Chapter 10
*Chapter 10
Clear View University*
I've been in this school for a whole week. For most of the week, I was drama and Nikolai free but it was still Clear View Point and there was always gossip and drama waiting to happen. "Hey Olivia, what's up?" I said the minute I reached her. "O hey Tatia... not much and you know?" she replied.
I have always been good at reading what on people's minds by looking their face expression or what their eyes told me. I could see she wasn't her normal chirpy self, which in some way it was kind of bothering me.
I didn't want to ask because it was none of my business but she is my friend and even though I am in a gang and don't like to care about people, I care about her I just wouldn't admit it out loud.
"So, what's wrong and don't say nothing. I can read you better than you think." She sighed, looking a bit hesitant and I was almost going to say never mind when she started "After gym Thursday... when I said I had to go?"
I nodded at her telling her I knew what she was talking about. "Well, I got this text saying I had to check out the abandoned classroom in the back of the school and I went to look. When I got there I heard sounds." I looked confused at her "Sound?" She nodded "Sex sounds"
She started tearing up and I awkwardly sat down next to her rubbing her shoulder tensely "I walked in and caught Phillip in there with," She breathed hard before swallowed and then a tear dripped down her cheek.
"With Ava and Rachel" I farrowed my eyebrows. What would he be doing in an abandoned room with them? Before I could ask or say anything she continued, "They were having a bloody 3-sim in there."
My eyes almost bulged out of my head. He looked like an asshole but I really thought he liked Olivia, other than the stupid winks at other girls I thought it was just a guy think "What? He was cheating on you?" Olivia angrily scowled at me.
"No shit Sherlock he was just in there fucking not 1 but 2 girls well he has a girlfriend," Olivia said in a snarky tone causing my eyes to widen. "Oh god, I am so sorry I didn't mean to snap at you. It is just that he doesn't know I know, you know?" She continued before I could get a word in. I nodded in understanding, I've never had a guy cheat on me but I could guess how it felt.
"No, don't worry. I don't understand how you feel but I can understand why you snapped. I would too if he was my boyfriend." She started crying softly and I once again rubbed her back awkwardly. I'm really not good at this and I really freaking hell don't know how to do this whole comfort another person thing.
"And you know what? I actually loved him, I still do." I looked at her worryingly. I didn't believe in love because I saw what happened to my parents but I knew that there were some people that could do it, like Silva and Grace. They are just one of those meant to be, get old together couples.
"Sorry if this is a dumb question but do you maybe know of something why he would cheat? I mean a guy won't cheat for nothing?" She whipped the tears away. She looked in the distance before starting to talk again
"No- wait maybe... yes I don't know but he has been bugging me for the last month or 2 about me giving my virginity to him and we have been fighting a lot since then about it." I nodded. Maybe that was the reason. I know guys don't want to give up sex and all that shit.
"Are you 100% sure it was him, maybe it could have been someone else that looked like him?" I didn't want to believe Phillip would do that to Olivia. Olivia was a sweet girl and the thought of him hurting her like that made me want to punch him.
I know he was checking me out Monday when we met but I thought maybe it was just a guy thing... but was he really cheating on her? He always looked at her with care and he would really be the last person I could think of to hurt Olivia. Of course I didn't really know him but at first glance, I'd say he loves her.
"Yes and I also thought no it couldn't be but that is until Ava and Rachel moaned his name. Can you believe that? Ava was fucking him and he was sucking and licking Rachel's... Oh god, I can't even say it. It hurts so much, how do I make it stop." She burst out in tears just then.
I didn't know what to do about girls crying, so I pulled her to me and hugged her well rubbing her back. "I would be the wrong person to ask." She said nothing still crying on my shoulder. Luckily we were not in sight of everybody in the hall so nobody was looking at us.
I lifted her face up so she could look at me. "Look at me Olivia, you are going to stop crying, not saying anything and get through the day then this afternoon we will see if he goes back and we will follow him and see if it was him." She shook her head and wiped away the tears on her cheeks.
"No I don't want to mess with your time, I'm sure you got better things to do" I hugged her again. Sure I had things to do but she was my friend and I would do this for her. "Really we can do this; I have nothing better to do." She nodded after thinking about it for few seconds.
"Go wash your face, redo your makeup and meet me at my car this afternoon." She nodded, standing up and straightening her clothes. She smiled a soft smile at me before walking to the bathroom down the hall.
When the bell rang I stood up and fixed the bottom of my dress. Once again this morning I looked down at my choice of clothing. It was a blacktop-red skirt dress that hugged my form in an appropriate way. It showed all my curves and flowed nicely.
With it, I decided to wear a pair of red D&G high heels that lace up past my ankle. I chose a pair of black skull earrings, a few armbands, and a cream-colored handbag to complete my look. My hair was braided in a fishtail and my makeup was done gracefully and not plastered on, like most girls in this school.
I walked to class, my heels clicking in the almost empty hall and walked into the class, making a quick stop at Ms. Ritcher's table, "Ma'am Olivia is going to be a few minutes late. She is just sorting some personal things out." Ms. Ritcher smiling sweetly "No problem,"
I reached my table just as Nikolai walked in. He spotted me almost instantly and saw the chair open next to me. With lightning speed, I didn't know he had, he sat down next to me before anybody could take the sport.
