Chapter 4: Bastian
She wasn't like Bethanne. She didn't cringe from me or cry. My new bride was fearless, or maybe crazy. I'd actually laughed when she threatened to puke on me again. She didn't know it was a laugh, which I was grateful for. But nonetheless, I threw back my head, bellowing like a fool. I believe it's been hundreds of years since a bride entertained me so much on the first day I'd claimed her.
This one was different, and if I didn't guard my heart, it would break again. I couldn't live through that pain. But, gods, I was lonely.
Acasia. I said the name in my mind. A beautiful name for a beautiful woman. Her hair was so blonde it was almost silver. Her tiny body reminded me of a pixie. Her face, delicate with small features, made her blue eyes seem larger and almost disproportioned. But it worked, making her even more desirable. I'd felt her as I flew nearer to the claiming field. The pull toward this one human woman. My mind zeroed in on hers. It was always like that. One stood out... one chosen for me. I couldn't stop it any more than I could stop my heart from beating. Though I tried. I swore I wouldn't show at that field, wouldn't claim my bride.
But loneliness drew me there, to her. Gods, she wasn't my true mate, and I would mourn her someday like I mourned the others who came before her. The thought was a crushing weight. I flew through my kingdom high above the trees, mountains, and lakes. I spotted a herd of bison. Their hide was tough, but tongue, heart, and liver succulent. A gurgle of fire exploded with my laugh. I didn't know what the female would do when I brought one of these hulking beasts into my eating tower, but I wanted to find out.
Warmth trailed along my skin. It almost tickled. I knew I was dreaming because billowy clouds surrounded me. A startled gasp escaped my lips when I saw the man. His brown hair long, his dark eyes intense, the line of his jaw perfect with a slight showing of scruff. He was huge, his shoulders massive with defined muscles rippling as he moved. He slid his hand away, leaving coolness behind.
"Who are you?" I asked the man.
"Your dream only," he answered.
"Why are you here?" I realized the white billowing gauze wasn't the clouds. It was the material hanging from the bed, but my thoughts were hazy and the dream effect remained.
"You smell divine; your scent attracted me."
"Is he here?"
His eyes changed and anger lanced his words, "Is who here?"
"The dragon."
Momentarily, his gaze left me. "No," he said after he turned back.
I looked down at myself and realized the partially open robe bared most of my breasts. The bedding was pushed down to my waist, displaying my naked flesh. I looked back up. His eyes were now on my breasts. He leaned over me, touching my bare skin, breathing hotly against my breasts. This time his fingers were hot, too hot, and I sucked in a breath.
"Do you like that?" he asked in a voice that sent chills across the same skin he'd just heated.
"Do it again."
His top lip curled upward, and I wanted both his lips on me. On my breasts, my nipples. Oh, gods, what was wrong with me? I swatted his hand away without thinking.
Now his startled eyes flashed red. Intense crimson. Dragon's eyes. I opened my mouth to scream.
His roar woke me from my nap. The dragon had returned. I threw back the covers and hurriedly pulled my robe tighter, belting the sash and wishing I had something else to wear. The roar sounded again. I actually started running. The noise came from the tower where the dragon had first taken me. The smell was horrible and increased as I drew closer.
I stopped at the top of the stairway and looked down into the deep cavern below. A large quivering animal faced the dragon. Its breath came out in huffing gasps. The dragon stepped closer, talons clicking against the stone. The animal didn't back up, standing its ground as it faced death.
And death came.
The dragon's sharp teeth captured the animal by the head and ripped it off with one crunch of its powerful jaws. Blood sprayed as the dragon's front claws landed on the body. The head flew ten feet away. He pulled off a front leg and chomped it between his savage jaws. He spit the bones aside and flipped up the carcass with his nose, swallowing it whole. A bulge from the large beast outlined in the dragon's throat as he devoured it.
I thought I might be sick again, but before I looked away, his red gaze settled on me. Blood ran down his chin, a piece of something stringy falling from his mouth. This is how he would eat me.
Tomorrow. I was the meal.
I climbed over the stone separating the stairway from the dragon's perch. I walked to the very edge. I did not intend to die the same death I'd just seen. I inched to the side and peered over. I noticed the dragon, but my eyes fastened on the stone floor below. "I'm sorry, mother, I cannot make you proud." I jumped.
His roar swelled and almost burst my eardrums as I fell.
"Stupid woman named Acasia." The yell bellowed as soon as the roar tapered off.
Talons grabbed me from the air and brought me close to the dragon's chest. The shiny red scales were soft, not hard like they looked. He'd saved me. Would he eat me now? He settled me down in the middle of the blood from his snack, or dinner, or whatever the hell it was.
I looked up and up until I gazed into his eyes. "I do not wish to die that way, dragon. Now I will plead. Make it quick, get it over with."
"You would kill yourself for a faster death?"
I heard the uncertainty in his voice "'Tis not the death, 'tis the torture of it and the waiting."
A great hulking arm came toward me and his nail flicked out, connecting with my side. I flew back a few feet. He did it again and I stumbled farther. After the third time, my back was to the wall, and the dragon dropped his neck, turning so one eye glared into mine.
"I do not eat humans, silly woman. Your taste is unpleasant."
At his words, my feet gave way and my ass hit the stone floor hard. His eye dipped, moving down to stay level with mine. His nostrils flared, hot air blowing my hair back. He breathed in, his long snout running indecently along my body, actually touching the robe.
"I do not like the smell of your fear."
I sat on my sore bottom, stunned. My anger rose. Never in my entire life had I felt so furious. I pulled my arm back and my fist flew. Instantaneous pain. "Ow, that hurt." I swear his nose was made of iron.
This time when his head flew back, his throat arching and fire flaring outward, I knew what he was going to do.
The damned dragon laughed at me.