2 meet
Before Xena's father died,
The faster I ran, the faster I could escape from here.
"A large, dark shadow, resembling a big dragon, comes out of nowhere and comes after me."
Every step I felt snagged by a thick shadow. The distinct feeling of being sucked into some sort of vortex is the same feeling I feel right now.
I can't breathe, though she should have to survive. On the other hand, this dreary monster seems to be playing with her life.
"Stay away from me!"
wanted to scream, but it seems no one could hear her. I guess the darkness doesn't want anyone to know what he's been doing to me.
This is my last chance to live. I was just trying to hang on for dear life.
But my hands won't cooperate, as her feet aren't moving the way I want.
Maybe I'm just dreaming? necessitates my waking up, which is what I need. Yet, despite my best efforts, it seems hard to open my eyes.
Suddenly, I'm riding a bus. It was a yellow bus. There is a rosary in the middle of the window shield for the driver. Why all of a sudden I landed here?
I look around nervously, unsure of why, in a blink of an eye, I drifted here. Even though my heart was pounding, I chose to stay calm. People might think I'm crazy if I act like one. I didn't know anyone here...
Passengers were busy with their lives. Some people were chatting. Several children and their mothers were having a good time together. A few of the others appeared to be asleep, while others were smiling.
They seem to belong here. Unlike her....
I need some air to breathe. She's near the window. I peeked outside; there were a lot of vehicles outside. In the immediate area of the road, there is also a white car, presumably a family vehicle. They were traveling with their child in the back seat and their father in the front seat. I could say they are enjoying the journey. I tried to smile, but all I could see was a deep, dark hole behind them. This time, the happy family's car is chasing after this dark hole.
Each second that passed, the blackness grew in length. I opted for a more comfortable seat on the bus when a car drove by. although my pulse is racing fast inside. I still felt chased by something or someone I could not determine. I was terrified. I turned my attention back to the bus driver. The red rosary swaying, my gaze rested on the clock on the driver's right side. It's now eight o'clock in the evening.
Some random kid: "Mom, tomorrow is a day I'm looking forward to." "Isn't it the birthday of Jesus, right?"
As my gaze shifts to a small child not too far away, she smiles brightly. I slouch back in my chair. Her heart races faster than earlier the more I gaze at them. However, she chooses not to pay attention to my heart.
Suddenly, I heard a loud explosion. I saw a man standing in front of the bus. His outside of the bus staring at me,
I jumped out of my reverie. The fact that the man looks at me. I have no idea what is going on or how he manages to float in front of the bus. My thoughts are jumbled; I don't know what to think anymore. What to worry about first: The tremendous blast or the looming shadow of a man in front of the bus?
There's a little pause, then another loud thud as the bus crashes somewhere.
In an instant, I saw the happy picture of all the people I saw shift into coughing and wince.
There were a few people who were laying and crawling inside the bus, while I stayed immobile and stunned. Yet what I am curious about is why I couldn't feel anything.
All of them have bruises bathed in blood. While I, on the other hand, felt nothing. unlike the others. She has no idea what occurred. Nearby, though, she saw a truck carrying gasoline tumble, causing gasoline to flow out over the ground.
I cover my mouth as I see a white car in the middle of the street; my heart stops pounding, and I'm certain that whoever was inside couldn't make it. I inhale slowly...
I ask myself. How's the baby in the backseat? I take a look around the bus.
Despite the best efforts of everyone, everything had gone terribly wrong.
When I saw the hovering figure approaching the bus, I stopped moving. As the old man got closer, I could see more of his face. His hair was in a ponytail. That would explain why she hadn't noticed it before. He towered over me, at least twice her height, but his eyes were strange. They were a deep shade of red and black. I'm more terrified as he steps away from me.
"The search is finally over," the man said.
The man's voice sounded like it was coming from deep within the earth. It seems like ghosts come to ask for help every day of her life. even though she never paid attention to them. Because of that, people think I'm "crazy" or "weird," and they assume I have mental health problems. Seeing different creatures is only getting worse for me.
