Read with BonusRead with Bonus

chapter 41

I opened the box of pictures and the first one was a picture of a dagger, it was probably the most recent one.

"This is a very beautiful, I saw one similar to this in your diary, you must really like daggers"

"I don't know"

"Do you have a collection"

"No, I do not like collecting, it is an absolute waste of time" I glanced at the box of drawings in my hand

"I guess I will just throw these out then"

"If you dare" I laughed at him, collecting drawings and saying it is a waste of time, BITCH who you trying to fool. I looked at the next few, they were intricate drawings of different things, he had the shadings on point and all of them looked almost real.

"Whoa" I stared at the grey version of my face in the mirror. How did he do this? Now I wish I could draw. Every strand in place. I looked over at him and saw him reading his book, how can he be reading a fucking book while I fangirling over his sketches. The next one was pretty embarrassing I was drooling and the way he shaded it you could clearly see the spittle dragging down the side of my lips.

"Why didn't you close my mouth or something" He looked at me

"And ruin paper gold, never"

"You are so deceptive" I looked at the picture again

"You know what that is the one I am giving you"

"I want another one" I quickly changed it and before I could see it Xavier grabbed it "So you did draw an erotic picture of me" he stuffed it in his drawer, no no no, I must see that drawing. I climbed over him and opened the drawer.

I dragged it out and stared at it mortified. It was still a drawing of me sleeping but then my big nightshirt was hanging off my shoulder revealing my breast for the whole world to see, I looked at Xavier and he was looking at his book again trying to avoid my eyes. "Why would you imagine such a thing"

"We both know that was on Thursday, Winter" I grabbed the book from him and started hitting him with it.

"Couldn't" hit "you" hit "cover" hit "me" hit "up" hit, hit.

"What the fuck, I did when I was done"

"I can't believe you"

"It was inspiring, babe do you know what kind of compliment that is, I just said your breast inspired me"


"It is still an inspiration Winter be glad it is my favorite"

"Because I am almost naked" I raised my eyebrow at him

"Of course" he snatched my book.

This is my fucking third time through this large amount of drawings, the first and second time it was fun but the third time I was trying to stay awake the whole time which made it kind of boring.

"Isn't this your third time through the pile? pack them up and go to sleep" Xavier said, I looked at him

"You are right I should probably" YAWN. God, I just want to sleep forever. "Wait a minute, nice" yawn "try Xavier, I am getting my pomeranian tomorrow whether you like it or not"

"Okay...." he drawled and for some reason that made me want to sleep more,

"That is MAGIC"

"I didn't use magic, I just said okay" he laughed "you are so sleepy you are thinking I am drawling my words........"

"Xavier" I yelled "stop it"

"I am not using magic Winter, do you think I have a problem with buying you a puppy"

I yawned "Maybe you are broke"

"Are you seeing the house you are living in, I couldn't go broke even if I destroyed this city and built it back...."

4 AM

My head was almost falling off my shoulders when Xavier picked it up for the one-hundredth time this evening. OH FUCK IT, I snuggled into the warm blanket and immediately my head hit the pillow I was out like a light bulb. My body moved a little but I was too tired to care, I inhaled Xavier's scent then realized I was in fact sleeping on his bare chest.

7 AM

After what felt like two seconds of sleep I felt Xavier tapping me lightly. OH sweet mother of everything holy, please let him take the hint and leave me to get the shut-eye I need to be able to go through today without falling asleep.

"Winter, it is seven o'clock, wake up"

"I am not sleeping Xavier" I mumbled and went back to dreaming

"Winter" He tapped me again

"Xavier, leave me alone I am not sleeping anymore, I am about to brush my tee..."

"Winter, wake up, my demon wolves are coming to get you and I cannot get them to go back, Winter" GRRR, he fucking growled in my ear.

"Xavier are you insane" I jumped out of bed and widened my eyes,

"That worked better than I thought it would" I rubbed my head and got back into bed"

"No, we have a long day today" he pulled me and held my shoulder

"Again," I groaned "how come I am doing so many things during the weekend Xavier I am tired, I had school all week and I am having another nightmare during the weekend come on"

Xavier went to my back and started massaging my shoulders, I almost fell asleep but he pressed hard on my collar bone


"That ought to wake you up"

"That hurt!" a whole lot

"Sit down let me run you through our schedule for today"

"NO, No let me run you through our schedule. I get into this bed like so" I entered under the covers and did a little cat stretch. Xavier smacked my butt that was currently in the air and I glared at him "And I sleep"

"Or I could do this" my skull started vibrating and the middle of my skull was almost about to blow

"Ahh" I gripped my ears,

"Get ready and come for breakfast" he turned his back on me and I managed to throw him a fuck you finger

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