Chapter 5
*Chapter 5
Clear View University*
Just for the show, I revved my car causing more stares. Parking in an open spot close to the entrance of the school building I switched off the engine. Fixing my makeup and checking my hair before touching the button on the side of the door making it move up automatically.
I could see everyone looking at me as I drive in, just knowing this made me smirk. Dramatically I placed my one leg out before getting out of the car completely. With probably the biggest smirk ever I lifted the sunglasses off from my eyes and up to my head where it would stay for most of the day. The car door closed again and I walked to the school entrance while ignoring everyone.
Stopping short after entering the hall I looked around trying to sport the office. I knew the few people that were already in the hall were staring at me. After I spotted the office, I walked into the boring looking room where I was bound to be found quite a few times this year. There was classical soft music playing in the room.
Close to the door, there was an office counter with a woman sitting behind it. The lady looked up and offered a kind smile which I did not return. "Good morning" her chirpy voice made me cringe; the woman looked at me waiting for me to speak.
"Good morning" my voice was nothing close to hers "I was signed in by my guardian Friday." The woman nodded and started typing something after she found what she was looking for she looked up and said "Can I please have your ID?" I gave her my ID and she entered the number into the compute.
"Found it, Miss Aksakor" I nodded with no emotion on my face. She pulled open a folder with lots of papers in it. "Here is your schedule and locker number, E75 with a school map. Also, a brochure with all the school activities and events in it."
The old lady smiled at me as I look the folder. She also handed me a lock which I presume should go on my locker. "Here's your lock for your locker, code 52013, it's on your schedule if you forget." I nodded with all the information swarming my head.
Before I could walk the principles door opened. "Miss Aksakor? Please before you leave, come in" She asked me. I internally groaned before walking into her office. "I'm Principle Ross, welcome to Clear View High." I shook her hand out of politeness.
"So, I know who you really are, I owed Silva a favor but that doesn't mean I tolerate any trouble. So enjoy the school but don't cause too much problems alright?" I chuckled and smirked.
"No to much, don't worry" Before she could reply I walked out of her office and out into the hall. I didn't say goodbye to the desk lady. I know it's rude but her voice was way to screechy and her smile was way too big with red lipstick plastered like cement on her lips.
The classroom in front of me had a bold 15 written about the door. On the schedule said that my homeroom number was 21 so I walked down the hall until I saw the number 21 written above a door.
The school bell had already rung and the halls were nearly empty. I reached the room and saw people casually sitting into the class. There was a wall full of lockers and immediately saw my locker.
I walked in and because the pupils were already seated they looked up and stared at me. By 'they' I meant everybody, the girls looking me up and down with sneers on their faces and the boys winking at me. If I was shy at all there would be a blush on my face but I was not. Their stares caused a smirk forming on my lips.
The teacher looked up and saw me. She took my slips and said "Ah I see we have a new student. I am Ms. Ritcher, please introduce yourself and then sit down next to Olivia." I looked at the teacher that looked about 30 and nodded.
"My name is Tatiana Aksakor I just moved to town, I like to do wild and adventures things, I am adrenaline junky." Ms. Ritcher nodded so I walked over to the girl that the teacher pointed at and sat down.
Well I was walking to the table I heard the other girls whispering and saying things about I'm emo because I was wearing all black, but I ignored them. I sat down and blocked out what the teacher was saying and closed my eyes. What they were saying didn't bother me at all.
I was almost asleep when then the classroom door opened and banged against the wall. I slowly looked up a bit bored and irritated. Why did they have to let the door bang the wall? Everything was a bit blurry; after my eyes focused my irritation disappeared.
Why? Well because when I looked up I saw a Greek god-like guy build with lots of muscles and a sharp strong jaw. He had an aura around him that made the girls drool and the guy want to be him.
Everybody in the class even the teacher was looking at him and I knew he was probably the resident Bad Boy or Player, someone who loved attention and that also answered my previous question. He let the door bang against the wall to draw attention to him. This made me roll my eyes.