Unexpectedly, water splashed onto my face, waking me up in surprise.
Xelion (the father of Xena): "Xena, wake up! What are you waiting for?" "Do you know what time it is?"
the moment that my father asked that. while holding a glass. She panics.... Another dream again...
"My apologies" for the water I threw. You look like you've been stocking up on nightmares again. "Even If I shook you, it would not be enough to wake you."
As I looked back at her father, she saw that his wrinkles and nearly white hair were becoming more noticeable.
maybe due to taking care of her all alone. My mother abandoned them. For that, I know my father is still not over it. He was the only family left for me, which is why I left my old life in the city to be with her father in this small province for her father's health.
"You were going to be late for school, Xena."
I hadn't even finished daydreaming about the past when I was slapped with the cold, hard facts of life. My first class begins in 30 minutes, according to the clock on my side table. Unless I want the entire class's attention, I'll have to speed things up.
I made a mad dash across the bathroom and took a shower to get ready as quickly as possible. She had to do her daily routine as swiftly as possible.
"Damn! "These are my dream faults." This is the first time I've ever had a dream like this one, which is unusual for me. Surely there are different types of spirits? Then they've been coming after me since we moved to this town. But why does it seem to be leveling off as the days pass by?
As soon as I finished brushing her hair, she dashed down the stairs of their new rental house.
Thankfully, my new school is only a short walk away from here. I know I could make it to school in ten minutes if I ran quicker. My father yelled at me to eat breakfast, but I'm already far away. I don't have a plan to turn back. I'm worried about being late. while I was on a run. Someone bumped into me and knocked me to the ground. I turned back to check who had done it; the man was already several meters away.
He never explained or helped me. What a dunce! I had only seen his board-shoulder and shoulder-length hair with a blue highlight at the tip. What led me to believe that he was a man? Even though he has long hair? since he was dressed in the school's boy's uniform. I know we will see each other again.
While the man was slowly disappearing from Xena's sight, she was thinking.
"I'll get back to you. "I'll never forget you, you jerk!"
"Hey, what happened to you, Xena?" Noah appears out of nowhere.
After Xena fixed herself, she straightened up. She faced her friend Noah Enox, who is my new friend in this town.
Noah had, and his sultry gaze mocked me. Then, with a sigh, I raised my eyebrows and ignored it. I just think I'm curious—where is Liam? Why are they not together?
"Your clumsiness strikes again, eh?" he said.
I mope, but there's no time to explain. If we keep chatting, we'll be late. I grabbed his hand as we pushed onward.
"Let's talk about it later." We must hurry if we are going to be late. "I will explain later." The moment I said it, Noah burst out laughing.
"It's okay; I don't care about being late," he said.
Inhaling deeply, I remembered Noah as the kind of student who was fine with being a few minutes late. Unlike her,
Noah was born into a wealthy family and thus able to pay for his education, while on the other hand, I was born into a less fortunate family.
"It's time to go!" I exclaimed. We come to a halt at the back of the school.
"What are we doing here, Noah?"
Her gaze is fixed on the massive wall in front of them. It wasn't too high; if someone lifted me, she would be able to get there. Noah bowed slightly and mumbled before she could say anything else.
"I'll piggyback on you." Make sure you can reach the wall before jumping to the other side. "We won't be noticed, so don't be worried."
Noah bowed before Xena could even say anything and let her ride on his back.
"Argh, are you okay, Noah?" "I'm getting close to the top."
losing balance*
I fell to the ground with a thud.
I believe she plunged into something considerably softer.
Shocked* trembling*
I'm on top of a man's stomach.
The man smirked.
I swiftly rose. The man remained on the ground, allowing her to see his entire face and gauge the intensity of his rage. His blue eyes glowed with a fierce rage. His tense teeth clenched to show his fury. He appeared to be a student here, based on his appearance. However, none of that counts at the moment; what matters is the guy's range.