Read with BonusRead with Bonus

chapter 45

Queen Lilian looked at me with that look for a while and then finally asked Xavier...

"And who might she be to talk to the queen the way she did" she was glaring at Xavier, I felt bad because I caused this on him

"Pardon her mother she made a mistake" Xavier pulled me to his back as if he was scared I might start insulting his mother

"Camari, take drag to his cage" she ordered, WHAT I am not done with him yet

"Yes mother" Camari replied

"What has come over you lately dear, you refuse to see your mother and father when you return is it because of this... Fool" WAIT, did she just call me a fool, No no no

"I am not a fool your majesty" I stepped from behind Xavier and said boldly, I was no pussy I can stand up for myself to no matter who it is I am standing up to, whether it be the queen of England, Donald Trump, the queen of the underworld, on second thought maybe I do not want to stand up to her she can kill me right now, and the queen cannot? The queen can't find me can she?

"Talking back" she exclaimed

"Forgive her again, I will see you later she is tired and that is probably why she is so grumpy" Xavier pulled me away from his mother and started walking towards the palace, I could feel her gaze on me burning through my head

"You know I am not tired" I whispered as he pulled me into the castle

"Would you shut up, one more word for you and it is bye-bye to you, I cannot wake you up if she cuts your body up into pieces." we started walking up a long number of stairs I lost count on ninety- six

"Where are we going?" I asked

"To my bedroom before everyone else wants your head for dinner" I shuddered at the thought of going into people's mouth, but wouldn't you like to be in Xavier's mouth, Not in that way.

We arrived at a long hallway, massive pictures that were taller than me. I stared at them, there was a picture of a man who was just the older version of Xavier and man was he handsome, then there was a picture of the woman I just encountered in the courtyard, I had to say she was an extremely beautiful woman, then Xavier's picture. Will it be a punishable crime if I went to that picture and just licked every inch of it? because he was that sexy in the picture we went to the picture. Don't tell me his room is behind that picture how obnoxious. I noticed a door by the picture, Oh I take back my comment. Xavier opened the door and we walked in

"This is gold and, white," I said with a hint of surprise

"What did you expect?"

"Black, I expected black" I looked around the room, that was pretty much what I was doing when I visited every inch of the kingdom looking around like a lost puppy.

"Is everywhere this beautiful?" I asked

"You have seen half the whole of the kingdom, what do you think?"

"I think it is spectacularly nothing I imagined when I thought of hell" I sat down on the canopy bed. I was so tired I just needed to crash

"Do you want to sleep"

"Yeah, you woke me up from a very nice sleep this morning you know" He chuckled

"And you were telling me you were not tired, why don't you just change your clothes and then you can sleep"

"News flash einstein I don't have any clothes here unless you want me to wear one of yours," I said, it is finally time I start wearing his clothes, even if I have already done so I don't remember

"Go ahead" he pointed to his wardrobe, I went to it and opened it, neatly arranged like his life, compared to this guy my lifestyle was a junkyard. Incomplete family, and horrible wardrobe arrangement. I couldn't find any casual clothes so I just selected a black dress shirt. That should reach my knee. I walked to the bathroom

"Are you ready to see the scary part of hell?" Xavier asked grabbing his shirt from beside me on the bed

"No, maybe another day my feet hurt and I don't think I can take another step" I groaned

"I hear ya" he knelt beside me and removed my shoes

"W- what are you doing"

"Rubbing your feet, what else" he removed the second shoe then pressed the middle of my feet. I yelped in surprise which made him give me a questioning look.

"I am extremely ticklish there" Xavier laughed

"Which one is tight," he asked me

"The right one" I pointed to it and he sat down like a little child on the floor then took my right foot gently then held it to his bare chest rubbing his thumb underneath my leg. I laughed loudly, I just couldn't help myself.

"Wait, wait wait" I laughed and held his hand "let me compose myself" I put on a poker face "you may continue" Xavier shook his head in amusement then went back to massaging the ball of my feet. WHY WAS HE SO DAMN GOOD WITH HIS HANDS, I don't know maybe you should ask him, I watched him as he expertly massaged my feet, for someone that fought words he had callous hands but in a soft kind of way. After for God knows how long, Xavier started massaging my ankle. I like where this is going, where exactly is this going, I won't tell you, find out yourself.

"Xavier are you a vanilla man"

"I like whatever kind of sex my lady likes" he replied

"So you are a masochist?" I asked

"Over my dead body"

"What if I like masochists"

"I can recall you saying you are not into BDSM" curse my previous words that he remembers

"I am not, just wanted to tease you" Xavier went to the middle of my feet and tickled it.

"Tease who?" I started laughing uncontrollably

"Xavier, stop," I said between laughter "stop" I started trying to pry his hand from my leg while laughing. I couldn't take a second to breathe, my eyes brimmed with tears. Then he stopped.

"Now I know your weak spot" OH NO, he pressed the tendon of my leg, I had not even realized that there was tension there until he started massaging it for me.

Ten minutes later

Xavier kissed my foot softly "Did you like that?" he asked, what, the massage or the kiss, cause I think I liked both

"Yes" he kissed my foot again, Oh so he meant the kiss he kissed my leg again and again and started going higher... well I do like it so

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