Read with BonusRead with Bonus


It was as though she was right next to a flowing water body. As she departed her state of partial unconsciousness, the noise became louder. And it did not sound like was coming from outside.

Not bothering to wonder how she managed to sleep off just at the end of the stairs, Ashley got up so she could find the source of the gushing water sound, her rather long, baggy gown sweeping the floor after her.

As her senses decided to wake up from their break, Ashley began to realize how much of a mess she had made of what was once a perfect looking home. During normal times, the expensively furnished duplex was always looking brightly lit. With the walls pure white, anytime sunlight managed to hit the neatly cleaned windows, the whole house would suddenly shine, you would think for a second you mistakenly entered heaven or something.

But, presently, even the windows had managed to gather dust. Ashley knew she really needed to get herself together and this time, she had to really do it.

Slowly, Ashley made for the kitchen which her senses had directed to and what she saw was crazier than what she had imagined was going on. Instead of meeting a tap that she had probably absentmindedly left on, she met a huge pool, right in the middle of the room.

And the body was getting larger by the second in a way that could flood the house.

Determined to not become homeless due to a flooded kitchen, Ashley pushed her way through the water towards the sink. As she opened the compartment below it from which water kept rushing out, she gasped. The pipes had been severely tampered with, destroyed in the most terrible way.

“Kevin,” was the first reason that came to her head. That must have been why he was holding a wrench when he came over.

‘Gosh, he is such an idiot.’

Immediately a huge pain traveled through her head, causing her to rub her forehead continuously as the idea of what to do seemed reluctant to come up.

“Google! Of course. God, I am a mess.”


It was thirty minutes already since she requested for a plumber to come help her before she becomes homeless for the night. Pulling at the window blind in her hand, she wondered if she had perhaps chased all available workers off with her request.

Surely; Help, my pipes have been torn apart and my kitchen is getting flooded, is a request they don’t get every day. Regardless, it would be a thing of joy for her if someone would just ring the doorbell and offer to fix her busted pipes.

And it did ring. Ashley hadn’t had such excitement within her in a while, the one that rushed through her as she ridiculously skipped towards the entrance door, a dust napkin still in her hand.

The door bell sounded again. “Thank goodness, you are finally…”

Immediately she opened the door, the rest of the words just got stuck in her throat.

Ashley had often read or sometimes heard about women being swept away just by some men’s look. She always thought it was ridiculous. How on earth would you suddenly see someone and the next thing, your whole body starts to react? It was just bullshit to her.

And that bullshit was what she was experiencing at that moment.

Wondering if the man in front of her had perhaps missed his direction, Ashley took some seconds to scan him from head to toe. On seeing the tool box, she knew he was really at her doorstep, to fix her pipes.

“Hello ma’am.” Instantly, without thinking twice, Ashley responded to the smile that accompanied his greeting with a grin, a huge one.

Ashley was ninety-nine percent sure it was an embarrassing grin.

“You called our company about some severely tortured pipes?” His accent. Oh God! It was so sweet to hear. It was like healthy juice for her ears. And his eyes? They were so beautiful without even being a shade of blue or green. His irises were pure black, yet his eyes lacked a dark intense look most people rumour good looking men tend to have.

His eyes were gentle yet a bit mystical if you look hard enough.

“Uh… yes.” Ashley swallowed as she regained composure. “Please come in.” She did not even know that the duster in her hand had fallen.

‘Well, good for it.’

“So where are these pipes?” If she was not being crazy, the entire house probably shook off its depression on hearing his voice.

“In the kitchen. Please, follow me.”

“Wow. You were not kidding. Your kitchen is really flooded.” Ashley could not help it, but she found herself reacting positively to the aura he brought along. “Well, I guess I should get to work.”

‘God! Even his backside is beautiful.’ Ashley just prayed she was not embarrassing herself at that moment, but what could she do? He was easily the best appealing thing that has entered the house since the divorce.

“Who on earth did this? He really destroyed the life of these pipes.”

“That would be my crazy ex-husband,” she muttered to herself, her eyes trained on the gradually increasing body of water. As she raised her head, she realized he had heard her say something and he was staring at her with one of his full eyebrow cocked.

“You said something.”

“Uh… would you like a bottle of beer?”

“Sure, thanks.” Resisting the urge to turn back and take another look at the embodiment in her almost flooded kitchen, Ashley soon found herself in front of the refrigerator, the water hugging her legs.

Suddenly, Ashley felt conscious of her appearance. She had taken the liberty to freshen up and look a bit good. But considering the situation she was presently in, it was not enough. She could have shaved her legs, trimmed her hair, made…

Wait a minute,’ Ashley stopped her thoughts, squeaky sounds coming from the sink compartment. Why on earth was she being suddenly over- conscious because of a man? A stranger. A good looking stranger.

As she opened the door of the fridge, Ashley cautioned herself to keep it together and not let her crazy thoughts in collaboration with her vulnerability drive her to the point of doing something she would regret.

‘Shit, I have drank all the beers.’



“Hm. Dave. Would you like water instead?”

“When my knees are already deeply immersed in one?” Ashley turned to face him and she meet a short smile on his face and a naked chest.

It was suddenly hot in the room. The sight was just so, so… mesmerizing! The way everything was set got Ashley imagining her hands running through it.

“Uh… you don’t have beer, do you?” Even when he asked questions, there was this unfailing twinkle in his eyes that beckoned to Ashley to come over and stay forever in them.

“Uh…” She really needed to work on zoning out while ogling at the man. “That will be my bad.” She did not miss the look of ponder that grazed his face after her statement.

“Do you have anything other than water?”

“Well, I can always make some tea.”

“Tea will be just fine.” And he went back to work.

As Ashley closed the refrigerator, she stole another look at the squatting man. ‘Damn, his back side is so freaking beautiful.’

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