Read with BonusRead with Bonus

chapter 31

My father was sitting with his head in his palms, he looked thinner than he was when I last saw him, “Did you starve my father?”

“What do you think”

“I huffed out a breath angrily and walked closer to him, he didn’t notice anyone in the room which was really strange. When I used to sneak into his room when I was younger to take glimpses at my mother’s pictures, he would always wake up and catch me in the act


My dad's head snapped up and he looked shocked, almost as if he was surprised that I was still alive or that I was even here in the first place, had he expected me to run away, I looked at Xavier who was standing by the wall with a poker face.

"My baby girl" he didn't stand up to hug me though he just sat there with a look of affection on his face, which had me scrunching my eyebrows up in confusion. I heard the sound of chains rattling and I followed the noise, I saw chains on my father's ankles, How dare this bastard chain, my father. I started seeing read the effrontery of this demon

"Xavier please remove the chains from my father" I pleaded, even though I was angry now was no time to make him angry as well because anger called for anger which called for biting which called for death.

"No, you can talk to him like this"

"You are so heartless, he is an old man"

"No older than me I presume, I will leave the two of you to talk I am giving you five minutes"

"Five minutes! that is hardly fair Xavier"

"Five minutes of privacy, so you better discuss your impossible escape plan between these twenty minutes because from after those five minutes I will be listening in" Xavier walked out of the room then closed the door gently.

"Daddy!" I rushed up to him and wrapped my arms around his shoulders, I missed him so much "dad what did he do to you?"

"Winter you have to run away from this man, he will do nothing but torment you"

"Why'd you do it, daddy?"

"Huh?" his eyebrows furrowed closer

"Why did you make this deal with him"

"Because of your mother snowflake, I thought he would help me but I didn't know he would stab me in the back like this. I didn't know that I would be put in this position, you are the only thing I have left in this world my love, you need to run"

"And risk your life, that is nuts we would get through it together if you trust me"

"It is highly impossible for two of us to leave this man, you would have to go alone and run as fast as you can, you can make a quick stop at the grocery store and get some money from my safe" WHAT SAFE?!!!, I had never seen any safe "It is under that sack of dried up beetroot in the storage room, the passcode is..."

"Time up" Xavier barged into the room, was it already five minutes, my father immediately stopped talking to me "Come along Winter you may see him on Saturday"

"Can' t my father come down to eat dinner with me"

"This is not a hotel Winter, this is my house so finish up your food and go do your homework"

"You are not my father"

"Are you being smart with me princess, you will do as I say or your father goes"

"So this is your plan huh, blackmail me until I lose my sanity," I asked "my father is just here so you can threaten me with him" I scoffed, "I thought you did it out of goodwill" I pushed the plate away because I was suddenly feeling nauseous he was making me sick. I got out of my seat then went to the bedroom, just so I knew he could not reach me, I entered the bathroom.

"Winter?" he knocked on the bathroom door but I didn't answer him, I angrily pulled off my clothes and my underwear then stepped into the shower turned it on and allowed the warm water cascade down my body "WINTER, when I speak to you I expect you to fucking answer me. Why did his voice sound so near, I turned around and saw him glaring at me.

"Xavier" I screamed and grabbed the shower curtain to hide my nakedness, he was still standing there as if there was no teenage girl naked in front of him "Xavier get out"

"My house, my rules"

"Xavier you don't get it do you" Since he wasn't too focused on my body, his head was way too far up his asshole to see, I stepped out of the shower, still naked of course and ended up right in front of him "I don't want to be in your house" I poked his chest then walked out of the bathroom, yes still naked. It wasn't long before I felt him pull me back and push me against the wall. His hands were above my head trapping me in place. His forehead pressed against mine...

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