Read with BonusRead with Bonus

chapter 30

Xavier’s point of view, this might just be the last one

My sister and I walked through the palace halls to get to where my father was waiting to kill me as my sister explained. We made small talk along the way and she told me about how my father almost beheaded a guy for pecking her. He was a really protective father and a possessive one at that, He is the person most of my personality came from.

“Father it is so good to see you after so long” I made no mistake on trying to hug my father, he was the devil you know

“Xavier, I hear you have my guards going back on my orders Camari leave us”

“I want to be here” she grumbled

“Camari!” his voice boomed which made me jump

“Follow me to the weapons room”

“Forgive me, if I have to decline to be in the same room as you and sharp objects father”

“Am I becoming predictable?”

“Pretty much father”

“Let us go to the garden then, to have a father to son talk about that witty human girl in your care”

“Winter?” he ignored my question then walked out of the throne room. We entered the garden and father faced me with his arms behind his back looking at me as if he was a stone.

“Father you wanted to speak to me about my Fiancee”

“Yes, you are giving her too many liberties she doesn’t respect you”

“Love between two equals is not based on fear father, it is trust. of course, you would know that if you actually treat mother... I am very sorry” I said when I saw my father’s eyes, still green but furious. This is why I don’t want to have sharp objects around when I am talking to this demon. Our injuries heal fast but they still hurt.

Xavier now would be a good time to help me, Xavier, Xavier. I heard a voice in my head, father was still talking to me so I ignored it, Xavier. What? I replied. Help me Mrs. Anderson is on to me she knows it is not my handwriting. I don’t know how her teacher found out the handwriting was not hers, but I managed to gain some focus on my magic and I caused Winter to have an attack

“Son you need to let her know her place, you are her future king and most importantly she is human and you are a demon...”

“We don’t have to be unequal dad she is going to be my wife, the person that will bare my children”

“But for now I implore you to make sure she knows who is boss” I almost rolled my eyes at my father, he was being so cliche. Do all kings actually have to be cruel, do all demons actually have to see humans as slaves. Xavier just come to pick me up from school, I heard Winter again, I am busy right now, too busy for me? actually I was too busy for her she didn’t expect every ounce of my time to go to her right, You could say that Just tell her to try calling your father again Jax would pick it up and come pick you from school, okay, Okay this thing about you in my head can really come in handy she added, yeah yeah she is asking you a question right now.

I continued listening to the crap my father had to say.

“Take a walk with me, son”

“Okay?” I said but it sounded more of a question than a statement. We both started walking in the huge garden

“Sooner or later you are going to have to bring that girl to meet us after you teach her some manners of course. Because if I am disappointed I will end her life and you will be forced to marry the president of the North’s daughter.

“Blunt, are we?” my father smack the back of my neck,

“Father!” I yelped, that was excruciatingly painful. Jax, go to my bedroom and pull out the phone that is ringing from my drawer, Yes your grace.

“Wouldn’t you like to marry someone of your kind”

“She will be one of our kind very soon when we do the ritual so there is nothing to worry about”

“And her father would go around ranting all about us to every single soul in America”

“He knows better father, unlike Winter I really put him in his place willingly, these flowers are a beautiful shade of yellow father, not something I thought I would see” I caressed the smooth petals of the roses

“You have really hit rock bottom, admiring flowers, You know not to touch them we would never hear the last of it if your mother finds out she would box your ears”

“True, but I might be interested in plucking some” I reached out while looking at my father, he saw through my teasing he knew that if I picked it my mother will blame him for it. His eyes narrowed

“I am joking father” we passed one of the guards

“I will like to settle this with a sword fight” what a violent demon

“I am still recovering from our last fight you know, I have a few scars”

“Don’t be a sissy” Of every noun in the universe to compare me to he just called me a wimp. OH HELL NAW.

“Okay, I call your bluff we can have a sword fight, king lucifer. I am not a sissy” Just at the right moment we stopped at a guard post in the castle.

“My king, my prince” they both bowed, I collected one of their swords and pulled it out of the scabbard, sharp enough my father can only get killed by only one thing so having a sharp sword won’t really be a problem. He collected the other guard’s sword and we walked to the courtyard.

I sneered at my father as we both assumed a high guard, and threw an overhand cut. He blocked quickly and reflexively. I cut from the other side and he again blocked again. good tactic. we moved, back and forth, as if realizing I wasn’t injured yet my father started thrusting his sword towards me whilst avoiding my sword. I kept throwing overhand cuts.

With the next cut in his direction, my father threw his hands up, and parried high, with his point towards my face. In his pleasure at his success, he nearly missed the moment to thrust but thrust he did. I was surprised, then leaped backward, slapping his blade aside. My father did not fight the blow, but turned the deflection into a moulinet and cut at my head.

I blocked and cut against him slicing his arm, Oops I stared at the blood. Wasting no time gawking himself, my father pressed in, keeping his blade against mine to close the line, with a move, I wasn’t too quick to decipher my father went around me then tactfully placed the blade of his sword directly under my chin. I looked back and glared at him, but said the required words. “I yield.” through gritted teeth

My father let out a hearty laugh mocking me, well I know now that a sword is definitely my mother because I think if he could marry an object. It would be a sword

“I almost had you there, father”

“But then you weren’t too quick, were you? your mother would be looking for me, let us go”

“Is there a way I can skip mother”

“The person who birthed you? absolutely not" I groaned internally then followed him into the palace.

"Baby oh look how fat you have gotten" excuse me? My mother hugged me in an even tighter bear hug tighter than Camari, This guy's life is not as boring as I thought, was she thinking of me right now. "Oh Aslan, you are so handsome I see Gillian is feeding you well, so healthy"

"Mother stop it, you are embarrassing me"

"I heard you wanted to leave without saying hi" Camari widened her eyes, what a traitor

"I never"

"Do you mean Camari is lying"

"It is not a new thing"


"Mother if you excuse me I would like to take my leave, a little human girl is in my room waiting for me"

"A human girl?"

"Yes, mother" I kissed her cheek and walked around her. Why would you do that, Xavier is very foolish but his diary is so good though. DIARY? No that is a journal and wait she is reading it. Talk about invasion of privacy

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