged of her his own voice breaking. Amelia crashed her lips on his and began to unbuckle his slacks. She needed to feel him.
Not breaking their gaze, Angelo released his member, she quickly positioned herself over him, taking him in slowly. Without warning, Lykos took over from the prince and thrust harshly into his mate's hot core. Amelia screamed out in pure bliss, that wonderful sound brought out the animal, even more, standing up, he wrapped her legs around his waist moving them to the bed. Laying her on the bed, her hair fanned out like a halo. Lykos went wild, tearing off her dress while pounding into her, kissing her all over her body. He hovered over her tummy and took in the scent of his third pup.
'Wonderful mate' he said to her moving up to kiss her once more. Savoring her lips, he felt her walls tighten around him bringing him close to his release also. Gathering her up in his arms, she clutched onto him tightly feeling her release coming, they both screamed out each other's name as they reached cloud nine. Lykos retreated back and let his human tend to the mother of their kids.
Stroking her back, "Let's get you and the little one a nice warm bath and something to eat," he said softly. He moved slightly in her causing her to moan and clutch on to him tighter, "More already?" he laughed as she flipped them over.
"Maybe later I will give Niko a call," he laughed as she nibbled on his ear.
'Nikolai we cannot be this way forever.' The young prince released a deep sigh after he heard what his wolf, Vadim had to say. They were out for a run in the surrounding territory. He was ahead while his men were on the outskirts of him, giving him space while keeping him safe.
'You're right, my friend but I have not been out of Russia for years.' he said.
'We have a family.' his wolf assured him.
He stopped in the middle of his run and looked around the place he called home. His isolation chamber his little sister called it. Nikolai has learned his lesson with people outside of his circle. People only saw him as a stepping stone, a way to be noticed by society. The one person he trusted betrayed him, it was done in such a cliché way but it still hurt twice as bad. He promised himself he wouldn't be tricked again but his wolf has been trying to prove him wrong.
'Альфа. Все в порядке? '(Alpha, Is everything alright?) One of his guards asked.
Prince Nikolai looked around at the wolves and hybrids around him. They have been his circle; they knew things about him that his own family didn't know. They have been his guards since he was two years old when he started coming to Russia. He confided a lot in them and they knew who he was truly. He couldn't keep them out of his worried thoughts.
'Вы хотите за Луной. Не так ли?' (You wish for a Luna. Don't you?) He asked of his men. They sat and looked at him with respect and love. They have witness how a woman he trusted, broke his heart. The cousins he will give anything treat him like crap because of some unknown reason. Their Alpha slipped into the role of high alpha, CEO of a powerful empire in Russia, and led a pack to become most respected after his grandfather's death. Grieving was put on hold because his people needed him. All they wanted was to see their alpha happy. It now has been years since they've seen him smile, Prince Nikolai deserves to have a life outside of all the titles he gained.
He needed his mate.
'We do not want our prince to be lonely. It is time, your majesty,' one answered. They lowered their heads in respect and devotion for the young prince and whimpered in agreement.
Nikolai understood what they meant but he was so scared to step out of his comfort zone. The fear of getting hurt once again was there, it will be the same for anyone.
'Our family misses us. Little Mina... we promised her,' Vadim said softly.
'I miss them too. I hate that I hurt, our little one. We have to do this.'
Nikolai knew he had to put aside his fears and step back into the world. Whatever comes his way, he will deal with it the best way he can.
Author Note
Vadim is pronounced as 'vahDEEM'.