Read with BonusRead with Bonus

chapter 38

Once again I was in a dark place, I hope doing this stuff for this guy doesn’t bite me in the ass one day. Who am I kidding, I am sure it will. The pain in my neck wasn’t there anymore, of course, it wasn’t I was fucking dead. The draft again, why did there have to be a draft when he was bringing me out of death, Probably because he is summoning another person’s spirit into you. That is impossible, RIGHT. My eyes opened slowly and I saw Xavier sitting there in that buddha style again closing his eyes trying to focus.

“You are awake,” he said with an excited tone in his voice

“Be careful Aslan, I might start to think you are excited” I said and he rolled his eyes at my little tease “About how long was I out for?” I asked

“An hour or so, but don’t worry there is still time for your massage, it’s a little to twelve” TWELVE, late but not that late. Why did I feel like something slipped my mind? I sat up, my head hurt like hell he better massage that too.

“Do you want me to take you to the pool house” he asked

“I am afraid I will have sex with you if you give me a massage in the bedroom,” I said

“What makes you think I can’t fuck you in the pool house?” I folded my arms across my chest

“Don’t make me regret letting you bit me, Aslan”

“Funny, the name actually sounds good when it comes from you” He walked out of the room which I felt was going to be my second room why you ask, of course, I have to keep my future husband healthy (because I simply believe that it would take a high amount of cruelty from him before I actually left this guy, he has, after all, tried his best to be good to me) So I have to give him part of my blood, YOU FOOL.

“You coming” YES ZADDY I am cumming, He meant to the pool house

"I knew that” I whispered to myself and followed him, I made a quick stop at my father’s room

“Daddy?” I said as I entered the room

“Winter how are you” not what I was expecting him to say, I was expecting him to go crazy about me still in the house

“Question is how are you dad, how are you holding up”

“I am good, at least he is not trying to kill me”

“He isn’t, I hope you enjoyed dinner,” I asked

“I did, thank you my love” my heart ached for my father really, chained up in his room. I needed to talk to Xavier about it “You need to be careful around that demon he isn’t what you think he is, not sure why you haven’t run away as I asked you to”

“Daddy I am fine, this is all fine with me. He is a nice person so far and if I sense danger I promise to escape”

“He killed your mother,” my father said, I never even knew the woman so why did he expect me to start hating Xavier because of it, but he did take her away from me and in some ways, I might never forgive him for that

“Daddy good night” I kissed him on the forehead and walked out of the room to get my massage

THIS ABOUT TO GET A BIT STEAMY, that little demon whispered in my ear again that demon that told me to steal his shirt. I did it and nothing happened. I just don’t get why lately demons are the controllers of my life. She whispered again are you ready. for what I almost yelled over my shoulder when I saw a very shirtless Xavier waiting for me

“Take off all your clothes” EXCUSE ME, DID HE JUST SAY TAKE OFF ALL YOUR CLOTHES, YES you would know this if you weren’t talking to your imagination all the time

“Uh, I should take off my...”

“Clothes, you heard me all of them”

“Is that really necessary, I could just wear a bikini”

“You could, but I want you naked”


“You are wasting my time if you had already done what you were supposed to do we would be halfway through this by now”

“That is too big of an exaggeration Xavier, even for you. Turn around”

He turned and I stared at his delicious back muscles, that ass though.

I pulled his shirt over my head and tugged the leggings down “Even the underwear”

“Everything” I was hoping you’d say that what is wrong with me. I stripped to my birthday suit then quickly grabbed the towel on the rack beside me. The cool air hit my nose and I remembered we were outside almost at midnight, I had never been out of bed so late, except maybe the day that I disobeyed my father and all this shit happened

“You can look now” He turned around

“Lie down I will be right back”

“You want to get your butcher knives to slaughter me for tomorrow’s dinner don’t you”

“I wanted to give you a little privacy, but that idea seems kind of nice too” I glared at his words playfully “I want you to get comfortable”

“Just for laying down, please” I laid on the bed and rested my head on the semi-hard scented pillow (Anyone can tell that I have never gotten a real massage) I adjusted my self and the towel so only my ass was covered. are you ready, still just a massage.

For a while Xavier did not touch me, I heard him walking around the room probably to get some supplies. Then suddenly he was hovering over me I felt warm liquid drizzle over my back which made my insides shiver a little, smells nice and feels it too

“Ready,” he asked

“Just a massage Xavier”

“We both know it cannot just be anything with me” again with those sexual innuendoes, but you like them right that little voice asked me. Maybe a little bit

Xavier spread the scented oil on my back with his massive hands, He had not even started the massaging yet and I was so close to moaning out from the feeling of his hand on my back.


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