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Already used to him taking her to unusual places, Ashley slightly turned in her seat and gently said, “This is my mother’s house.”

“Well, this is where your ex-husband lives now.”

“That cheap bastard,” Ashley cursed underneath her breath. How dare he move into the home she grew up in? The home her father and mother once lived in happily.

“This is where we are going to release the rest of the anger. Well, most of it. Strangely no matter how hard you try, there still be some left, tucked away.”

“Uh…” The tone of his voice at the last statement was oddly calm, Ashley just had to wonder if Dave Scott had a story of his own.

“Okay. Let’s go in.”

“Go in? What for? How… how did you even get this address?”

“I have my ways Ashley Steve. And I want us to go in because we are going to be trashing your ex-husband’s new house.”

Ashley’s eyes widened. Not her childhood abode. The place was special to her. “No you are not. My mother lives here. And…”

“Your mother slept with your husband.” Dave’s statement hit in a way that Ashley was forced to face the remaining reality that surrounded her divorce.

Her mother.

For some reason, Ashley had been forcing her mind to believe that the woman she caught with her husband was not her mother. It helped take her mind off certain thoughts, but the truth always prevailed in the end. And it also hurt.

“I know what my mother did.”

“And you don’t think she deserves to be punished in a way for it?”

“This is also my home Dave. I grew up here. I don’t think I can trash it.”

Dave gave a slow nod, “Okay. Let’s just go in then, you can take a look at your childhood home.”

“No trashing?”

“No trashing.”

They both got down from the vehicle and soon they walked past the little iron gate that led to the huge bungalow that was still as Ashley remembered it.

“Are you sure there is no one at home?”

“Nobody will be around till the next two hours.” Dave pulled at her hand. “Come, let’s go in.”

“How on earth do you even know that?”

“I told you,” his hand pushed open the entrance door to her surprise. “,I have my ways.”

‘You sure do." Ashley was not sure of what to make of the fact that he just pushed open the front door without using any key. With a little bit of curiosity, she reached for the flower pot that lay just right beside the door to search for the house key that was normally there.

“Are you coming?” The key wasn’t there.

“Yes.” As she entered, a short smile played on her mouth as the familiar yet missed scent of her home penetrated her nose. She never really knew how to classify the scent, but it was indeed nice to the sense organ.

“Nothing has changed.” Ashley’s legs walked her through the beaded curtain on her left which exposed part of the living room. Having a vintage touch to it, the huge room drove Ashley to a state of nostalgia.

Smiling softly now, she faced Dave who was leaning against the wall, studying the room. “My dad and I used to sit on this couch and gossip about my mom whenever she was out or in the kitchen.”

“Your dad sounds fun, where is he now?”

Her face immediately wore a sad look. Her eyes shifting towards the wall ahead that held pictures of their family, she said, “He passed away when I was fourteen.”

There existed a minute silence before Dave commented quietly, “It must have hurt to lose him.”

“It hurt a lot.” Ashley walked towards the wall carefully, her eyes squinting. “This is strange.”

“What is?”

“My dad pictures are no longer here.” She looked back at Dave. “All of his pictures, including the ones he took with my mother and I.”

Dave left her observation unanswered and stayed quiet for a while. Ashley went on to study the room to see if anything else was missing. “Are you sure you still don’t want to trash something?” Ashley sent a glare his way, Dave raised his hands in surrender.

“I need to check my room.” She walked out of the living room and continued her journey down the corridor. On getting to the entrance of what used to be her room, Ashley took in a deep breath.

And she was grateful she had inhaled. Her room that used to be an abode that she was proud of, considering the fact that she painted the walls of the room with the help of her father and she designed it herself, had been turned to a dump.

What else would she call a room that obviously had been converted to Kevin’s office? Or to put it better, his man cave.

“Whoa! This is a cool room.” Dave admired the sight as he arrived behind her, Ashley on the other hand was seething.

How dare her mother? First she takes down her father’s pictures, then gives her room to her ex-husband to use as a relaxation spot when there was a spare room in the house that could have served that purpose. She freaking stole her husband right from under her nose! What next, she covers the whole house with pictures of her boyfriend, Kevin?

At that moment, Ashley wished her mother was right there. She would have properly thrown the venom building up inside her in her direction without missing.

‘Jeez! I hate the both of them!’



“I have to trash this house.”

“Are you sure? You just said,”

Ashley turned in her heels to face the tall man, her eyes glaring, “I need to trash this house.”

“Okay.” He walked into the room and grabbed a baseball bat. “Here, trash away.”

Her tongue flicking, she walked into the room with renewed buoyancy. Standing in front of his computer which she remembered clearly she had helped contribute money so he could get it, Ashley cursed and the next thing, she was hitting away at the system.

Next was his shoe rack. Most of his shoes there, she had gifted to him. The idiot hardly bought things with his money. Heck! She had gathered her all to buy the house they lived in while he kept giving the excuse of being too broke.

As she attacked his stupid paintings that were so freaking ugly, she heard a chuckle behind her. Still fuming, sweating even, she slowly turned, her eyes bulging. “You think this is funny?”

Dave immediately replied, “No, no. Not at all.” He left where he was standing and slowly walked towards her. Ashley hands dropped as she noticed the dark look that had taken over the man’s face.

“I just think,” even his accent had become heavy. “, that it is funny that I found you so hot and irresistible while you were kicking that painting.”

“Y… you…”

He was getting even closer and his sexual intention became clearer. Ashley could not move an inch, she wanted it. She immediately knew that she wanted whatever new, amazing form of pleasure Dave Scott was about to throw her way.

As his hand covered hers which was still gripping the bat hard, Ashley flinched. His touch was something else. It affected her in a way that felt strange yet good. “You are a very beautiful woman Ashley Steve, I can’t help but be attracted to you.”

Her whole body warmed, her insides flew.

“Can I kiss you?”

A bit surprised at the question and the manner with which it was asked, her head tilted up and as she once again saw the intention in his eyes, she couldn’t help but tug at her lower lip in coyness.

It seemed that little move of hers affected Dave who groaned, instantly drew Ashley closer and covered her lips with a fierce kiss. Just as in the cemetery, she reacted without hesitation and she loved every moment of it.

His hands trailed through her back with precision to her delight and her desirous pleasure. His tongue explored her mouth, she just gave in to him totally, not bothering to fight for a chance to dominate.

Before she knew it, her back was against the wall, she was further sandwiched with the built man whose body housed hers in a way that guaranteed increasing wetness in her private region. Their kiss still didn’t break, but Dave’s hands had changed position, they were frolicking all over her body.

Ashley just to moan in reaction as the moment became more and more intimate. Her hands went on to play with the back of his hair which caused a groan from the man and caused him to grind more into her.

Finally taking a break from the lip lock, the both of them stared into each other’s eyes, breathless, speechless. Ashley had never experienced such a strong sexual play before.

Taking another deep breath, Dave finally said, “Sorry, I didn’t wait for your answer.”

Ashley’s lips struggled with a smile. “I didn’t have to answer.”

A slam from outside interrupted whatever Dave was about to say, causing Ashley to frown. “I thought you said no one will come in like an hour or so.”

Dave straightened, his hand still around Ashley’s waist. “Two hours,” he corrected.

‘Francine! I am home.’

“Oh my God Dave, it is Kevin.”

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