Chandler and Farryn stared at each other in silence, Farryn’s chest rising and falling quickly with her rapid breathing as her tears ran down her cheeks. Chandler stood ramrod straight, tense and ready for anything to come at him. Farryn was the first to break eye contact. With a sharp exhale she turned her whole body away, pinching the bridge of her nose hard. “I don’t know who I am anymore but I know who I’m not. I might have lost my wolf, but I won’t ever ally myself with them.” Chandler’s jaw set as he crossed his arms over his chest. He was itching to pace but he didn’t dare take his eyes off of her.
To lose her wolf should have driven her insane, and perhaps she was and was just downplaying it. A part of her soul was missing, it could have explained why she had been so okay with starving to death. “Who was she?” The question took Farryn by surprise, her head snapping back to Chandler quickly with widened eyes. He did believe her.
“Namia, she was beautiful, so smart and so strong. Her fur was a beautiful russet color, her eyes a brighter green than my own.” Farryn sounded so wistful speaking of her wolf. It wasn’t often that one knew the name of their wolf, usually only those with high ranking blood had that strong of a connection. Chandler watched as Farryn slowly calmed herself down, thoughts of her better half helped.
“Let’s go home.” He murmured quietly, turning on his heels and walking off quickly back through the trees. Farryn blinked once, wiped her eyes before blinking again, and slowly began to follow. Was it right for her to call the pack her home? Her heart ached at the thought but a small part of her felt that it sounded so right that there was nowhere else she would rather be. She cast a final look over her shoulder, prepared to send a mental farewell when she spotted a figure through the trees standing among the rubble. She inhaled sharply with shock, blinking as she turned her body, prepared to run towards the figure but after she blinked it was gone. “Farryn?” Chandler’s voice sounded so distant but slowly she turned back towards him, concern clear in his eyes.
“Sorry. Just saying bye.” He nodded his head solemnly in understanding. She wasn’t going to tell him about what she had seen, she wasn’t quite sure what it had been exactly and she knew he was already questioning her stability. Farryn found her pace at Chandler’s side, he didn’t resist or make any sign to show his disapproval. Her eyes traveled the length of his body slowly, a question clear in her eyes but he wouldn’t look at her. Like he knew she would start pestering him if he did.
“I can’t be the only one to feel open and vulnerable right now, could you tell me something about yourself please?” She made a weak attempt at a chuckle to try and hide her unease. It wasn’t exactly a secret she needed to keep that she was a human but there was no telling how some of his packmates might react to hear the news.
“There’s nothing to tell about myself.” He reported flatly, any show of emotion he had granted her faded away as they got closer to the pack. Farryn chewed on her bottom lip, her fingertips drumming against her thigh as they walked.
“Would you stop that?!” Farryn jumped at the sudden growl that came from Chandler, his eyes were on hers but every so often they would drift to the lip caught between her teeth. Farryn’s brows furrowed as she grabbed ahold of Chandler’s elbow.
“Excuse me? Who do you think you are?” She snapped angrily. Alpha males were so damn touchy. He frowned, his hand going through his hair, the motion forcing Farryn to release his arm. “Sorry I…I don’t know what came over me.” His voice was meek like a child caught eating candy before dinner. Her upper lip twitched slightly into the beginnings of a snarl but it just didn’t feel right.
“I get that some guys find the whole ‘helpless crying female’ thing attractive but that’s pathetic.” She spat with narrowed eyes before stalking ahead of him. She could practically hear him gulping in alarm.
“No Farryn that’s not what happened. I’m not like that.” He chuckled, trying to play it off like everything was okay. “Shut it!” She commanded sharply, to her surprise his head reeled back like he had been slapped but he fell silent.
The look in his eyes darkened, a growl rumbling in his chest. “What was that?” He demanded but she had no answer. He reacted like any lesser wolf would to an alpha, or how a male might when being shamed by their mate, but she was no alpha, no wolf, and certainly no mate of his. She had begun to shake her head when the sound of running footsteps was heard before a young male came into sight.
“Alpha! Alpha!” He panted softly, his eyes wide with worry. He opened his mouth to report before his eyes spotted Farryn. She turned her head away as he turned his hostile glare to the young wolf.
“What?” He growled out. The male flinched before quickly averting his eyes. “Apologies Alpha, but humans are at the Northern border and said they won’t leave…” He shifted his feet anxiously before pinning his eyes on Farryn. “Until they talk to her.” Farryn and Chandler both gazed at the male with large eyes, did he really just say that?
“Why?” She asked the confusion that was in her eyes and voice made it clear that she had no clue who these humans were or why they wanted to talk to her. It didn’t stop Chandler from turning on her. His large hands grasping her upper arms hard, his iris’s swirling, and the sky blue of his wolf’s eyes beginning to bleed into his chocolate ones.
“You almost had me fooled.” He snarled, his canines extended threateningly. The brief angry demeanor she had previously was quickly washed away with fresh fear. Her body began to tremble before she was frantically shaking her head.
“No no no, Chandler no! I-I wasn’t lying!” The young male uncomfortably backed away, Chandler’s grip tightened on her arms.
“It’s Alpha Chandler to you, and you’ll be lucky if you get to see your precious humans again.” His eyes flashed blue as he bared his teeth, and his hands tightened once more as Farryn released a scream of pain as her humerus bone snapped in both arms. Her vision flashed white as all she felt was the searing pain in her arms. Her eyes rolled as she wanted nothing more than the pass out,knowing that the pain would stop for a brief moment because she wouldn’t feel it in her subconscious mind. However, she couldn’t allow herself to, knowing that he was prepared to kill her here and now.
“I won’t ever call myself a human. I am not one of them!” Farryn panted heavily as she forced her eyes to focus. “Release me. Let me go.” His eyes swirled again, the brown bleeding into the blue showing the struggle between man and beast. “Let me go right now! You have no right to touch me and you will release me…now!” Just like the first time she snapped at him, his eyes faded back to brown and she was quickly released this time. She resisted the growing urge to punch him despite her now broken arms.
Both males stared in silence, Chandler at the female and the young male at his Alpha. Chandler’s cheeks reddened but his eyes were terrified. The young male quickly schooled his face as his alpha turned to him. He would pretend he didn’t see a thing if it meant keeping his own life alive.
“Tell them that she will be there soon.” He growled. To his dismay, the young male looked to Farryn, with just a twitch of his eyes. Her chin barely dipped, but Chandler saw the slightest movement. The young wolf then turned and ran off quickly, leaving the pair alone. Chandler took a few steps away before turning back to her quickly, “I want you out of my territory. You will talk to the humans, make them leave, and then you will go nowhere near my pack ever again after today.”
Chandler didn’t even bother looking her in the eye as he spoke, it was like he couldn’t bring himself to. Almost like he was afraid to look her in the eye. Farryn released a shuddering breath, She needed to keep a clear head despite the burning pain and the terror in her heart as she headed to the northern border to meet the humans.