"Ah Mr. Moretti, I see you're late... again please sit down." He smirked and sat down next to a girl that almost fainted out of shock and happiness; the shock didn't last long before she hopped onto his lap. His reaction didn't really surprise me, what did was that he reacted like that in class.
He grabbed her and started kissing her. "Moretti No PDA" he smirked and said, "Sorry Ms. Ritcher" he pushed the girl off his lap not looking sorry at all. She had a blush rising on her cheeks. Everybody was looking at them, some in horror others with jealousy.
He then looked around until his eyes met me. I raised an eyebrow at him and he smirked winking his right eye at me. I rolled my eyes and looked away. This class was boring and he was a cliché, something this world had too much of.
The man has a big ego. I'm probably the first girl not to melt at his wink. The bell rang and I stood up, gladly stretching to get the cramp out of my shoulder. The Olivia girl next to me, looked up and smiled at me before saying "Hey, nice to meet you"
I gave her a tight-lipped smiled and then replied "Hey, you too" She nodded and then said "Which class do you have? Maybe we could walk together." She said in a soft voice.
She was probably one of those soft girls that everybody liked. I gave her my schedule which I pulled out of my leather jacket. She took a moment to look at it and then said "Cool we have everything together except History and Sports; let's go Mr. Newton is young and cool but stern about punctuation."
Not too far down the hall was our next class, Mr. Newton's, Chemistry class. There were wooden tables, 8 of them which each could hold 4 pupils. Olivia was right, he looked pretty young.
We walked down the row together and chose to sit next to each other on the right second row from the back. The tardy bell rang and Mr. Newton looked up. His eyes scanned the room before nodding.
"Good morning class, I will be handing out a worksheet for you to do in class, you should all get the instruments in the back of the class. There is only enough of everything if everybody works in pairs, so choose a partner. You must use these instruments for this worksheet and then give it back to me at the end of the period."
As he walked between the tables and placed the chemistry worksheet on our desks, Olivia and I went to the back of the room to get instruments: 2 pairs of Safety goggles; 4 beakers; 1 conical flask; 1 boiling flask; a few test tubes, tongs and racks; watch glasses; Crucibles; funnels; we each took a Graduated cylinder, volumetric flasks, and droppers and finally Olivia took 2 Pipettes.
When we reached back the table it was overstocked so we started placing them under our table leaving only the things we needed for this experiment.
Luckily Olivia knew what to do; we started working on the worksheet and by the end of the period I could honestly say that Chemistry was not easy, but I could also say that I understand about 40% of the work.
At the end of the class, Mr. Newton took our worksheets and I couldn't get out of that classroom quick enough. Olivia and I rushed out his class and down the hall to Math with Ms. Pratt. On our way there Olivia felt the need to inform me more about this teacher
"Ms. Pratt is about sixty-something and very strike and stern... hates everybody and gives detention like a bad man gives candy to young children." I laughed and she smiled. Her smile however disappeared after that.
"Only bad news is that class is full because even if she is mean she is the best math teacher in Clear View Point and there is only one seat open and unfortunately that happens to be next to Nikolai Moretti. You saw and heard of him in Home Room" She laughed.
"The guy that was late and then kissed the girl," I asked just to make sure. She tapped my shoulder, "Good luck" I chuckled and walked in behind her. She immediately walked to her seat next to a girl that cheerfully greeted her.
I walked to the front where the teacher stood, looking down at a paper before writing back on the board. She turned around after she was done and I gave her my 'new student' slip and the teacher pointed to the only open chair and said "Sit" I rolled my eyes at her, really not caring and sat next to Nikolai.
I sat down and rolled my shoulders. I could feel his eyes staring at the side of my face but I ignored it and closed my eyes. "Roses are red, Violets are blue, love never crossed my mind until the moment I met you" He flirted. I mentally rolled my eyes "Roses are red, here's something new: Violets are violet not fucking blue." I replied.
