chapter 4
I walked over my third passed out or a possibly dead body, completely sober and unable to drink because I could not unsee what I just saw. I walked in on Zoë, Chloe and Wyatt getting at it in one of the guest bedrooms, sickening I can’t just forget how mortified they looked like they were doing the wrong thing. They were doing the wrong thing because it is awkward to have the same boyfriend and be twins. Even if I drank to forget, I would tell the whole world about it, I would literally go on Instagram and post it to everyone following me, no joke so I had to keep the thought in my head and the liquor out my body. I headed towards the door deciding that it was probably time for me to go back home before my dad found out I broke his number one precious rule: don’t go out at night ever not even when you are a worker and your boss tells you he would pay you extra.
I got out of the house the party was being held in, whose house was this anyway, it was surprisingly huger than when I was getting into it. Zoe and Chloe were probably still kissing each other and riding their boyfriend, sisters kissing, isn’t that incest? I guess I would just have to walk since they needed their car to go back home.
I felt around in my purse for my phone then called an uber to come to pick me up. Sensing I wasn’t alone I turned back and saw the three guys that I had allowed into the party looking at me with smiles on their faces.
“Oh hello,” I said hoping that if I was nice they won’t rape me
“Hey,” the middle guy said and started walking towards me
“Um I should probably go”
“Where the party has just started and when I say that I don’t mean I am going to rape you” yes that calms me down, keep talking.
“My father will be worried sick I have to get home” I spun around but he grabbed my arm and pulled me to his chest. WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL was that Dior? not what I should be asking myself
“Your father sent me to pick you up,” he said, girl, your father doesn't fucking know you are here.
“No, he didn’t,” I said
“Don’t you remember me” suddenly it came to me, he was that guy in my dream and he was also my father’s supposed best friend, but why did he look so young he was supposed to be at least aged a little cos from where I stood he always had gray hair “what of now”
“Look, sir, my father doesn’t even know I am here so forgive me if I say you are lying” just in time the uber I called arrived, I yanked out of his grip then hurriedly rushed to the car. Xavier grabbed my hand yanked me back with so much force that I went behind him and landed in one of the other guy’s arms. “let me go” I saw Xavier lean over the window of the car he dipped his hand in his pocket and brought out money then stuck it into the window I realized he was trying to pay the man to drive off without me.
“I am sorry sir I can’t accept that”
“Okay fine” Xavier put his money back into his pocket then I saw the drivers widen with fear then he drove off without question. I pray nobody attempts to kidnap his wife. I said to myself sarcastically. I was going to give him a bad review.
“Let’s get to my car,” I said
“Over my dead body”
“Do I have to drag a girl?” he asked cocking his head to the side, he looked five times sexier when he did that, I realized he doesn't get angrier than that.
“Is this how you repay me for allowing you into the best party of your life?”
He gripped my chin and smiled softly “of course not sweetheart, we are doing this because your father is selfish”
“Well too bad” I yanked out of the twin that was holding me. Surprisingly it was very easy I bolted for my God damn life, not because I was about to get kidnapped because my father's alarm rings by three o clock and it could wake up the whole America, I am pretty sure that is our big Ben.
I got home threw open the door and slammed it shut gently in case my father woke up, I held unto the doorknob and breathed loudly recovering from that long run. If I didn’t calm down soon I was going to have an attack then my father would find out I went out and he would ground me till I die which is probably this night if I don’t hide now.
I turned around and caught hold of the state of my house, it was messy and the furniture had blood on it. Did I leave the door open? No, that couldn’t be I took the window upstairs.
“Dad” I gasped for air, oh no “dad”
“Over here” Xavier was on the chair and he was sitting beside my bloodied father who was unconscious and bleeding from his head. I started getting short of breath
“My prince I don’t think she is fine”
“Of course she isn’t fine she ran miles to get here”
I collapsed on the floor and scratched at my chest to get air.
“No she is really not fine,” one of the guys said again. Xavier raised his eyebrow at me waiting for me to reply, could he not see that I was dying. I pointed to my mouth and fanned frantically telling him that I needed air like immediately, he came up to me and put his mouth on mine like that could stop asthma, and surprisingly it did, my breathing regulated and I could no longer feel my lungs contracting.
“How did you…”
“See life is so much better with me around” he stroked my hair
“Who are you?”
“The guy that just saved your life” he took my chin and forced me to look into his eyes again.
“I have some Ventolin you could have used that”
“Well aren’t you a little ungrateful brat” he shoved my chin away roughly and stood up
“What did you do to my father?” I asked
“He is just knocked out a little bit bloodied, so let us discuss my terms"
“Terms? I don’t want anything to do with you, whatever you are I am sure as hell know you are not human”
“Glad you figured that out,” He said
“What do you want from me?”
“My love I came to take you with me, home”
“I am home”
“Are you, don’t make this harder than it already is I know you value your father’s life but I do not”
“Who are you anyway? Please leave my father alone”
“I cannot leave him, alone sweetheart, until I get what I want and what I want is you”
“You are a stalker” I stood up suddenly not feeling so weak anymore, then went to the kitchen to find out what I was going to do with my life right now, for now, unless he doesn’t pull a gun on me I am going to remain as calm as possible so he doesn’t you know, pull a gun on me.
I leaned on the kitchen cabinet and brainstormed what can really scare a guy that I am not sure what he is. I opened the drawer and pulled out a knife.
“You want to use that to kill me” he was sitting on the dining table
“No, to scare you” I walked closer and went behind him, you know what the annoying part was that the guy didn’t shudder. Not even when I pressed the knife on his neck.
“Go on, slit my throat”