Chapter 2: Acasia
I noticed two things at once. Cold stone beneath my body that has me shivering and a loud clicking noise that irritates me to death.
Click. Click. Click.
My foggy brain quickly noticed something else.
The smell. It's bad.
Putrid, death. It was horrible and I couldn't figure out why I hadn't noticed it immediately.
Click. Click. Click.
There it goes again, argh. I wiped my hair from my face and nose wishing I'd left the strands to filter the odor. The smell fully entered my nostrils, almost knocking me over. Hell, I was lying down so that wasn't true. Puke. That was it, I needed to puke.
Click. Click. Click.
What the hell? The noise rang through my aching head. I made it to my knees and forearms. Maybe I could avoid some of my vomit. My stomach rumbled, intestines rebelling. I spewed. Oh god, the smell of putrid wine mixed with the odor of death landed between my hands, splattering my skin and the white gown that hung from my body sweeping the floor.
Click. Click. Click.
"Oh, gods, stop that infernal noise." Did I speak aloud?
Click. Click. Click.
Whatever it was, when my guts finished decorating the floor, I would personally see it stopped. I pushed off, rolling sideways, missing some of my puke. Okay, not all of it. The warm wetness slid against my skin soaking through the dress.
I opened my eyes.
The beast stood over me. I moved my head a fraction and saw his hulking claws on either side of my body.
Click. Click. Click.
The middle talon hit the stone floor... in what, impatience? Did he need his food alive in order to enjoy it?
"Please kill me and get it over with. I cannot take the smell or that sound any longer," I whined in earnest. Even my voice was defeated. This had to end now. I just prayed he'd eat me headfirst so my nose and ears no longer worked. I waited.
Click. Click...
"Oh, fuck no." I somehow managed to launch myself at the offending nail. It was bigger than the upper portion of my body, but I landed on it with one goal... make that infernal racket stop.
I felt his leg shift beneath me, but the claw I held didn't move. A talon from his opposite appendage pushed, rolling me sideways, but I held tight. He lowered his head and one red eye gazed directly into mine.
"Stupid human female named Acasia. Beg for your life." The gruff voice sounded in my head.
My stomach rolled again, but I managed to speak. "Why should I beg when I can no longer take the smell? Dying would be a blessing." A low groan left my mouth.
"Humph." The sound thundered through the room.
A dragon humphed me, the ass.
"What about the smell do you find displeasing?" he demanded, his voice rupturing every brain cell I possessed.
Was he serious? I couldn't release his claw because he might continue the racket that drove me crazy. More than anything, I wanted to plug my nose. I looked away from his gaze, twisting so I could see what caused the repulsive odor. I also didn't release his claw, because, for some strange reason, touching him calmed me.
What I saw turned my stomach upside down again and I swallowed back the bile in my throat. Partially devoured carcasses littered the floor-a leg here, thigh there-all in various stages of decay. Oh my gods, I was losing it again. I tried pushing away, but didn't make it. More chunky vomit spewed from my stomach and landed on his talon and foot, or arm, whatever the hell it was.
When the heaving stopped, I finally answered, "Death, I smell death."
"Humph. You smell of vomit and fermented drink. I don't believe you are one to speak."
"Gods, do it. Just do it, you hulking jerk."
"Do what, human female named Acasia?"
"Kill me, please." It came out on a shriek.
"You humans are strange." This time, his other talon shoved me farther away, moving me from his barf-covered claw.
A deer hoof attached to a partial leg rested two inches in front of my face. I managed to scramble to my feet. I saw the dragon lift his middle claw.
Oh, no he wouldn't. "If you do that, I'll puke on your other foot."
His face changed, his broad mouth widened, and I almost expected to see a dragon laugh. Of course, that's not what happened. His long neck lifted, his head went back, and fire ejected from his mouth on a roar that made me cover my ears.
I looked up. The tower was taller than anything I'd ever seen with blue skies peeking between great columns toward the top. The dragon fire rose and shot out the openings. Black soot covered the ceiling of the tower, and I realized his releasing fire was a common occurrence. I lowered my head and looked into his red eyes again. Smoke came from his nostrils, and for a few moments, the smell of death receded, replaced with lingering smolder. It was an improvement.
"You have one last chance to beg for your life." His jaw didn't move, but his grumbling voice threaded through my mind. Now, it was deep and husky like when he called my name while I waited with my claiming sisters.
Where my bravado came from, I don't know. "I will not beg. Eat me."
He reared up on his hind legs, his wings spreading out. I didn't move, waiting for death-embracing it. The air moved when his wings flapped. For ten seconds he hovered and then he rose until he rested on a ledge hundreds of feet up.
He peered over his shoulder and said, "I will eat you tomorrow." With a last look at where I stood, he went over the side, out of my view. His roar thundered through the air and he was gone.