7. 'Cause baby I'm a nightmare.
William and Niya came out through the secret door. "What would Archie do if he ever gets to know who I am?" Niya asked William.
"He cannot kill you. Your survival is the key to the existence of this universe but yes, he can make your life hell, worst than death." He sighed.
"As long as my dad is with me no pain can make me kneel in front of Archie." She smiled when suddenly William hold her tightly and made her back hit the wall behind her. He was standing extremely close, so close that he could hear her heartbeat.
"Will?" She asked with her eyes opened widely due to Will's sudden move.
"Shh..." He signed her with his eyes to look at the door and there he was. Archie was standing right in front of her sight.
"What the hell are you two doing here?" Archie entered the room and pushed William back. William adjusted his clothes and smirked.
"What Archie? Can't you just see we were in the middle of a very important conversation?" Will winked at Niya just to irritate Archie even more.
"Have some manners man? At least knock before interrupting someone’s private moment." William smirked. Archie's anger was on cloud nine by now. Jealousy, anger, insecurity were some of the emotions running through his mind at that moment. He was trying hard to control his inner demon. He sighed before grabbing Niya's hand and turned towards William.
"Stay away from her. This is the last time I am warning you." Every word escaped Archie's mouth like intense lava. His green eyes turned red, glaring at William like a fire flame, even Niya could feel the heat of his ruthless anger.
"Archie, please let go of my hand." Niya winced at the pain. Archie almost forgot that he was crushing her hand under his rage. He softened his grip on her hand but didn’t let it go, leaving the room with her behind him. Archie was practically dragging her, she tried hard to stop him but failed.
"Archie? What's wrong with you?" She asked while trying hard to free her hand from his grip.
"Look kiddo, you do not belong here and you do not belong to him." He glared intensely into her eyes. She was already afraid of his dark side and his red lava eyes were making him more cruel and scary. She sighed before talking, trying to calm her nerves down.
"You cannot decide where I belong." She gulped her fear down through her throat and tried to sound confident but her shivering hands and trembling voice were not working in her favor.
"Oh, really? " He grabbed her mouth roughly by his hand and twisted her hand with his other hand. "Watch your mouth before speaking Niyanica and do not try to wake my inner beast up." He tightened his grip even more.
"I’m. Not. Afraid. Of. You." Niyanica jerked his hand off with great force. A new kind of confidence filled her inner soul after talking to her dad. Now she knew who she was, what she was capable of.
Archie shocked by her sudden action took a step closer, "How dare you?" He said while glaring at her with his lava emitting eyes.
"I may look like a soft dream, but do not underestimate my inner power King Archie, I know you cannot kill me." She smirked. "And trust me as long as I am alive no pain can make me weak in front of you. Never. Stay away. Stay safe." She took a step closer to him. "‘Cause baby I am a nightmare dressed like a daydream." She whispered the lyrics of her favorite song in his ears and left immediately.
Archie was stunned by seeing this savage Niya. "Who told her that I cannot kill her?" He whispered to himself.
"I did. She is the most powerful human to ever exist, the Creator Queen." William walked towards Archie with a playful smirk on his lips. "She deserves to know the truth, she deserves to know that she doesn’t need to be afraid of anyone." William shrugged.
"And she also deserves to know even though I cannot kill her, I can still make her life even worse than that." Archie said, a chuckle escaping from his mouth.
"I told her already but she is so brave dude, she is not afraid of pain and torture." William chuckled and left.
Niya was now determined to fulfill her father's wish to become a brilliant queen. She was still shocked as well as relieved after meeting her father. In just a short span of three days, her life has been and continues to be, a mess. A whole new world, a god's daughter, an angel living among devils... it was a lot to digest but the one thing that was keeping her sane was her love for her father. Now, she decided to accept this new life with a smile as her dad was with her.
"Bang on, Ni." She whispered to herself while approaching her new assistant.
"So Harrison? I want to join my Royal Office as soon as possible!" She smiled with a new spark in her eyes.
"Your Majesty, you cannot join the Royal Office before the coronation." George bowed and smiled at her excitement.
"Then let's do this coronation. Call for a press conference tomorrow and announce the date. 7th of January." She proudly smiled. She chose this date because it was her mother's birthday on the seventh, she wanted to honor her in some way.
"Sure, ma'am." He bowed. Like always, Archie came out of nowhere with a fake smile. Here we go, Niya thought.
"Niyanica I-um… I am sorry for..." He tried his best to apologize but failed.
"Oh, that's ok Eve, I am in a happy mood right now, all is forgiven." She faked a smile and assured him as she was too happy at the moment, wanting to avoid further conflicts. Archie was getting suspicious of her newfound happiness. He glanced suspiciously at George but ignored him, considering him as an associate of William.
Why is she suddenly so happy? Did William told her about her powers too?, he thought.
"Yes, I told her that she is not just a weak human but a human with the most powerful powers.'' William whispered in his ears and smiled at Niya who was standing a few steps away from them with George beside her. Archie turned to see William's face and sighed.
"You my friend are going to get your price soon for your deeds." Archie smirked. Niya, sensing the tension between them decided to interrupt trying to calm the situation down.
"Will, let's cut the cake!" She said with a beautiful smile on her red rosy lips.
After that, time passed in a blur. All the guests were dancing, eating, and drinking. Niya was continuously fighting with her mind on how to start a conversation with Archie to tell him about the new security team but after thinking so many times, she finally decided to speak up.
''Archie, I want you to meet my new staff. My secretary, George Harrison." She practically blurted in fear in front of Archie. ''And that is Edward Wilkinson, head of my new security team." She smiled at Edward who was actively doing his duty, standing a few feet away from them. George and Edward bowed out of respect for Archie. Archie was already trying hard to control his anger but he still managed to sound cool as much as he could.
"You did this all and didn’t even inform me?" Archie gritted his teeth and tried hard to keep his volume low as they were standing in between so many guests.
''Oh, I am sorry, you were busy dancing with your best friend and I thought it was not necessary to tell you everything. William already hired them for me and I trust his recommendations." She innocently smiled at him.
"Look Niyanica, it may sound demanding but I care for you, so I want to scrutinize every person who is going to be close to you. And I cannot trust William but if you are insisting, then I do not have any problem with this." Archie smiled. Do not worry Niya, you will pay for this but at the right time, he thought and smiled at her.
Not expecting this kind of response, Niya was left confused. She desperately wanted to know what was going on inside Archie's mind. Nevertheless, she smiled back with confusion.
After spending more time with William, they left the party as Niya wanted to prepare for the upcoming coronation. They were on the way to the Valeri Airport in their cars when suddenly a creature bumped into it, forcing them to come to a stop. Niya and Archie were sitting in the back seats and George was driving the car along with Edward on his right. Niya tried to see the creature and once she did, it gave her goosebumps.
Big golden yellow eyes with a golden body, very hairy and ugly. A body of a wolf or was it a man? No, half-man and half-wolf? Niya's mind was trying hard to understand what she was seeing. Their cars stopped and Edward ordered the security team to be on alert.
"There is a werewolf on our way, be alert guys but do not attack first." Edward said on his microphone.
"Were-Werewolf?" Niya widened her eyes in shock and her heart began to beat faster.
"Don't worry, Your Majesty. We will not allow him to even touch you. He will be dead in a sec if he decides to attack." Edward said with his gaze fixed at the creature who was standing a few steps away from the car and watching Niya as his prey. Archie on the other side looked so calm and relaxed.
"Eve? Why you so calm? Do something!" Niya glared at him in anger.
"Don't you trust your so-called ‘new security team’?" He lazily said and sighed.