He was silent as the teacher started speaking. "Welcome to AP Mathematical, this is the class that will make you cry and sweat until you think you can no more. This is also the class that decides if you pass this year or not so, pay attention!"
At that moment Nikolai decided to flirt again "Are you a parking ticket? Because you've got fine written all over you" I opened my eyes and rolled them then replied, "No, but you must be a jury notice because I've been trying to avoid you." I smirked mentally grinning. I had a comeback for every pickup-line this guy could have.
I was surprised by how fast he recovered for the second time. He replied quickly and said "Here I am! What were your other two wishes?" I'd have to give it to him, that wasn't too bad but I had a better comeback.
"That he be charming and handsome. I guess not all wishes come true." I chuckle softly shaking my head while partly listening to the teacher in the front that has been bubbling on and on about something called Linear Polynomial.
He stayed silent for quite some time but that, of course, didn't last long "I just Googled 'sexy' and a picture of you came up." I nodded and while writing something from the board I mumbled "You'll get the same result if you search for 'not interested'." For the rest of the period, he stayed silent, not turning to look at me again. Math went by slowly and when the bell finally rang I couldn't be happier.
Lunch finally; I'll be having nightmares from all these math equations if I didn't disappear out of this class fast enough! My stuff was already packed up before the last ring of the bell and I was up from my chair in seconds. I couldn't understand how there were actually people that liked math. How could that even be?
As quickly as I could I walked to Olivia's chair were she was still casually packing up all her things, taking her time but seemed to speed up when she felt me standing behind her. Olivia stood up and we walked down the busy hall.
Girls were standing at their lockers, putting away their stuff or fixing their makeup. The guys were tossing a football to each other in the hall, one barely missing my head. Then, of course, there were the couples making out or more like making love against their lockers.
Olivia and I didn't pay them any attention as we put out books away in our lockers. This was obviously a normal thing in Clear View High."Do you want to sit with me and my friends at lunch?" she asked and I hesitated before nodded.
Soon we were on our way to the lunch room; I decided to buy me some food and walked to the lunch line that THANKFULLY wasn't that long. Taking out my wallet I pulled out a $20 and bought a chicken salad and a soda. Dr Pepper wasn't my favourite soda but they didn't really have anything else I sort of liked. After I paid, Olivia half dragged me to her table that was a little to the right from the lunch line also close to the middle.
The lunchroom was kind of a cliché, to be honest. Popular kids sitting in the middle; the less popular but not losers sat around the middle and then there were the geeks and nerds that all cramped and stickered to the walls and windows.
We walked to her table where there was five people were seated, her friends I presume. She kindly introduced me to them "Guys this is Tatiana. Tatiana this is Abby and Caesar; they are dating-" she pointed to a boy and girl both with brown eyes and dark brown hair
"-This is Bea and Dale; they are one of the golden couples of Clear View High" she pointed to a girl with blond hair and a boy with black-brown hair. Before she introduced me to the last boy she walked around the table and took a seat next to him.
"And this is Phillip; my boyfriend of 11 almost 12 months" She pointed to a boy with brown-blond hair and very intense green-blue eyes. He looked up at me smirking and sent a wink after Olivia looked away. I don't know why but something was up with him.
I grabbed a plastic chair from the next door table and plopped down. Olivia's friends started talking again but her being brought into the conversation. I sat in silence just listening to the girls talking about shoes and the boys talking about football season.
Olivia looked at me and smiled so I started talking telling her what happened in math. She had her hand in front of her mouth trying not to laugh but soon the tears were running down her cheek and she lost it. Her outburst caused the rest of the table to lean closer and I had to retell the story. They also all ended up laughing.
The table turned silent in a second and I was confused and was about to ask what was wrong when I heard the sound of clicking heels, walking this way. I just knew drama was about to happen and shit was about to hit the fan.
Copyright © 2018 by Grace Write