Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 2

“It’s really not as bad as your making it out to be” Cierra protested, after I explained everything that was going on and what my parents had said to me that morning.

“It’s okay for you. You won’t be going to this garden party. You’re already taken” I retorted grumpily.

“Yeah that’s true. But I could come with you for support if you fancy. I do like a good party and besides, may be my last one for a while with my best friend” Cierra winked at me.

I rolled my eyes. Uhhh.

I looked at Cierra lying on her stomach on my bed with her feet in the air behind her. She is flicking through some celeb magazine that she had found on my bedroom floor and was winding one of her long blonde curls around a perfectly manicured finger. She is tall and slim like me, but she has brilliant blue eyes and long blonde hair. Her wolf is golden brown with blue eyes. She looks stunning in both forms. It is hard to think that one day, my best friend will be Luna to the White Moon clan and married to the Alpha there.

“Anyway, you got to admit, Alpha Xavier is ridiculously hot” Cierra grinned at me laughing.

“Well, I’ve not really noticed as I’ve never met him if I’m honest, and should you even be saying things like that?”

I don’t want to meet him. Or anyone in his stupid pack!!

“Well you should meet him. You never know you could end up being his fated mate, and I can say what I like. I’m mated to Matthew so it’s not like I’m going to run off with Xavier.”

“Whose side are you on?” I retorted moodily. “And anyway, he could have anyone he wanted. Why me? The chief warrior’s daughter is nothing special. I’ve got no Alpha blood in me!”

“I’m on no one’s side babe. Its fate. You and I both knew this was going to happen one day. Look at your Father and what he does. There’s no escaping your destiny” Cierra looked at me thoughtfully.

I arched an eyebrow at her but deep down I know she is right.

Damn, why is she always so level-headed and right about everything?

I sigh and look out the window. The street below is quiet and there is no one around. The sun is still beating down its warm golden rays. I really fancy going out later and letting my wolf out. A good run always helps me to see sense.

“What’s it like to have a mate” I ask her, snapping my attention back into the room. If this was my fate, then I bloody may as well get used to it.

I don’t think so!!! My wolf mutters angrily. I can feel her getting angry but what else can I do? My hands are tied.

“Well, when you see them, you get this warm feeling all-over your body, then it turns into little electric shocks. From then on, that person is all you can think about. You feel him, you breathe him, you live for him. All you want is him. You feel his pain and anger, his love, and his sorrows. You also open the door to be able to mind link with him. You will do whatever it takes to protect and care for your mate” Cierra gushed.

“So, it’s like, your mate becomes your other half basically” I quizzed.

“Basically, well no, I’d say it’s like your mate becomes you” Cierra responded.

Wow! I never knew finding your mate would be this special. But I’m still not sure I’m ready for that kind of, closeness. I like being a free spirit.

I’ve never had a boyfriend before. And I have never had any sexual encounters with a guy. I guess you could say I’m still shiny and new. I shake my head. I don’t want to be thinking about sex and mating. A growl escapes my throat and Cierra looks up from the magazine and at me and arches an eyebrow.

“I guess your wolf isn’t happy at finding a future mate then?” she asked.

“No, not really, and neither am I to be fair. So, when are you going to mate with Alpha Matthew then, as I noticed he still hasn’t claimed you yet?” I grinned back at her, throwing a small scatter cushion at her head.

“He said he wants to wait till I turn 18 and I feel ready. We mind link each other every day and we talk on the phone all the time. The day after my 18th birthday, I’ll be moving to the White Moon Clan” she gushed happily.

“So, you are going to let him claim you then?” I ask.

“Maybe. I think I am ready to be his Luna. I’ve kept him waiting long enough anyway” laughed Cierra. “Also, the pack needs their Luna to help lead them.”

I glance over at her and she has that dreamy look etched all over her face. I rolled my eyes at her and shook my head.

Brilliant. My best friend is in love.

“Well, seeing as I really don’t have a choice, I have only two days to find something to wear. So, you can help me, seeing as you are here!” I laugh at Cierra as I jab her playfully in the ribs.

“Oww” She grinned but jumped up at the chance to help me sort an outfit out. Cierra is the queen of fashion. She breathes fashion. She lives for fashion.

We both make our way over to my wardrobe and start pulling clothes and shoes out.

No, no, definitely not! Oh, maybe, as I look at a white dress with silver sequins and diamante embroidered on the chest, that I have just pulled out.

“Hey, what about this” Cierra said. I looked up and she had found a black lace midi dress. It was tight fitting, but it hugged all the right places and came up just above my knees. The dress itself was strapless but it had a short-sleeved lace bolero sewn on to it to make it look like the dress had sleeves. I liked this dress a lot. It makes me look elegant. In the end, we decide to team the dress with my black heels, nude tights, and silver accessories. If I was going to find my mate, at least I was going to look hot whilst I was finding him.

As I step outside into the night air, I look up and see the stars, there are no clouds tonight. I look to my right and see the opening to the woods at the top of the hill. I start walking down my garden path and wonder towards the woods. It does not take me long. I turn around to make sure no one was following me.

The coast is clear.

I walk a little further, through the rickety turnstile and into the woods. I walk a little more and I then step gracefully behind a large oak tree. Slowly and carefully I remove my clothes until I am stood there naked. I feel the night air brush its fingers against my skin, my hair stands up on edge. It’s not that cold but it feels nice. I feel free.