Even though this was the first time he made an effort to talk to me again in three days I knew he was probably going to use a pickup line. My thoughts were confirmed when he smirked and said "Do you believe in love at first sight? Or should I walk by again?" I looked at him sideways before saying. "Go ahead. I need to practice hitting a moving target." He sighs before nodding his head.
“You know it wasn’t really nice of you to give me the wrong number.” He stated right after I replied with a comeback. I chuckled softly remembering how Dimitri asked me if I knew someone with the name Nikolai.
Apparently Nikolai was sending flirty text after I gave him my number and it truthfully disturbed Dimitri. I had laughed so much when Dimitri told me he finally called Nikolai and told him he had the wrong number. Apparently it was very embarrassing.
“Oh my word! I am not even sorry. It was so hilarious.” He rolled his eyes and grinned. “of course it was for you, but it was really bad for me when the guy called and said I probably have the wrong number.”
I couldn’t say anything else as I was chuckling so hard, I almost fell of my chair. I quickly sobered up as he started talking again in a more serious tone.
"Okay so I know Monday was bad and obviously Thursday didn’t work out how I would have liked and we didn't talk on Friday and I know I just tried pickup line but please can we start over. Just friends and I will stop harassing you." I looked at him narrowing my eyes. I don't believe him; even if we were friends I knew he would still try pickup lines.
"Just friends?" He nodded "Sure but I will be friendly flirting with you. I mean you're hot and it won't do any harm." I narrowed my eyes at him again. Finally, after a few awkward silent seconds, I rolled my eyes and said "Fine! But stop harassing me and go sit on your seat. Olivia will be here any minute." He nodded, smiling and standing up.
Time was on my side today because just as he sat down in his chair, the door opened and in walked Olivia. She talked to Ms. Ritcher and then came to sit down next to me in the open chair.
"Thank you Tatia, for your help. It means the world to me." I smiled at her. "So apparently Nikolai and I are friends now." She looked at me before chuckling. "I'm not even going to ask."
Ms. Ritcher started doing register and marked if we were here or not and soon the bell rang signalling that it was time for the first period so we walked to Chemistry. As we walked Ava happened to appear out of nowhere. She looked at Olivia chuckling. I walked to Ava and I was all up in her face wanting to hit out those perfect white teeth.
I looked her dead in the eyes and said "You leave Olivia alone and if it was Phillip you slept with yesterday it just shows what a whore you really are. Going after someone that has a girlfriend? I hope for your part that it wasn't Phillip." She snickered at me acting as if she didn't just shit her pants.
"Aw, sweetie he came to Rachel and me, asking us to rock his world because his lousy girlfriend won't," I growled at her and was about to jump her when Nikolai grabbed me and held me back. "Nick she was going to hurt me."
She whined and acting like a baby, with a few fake tears in her eyes. "Oh shut up Ava, I saw you taunting her." Ava jaw practically fell on the floor before she straightened her body and glared at me and walking away with her little posy following her.
I look over my shoulder for Olivia but she wasn't there. Oh gosh, I hope she didn't hear what Ava had to say. "I told her to go to class when I saw she was moving closer to hear. She didn't hear anything." Nikolai said when he saw the look on my face I sighed.
"Thanks, but I got to go." He nodded, "By the way, have I told you, you look absolutely gorgeous today?" I shook my head, softly chuckling but actually still preoccupied and turned to leave. He smirked and walked the opposed way I was going.
My hands were twitching to hit Ava so hard that she would turn into a nun. I walked to Chemistry all tense and angry. When I walked into class the warning bell rang and once again I thanked the heavens for putting time on my side today. I sat down next to Olivia "What did she say?" I didn't look at her hoping she wouldn't see the look in my eyes.
Should I tell her the truth? Olivia probably saw my face anyways and asked, "Please tell me the truth, don't lie to me. I don't want to be hurt anymore." I nodded after thinking about it. If I was me in her position I would want to know the truth.
"She said he came to her and asked for it." Olivia looked away nodding sadly. No sound left her lips but the small wipe under her eye and the slight quiver of her lips I knew she was crying or about to.
If I wasn't listening I would not have heard it when she said "Okay, I'll dump him at lunch. Can you just walk with me and wait for me, please. I don't want to be alone when this is over." I nodded rubbing her back in support.
"Sure," We turned back to the front and listened to what Mr. Newton was saying. Olivia stopped sobbing, quickly wiped her tears away, took her notebook out and then started making notes of what the teacher was saying. I had to give it to her, she was doing well. Actually, she was doing a lot better than I thought she would.
Chemistry and Math went briskly. Before both of us knew it, Olivia and I were walking down the hallway to the soccer field. It was time to face the music.
"I texted him to meet me there because I have something special for him." I nodded and she wiped her teary eyes again. She started crying again when the bell for lunch rung and now it was time to pull herself together so we can pull this off.
"I'll stand behind the bleachers, okay, and if things get nasty just scream or look up at me and I'll be here okay? You won't be alone, not even for a one second." She gave a soft smile and nodded. She still looked white in the face but there were no more tears.
When we reached the field I stood behind the bleachers, just like I told her. As she walked to the middle of the field she kept glancing at me as we waited. Time, ironically took its time but after 5 minutes we stopped waiting.
I was the first to see Phillip coming and seconds later Olivia also did. I saw her body go tense for a second before she relaxed and smiled. He walked to Olivia with a huge smirk on his face, trying but failing to look charming.
Copyright © 2018 by Grace Write