Chapter 3: Acasia
I stood there for quite some time wondering what the hell just happened. It took me a while to examine my surroundings because I kept thinking he would return. Stone spiral stairs circled inside the tower walls and stopped at an arched exit I could barely see. The tower rose higher still, but to access the columns, wings were required. I walked around the carcasses. Breathing deeply made me nauseous again so I tried using shallow breaths. I took the first steps of hundreds of stairs and began climbing.
Soon, my breath was coming in heavy gasps. I stopped to rest and looked over the side. The bottom of the tower was nothing but a large circle littered with bones of partially eaten animals. Nothing looked human, which I was thankful for. I may have thrown myself over the side if something other than dead animals were below. Maybe he swallowed humans whole.
I began my climb again and reached the arch about twenty minutes later. A giant platform hung over the tower past the stairs. I assumed it was so the dragon could land, but I didn't see how he could fit through the door's arch. A long hallway stretched past the opening, and I followed it. The rotting death smell deteriorated, but my own unpleasant scent increased. The hallway opened to a monstrous combination library and sitting room. I could see three doors at one end and another arch and hallway at the other. Bookcases lined the tall walls, with ladders attached to rails resting to the sides so a person could reach all the books. I'd never seen the like. I had to be dreaming, but not even my imagination could visualize something so incredible.
Slowly, I walked across the room and opened one of the far doors. It was a bedroom with a huge bed taking up the majority of the space. Gold objects from urns to figurines covered every surface. They gleamed in the soft light cast from large open double doors. From the sunlight streaming in, I guessed it led outside. I wanted so badly to investigate but suppressed my curiosity, closed the door, and walked to the next.
This one was decidedly feminine. The bed wasn't as large and had a princess canopy with soft flowing white gauze draping down from four tall posters. More gold decorated the room with jewels laying here and there-red, blue, yellow, and clear stones, shining and gleaming. It was hard to accept them as real, but I was betting they were.
I was in a dragon's lair and this was his treasure.
I backed out and opened the third door.
No bed, this room was his hoard. Piles of gold, jewelry, and gemstones covered every inch of space, some stacks higher than I was tall.
Holy Hades.
I couldn't get out quickly enough. I practically ran through the arch, away from the rooms. I reached a closed door at the end of the hallway. It was locked. I beat against it, but the solid wood only gave a soft thud. Backing away, I returned to the library. Of the three doors, I chose the least intimidating and entered the feminine room again. To the side, I noticed a door and walked through. It held a bathing room unlike anything I'd ever seen. A soft, luxurious bathrobe made of an unknown cloth hung from the back of the door. I looked down at my soiled gown and back at the largest bathing tub I'd ever encountered. I walked to the gold handles and spout checking for water. It spurted out-crystal clear, warm water. It took only seconds to shed my gown and walk down the steps into the tub. Bottles of thick liquid with sweet-smelling soap rested on a shelf. I scented them all and decided on roses.
Though I wanted to, I didn't linger in the warm water. This place didn't belong to me and someone might come in at any moment. The door didn't lock, and there was no covering over the bath. I grabbed a soft white cloth from a folded stack resting on a side table, dried myself and put on the bathing robe. It smelled fresh and clean, though anything would in comparison with the white sheath sprayed with vomit.
There was a side door on the bathroom that I hadn't checked. It held a large garment room. Unusual garments hung from poles, and the shoes rested on shelves. They filled every nook and cranny. Another door opened into the first room I'd seen. I heard a slight noise, which sounded like a door closing. I left the bathing room and re-entered the library. The smell hit me at the same time my stomach growled. Food. I looked around and saw no one, but there was a tray on a long table to the side of the room. Walking over, a glass of clear liquid drew me first. I picked it up and sniffed. Water. I took a long drink, downing most of the glass. Uncovering the tray, my stomach growled once more when I saw the fruits, vegetables, and meats. A small loaf of bread completed the feast made for a king. Strike that, queen. Someone was taking care of me, or possibly fattening me up.
Sitting down, I ate until my stomach could hold no more. Was it stupid? Probably, but everything was delicious and far tastier than anything I'd ever had. I rested my knife to the side of my plate and glanced around at the books. Was all this for me? It couldn't possibly be.
Weariness overwhelmed me. I stood, swaying slightly. I don't think I'd slept well since I entered my name as a claiming bride. I perused the books. I'd never seen any of the titles or authors. I didn't even know so many books existed in the world.
That thought stopped me. I was no longer in my world. I was in the dragon realm, far from my friends and family. Would I ever see them again? None of the claimed brides had ever returned. I put the book I held back in its place and headed to the room with the canopied bed. Pulling the robe tightly around me, I lay on the soft down, pulling the covers to my chin. I couldn't help the tears that rolled down my cheeks, and soon sleep took me away.