I breathe in and close my eyes and slowly exhale. I feel my bones lengthening but it doesn’t hurt no more, my canines getting longer and sharper and I feel claws erupt from my fingers. I look down and in place of feet, I see paws with thick shaggy fur covering them.

I give myself a shake and have a long much needed stretch and I take off to the middle and deepest part of the woods. I feel the hard earth underneath my paws, I smell the trees and the grasses. I run faster and faster until I reach a clearing. I stop suddenly and reach my head up to the sky and let out a long mournful howl at the stars. I breathe in slowly, taking in all the smells of the woods.

I can smell the scent of rabbits, maybe a fox or two and a badger, the bark of the trees and the sweet smell of the bluebells. I sigh.

I feel blessed to have the life that I have, don’t get me wrong, but I don’t see the importance of having to find a mate so soon. I don’t want to leave home and think about babies and bloodlines.

I blame the Moon Goddess for this.

She must know what she has in stock for me. I pray for a sign but there is nothing. Defeated, I turn around and slowly walk back to where I left my clothes.

The next two days go by in a hazy blur and I finally find myself on Saturday. Garden party day.

“Leah, Leah, LEAH! WAKE UP GOD DAMMIT!” I blearily open my eyes to see my Dad stood in my room, trying to wake me up.

“Mhhhm,” I mutter sleepily.

Oh. Finally, it dawned on me. Its Saturday. Shit.

“Come on, get up. You have one hour to get ready and then we need to be in that car! We cannot be late” before he stormed off out of my room and back downstairs. I stretched and groaned loudly, before throwing the covers off me. I climbed out of bed and slowly walk to the bathroom. I turned the water on to hot and climbed in the bath.


I love the feeling of the hot water cascading down my body. I close my eyes and let the water run over my hair and my face. The burn of the water feels so good. Almost, as if it is energizing me. I quickly wash my hair in my favourite orange shampoo and scrub my body in the matching orange body wash. As you can tell, I like orange. The smell is tangy and citrusy. I feel and smell fresh.

I step out of the shower and wrap a fluffy towel around my body and wrap my hair up in another and head off back to the bedroom to get ready. I can hear Cierra downstairs talking excitedly to my parents.

“Today is going to be such a good day. I can feel it” I hear Cierra say. I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

Like really?

“Yes, well hopefully Alpha Xavier will find his mate and maybe Leah will find hers” my Dad replied. I grimaced at his reply and made my way into my bedroom and shut the door.

It doesn’t take me long to get dressed and apply a little smoky eye makeup. I don’t need blusher and I never wear foundation. I drag a brush through my wet hair and shove it up into a wet messy bun. As it dries, I know a few tendrils will escape and fall around my face, but I like my hair like that. I look in the mirror at my appearance.

I look good. For once.

“Leah, hurry up will you!” I hear my Dad shout up the stairs, making me jump.

I quickly make my down the stairs, being careful not to fall in my heels and I enter the kitchen.

“Here she is! You look so beautiful!” my Dad beams. Dad is wearing a black tuxedo and smart black shoes. He looks like something out of the MI5. Especially with the black sunglasses he has poking out of his breast pocket.

“Oh honey, you look amazing. No one will be able to resist you” Mum excitedly says clapping her hands and almost jumping on the spot.

Really Mother?

My Mum is dressed up in a black suit just like my Dad. Her smart black trouser jacket combo looks great on her. She has her hair slicked back in a tight bun. She clearly means business. I can see why no one wants to mess with either of my parents.

I look at Cierra who is just standing there beaming at me with her hands on her hips. She is wearing a baby pink skater dress with gold lace detailing and silver heels. She has her blonde locks shoved up into a fancy updo and has some natural looking makeup applied to her face.

She looks amazing I thought. But then she always looks amazing.

“You really do look amazing babe. Don’t worry. You will be fine. Now come on, we need to go!” She grabs my hand and starts to pull me towards the hallway.

I sigh and resign myself to my fate. Doesn’t matter how much I try; I’m going to end up with a mate by the end of today. I’d be surprised if I didn’t.

“Where’s Lucas” I ask, quickly, looking around?

“We dropped him off at granny T’s for the day, about an hour ago” Dad replied.

“Oh, right” I shrug.

We all turn around and head on out to the car. Me and Cierra jumped in the back while Mum and Dad climbed in the front. Dad drives, as usual. Mum hates driving.

“Everybody ready? Let’s go then!” Dad says cheerfully as he starts the car and reverses slowly out of the drive and on to the street.

The car journey lasts about 45 minutes, but no one says a word. I just stare out the window glumly and watch the city disappear and turn in to endless fields and woodland. I sigh dejectedly, until I feel Cierra grab and squeeze my hand. I turn to look at her and I give her a gentle but grateful smile.

“We have arrived. Look!” my Dad announces, breaking the silence in the car.

I look out the window and I see tall black metal gates with golden wolf statues either side. Beyond the gates, is a long winding gravel drive edged with trees. At the end of the drive, I see a rather large white house sitting atop some white marble steps. The car slowly turns in to the gates and I feel my stomach knot tightly with fear.

Here we go.

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