Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 2

I made my way to the dressing room that I shared with five other girls. Alfredo had organized dressing rooms for us girls here but six girls to a room. At first there was only one dressing room but as the number of girls increased and it got chaotic-since conflicts started arising amongst the girls about who is hogging the mirrors and stealing the other's outfits and makeups- he had extended the club to provide three more dressing rooms.

"Hey girls," I greeted as I entered and saw two of the other girls I shared the room with sitting down smoking and doing lines of coke.

"Hey Amy, I thought you didn't have to perform until later." Nora asked as she looked up from her lines that she was setting up to snort.

"Hey babe," Katie said blowing out a puff of smoke after taking a drag from her spliff.

"Katie! No smoking in here!" I grabbed the spliff from her hand and tapped it on the ashtray to put it out. "Are you trying to smoke up the outfits? The last thing I want is to go perform smelling of cigarette smoke."

"Sorry Ames," Katie replied. "I just really needed a joint."

"I tried to tell her." Nora said sitting up straight and wiping her nose. "You're here early."

"Slave master requested me here for a private session with some guy he is apparently afraid of." I scoffed as I went to my side of closet and picked out a simple two-piece black lingerie with some lace and a black satin robe to wear over it.

"What? Amy, you're not even one of the pleasure girls here so why do you allow him to subject you to things you don't want to do?" Katie asked. "It’s not like you agreed to be one of us like I wanted to. Sweetie you want me to take your place?"

"I don't have a choice guys. If I don't do this personally I'm dead and apparently Mom too." I said to them as I stripped off my jacket.

"Alfredo is an ass Amy, we all know that." Katie replied. "He's a big bully, he takes advantage of the weak like us, that's what he does."

" Who the hell is this guy anyway? " Nora asked, forgetting about her lines for the time.

"I don't know. Probably some old ass rich guy who Alfredo owes money." I replied striping out of my other clothing.

Katie and Nora were practically my best friends here. At first, I would never be able to change or take my clothes off in front of others- even though they were women- but after working here for five years, I completely lost any shyness or shame I had about showing my body and taking off my clothes. But could you blame me? I had to do it almost every night in front of a bunch of guys.

Katie and I immediately hit it off when I started working here. Katie was here long before me, I believe she was just an unfortunate teen at the time who sadly found herself working here for Alfredo. She was like a big sister to me, she was the one who practically took me under her wings as a frightened traumatized 17-year-old.

Nora on the other hand, had been here two years now. She was younger than us at 19 years old. I was the one who had to mentor her and show her the ropes when she just got here.

"What kind of guy is he then if Alfredo seems to be afraid of him?" Nora asked in a worried voice.

"I'm hoping it's the type of guy who most likely will be satisfied with just watching me dance." I said to them as I started putting on the little bra top and bottom. "I seriously do not wish to have to sleep with any old ass disgusting guy."

"And to think that most times those are the type of guys that came to these places." Katie replied shuddering. "I've had to deal with my share of old guys and believe me they're beyond disgusting. Honey, I hope this one isn't half bad as some I had to face".

"I'm praying." I said shuddering at the thought as well.

"Just hope he'll be satisfied by just looking at you in that outfit," Nora replied. "You look hot Ames"

"Seriously? Hot is the opposite of what I was going for." I frowned as I turned to look at myself in the floor length mirror. "I'm not exactly trying to be hot for this guy, especially since I won't be wearing a mask."

"What!?" "Why the hell not!?" Nora and Katie asked at the same time.

"Apparently, he's a very important guy who definitely won't go for a girl in a mask." I said before burst out laughing.

Katie and Nora were looking at me strangely but I could see the edge of their lips twitching to smile. It must be amusing to see that I suddenly find a very unfortunate situation like this funny. This was the effect of the drugs. Instead of really freaking out, I was finding things amusing. Obviously it was now kicking in fully than before.

"Sorry guys. Sorry." I said after I finally stopped laughing. "I'm a bit high-ish. I just got smack...Well not smack as in I got hit... Oh god, those are all physical abuse names. What I meant is, I just got the drugs called smack."

"Amy we know what you mean," Katie chuckled. "We're not that daft; we've all done it before. Nora over there was making lines from it."

"Oh well yeah," I said as I went and took out a black thigh length caged gladiator heels.

"Why on earth did you choose that ugly boot?" Nora chuckled at the shoes as I sat down to slip them on.

"Because I'm not exactly trying to look pretty or attractive to this guy." I replied as I finished strapping it up.

"How are you doing your hair? Do you need help curling it or something?" Katie asked standing up.

"Thanks but no. I think going to settle for a wig." I said as I went to grab a short dark brown wig. "If I can't wear a mask, I at least have to wear another form of disguise."

"The wig alone isn't going to be much of a disguise." Katie said to me.

"I know, that's why I have these brown contact lens and doing vibrant makeup" I said to them showing the contacts box.

After fixing on the wig and putting in the lenses, I did my makeup making sure to add blood red lipstick for the finishing touch. I know that I couldn't stay any longer to chat with the girls as whoever this Ackles guy was, he was probably there waiting a long time.

After saying goodbye to the girls and them wishing me luck, I tightened the satin black robe around me as I made my way to room seven. I believe I was mentally prepared for this situation by now.

As I reached the door, I sighed before entering. I was seriously expecting to see some fat old guy waiting for me but the person I saw was definitely not who I was expecting. There must be some mistake. This guy was definitely young; much younger than the usual guys Alfredo would do business with.

“Holy crap, am I in the right room?”

"I just asked myself the exact same question." the guy said as he turned around to face me.

“Did I say that out loud?”

"Yes, you did." he said to me as he looked at me in a way probably wondering if I was alright.

"Uhm, I uh... I tend to talk out loud sometimes. Sorry." I said walking closer in the room. "I’m not sure if I’m in the correct room. Are you Mr. Ackles by any chance?"

"I am." he said seriously.

I couldn't help but check him out. He was not what I was expecting. He was really handsome and I couldn't get over the fact that he was so young- he looked closer to my age.

He wasn't that buff or muscular but you could tell by looking at his physique through his suit, that he had a nice athletic body. His overall appearance made me more curious as to why on earth was Alfredo making such a fuss about this guy? He really didn't look much like someone to be scared of.

"I was told that you would be waiting in here." I said to him not really sure how to go about this.

"Yes, and I've been waiting for way too long for Alfredo to show up with my damn money. He can't even face me like a man?" he said in an angry tone. "And he sent you? Did you come here to pay me?"

"More like pay you some attention." I replied walking up to him slowly.

"Listen, I didn't come here for..." He started but I cut him off by placing a finger on his lips.

I wasn't sure if I was overstepping any boundaries here or what but I had to try something. If I didn't get him to agree to Alfredo's terms- I am dead.

"Shhh... Are you always this tense? You need to try to relax and let me entertain you." I said pushing him backwards in a gentle way into the chair that was sitting in the room. "Alfredo will talk to you later."

"Look, I didn't come here for a session alright. I came here for an important business." he said to me still with that frown on his face.

"I know but who says you can't mix business with pleasure uh?" I smiled at him before stepping back over to the stereo and pressing the on button.

Immediately I heard ‘Bailando’ by an artist called Enrique and others. This song was always a great song to dance to, not to mention fun.

"Great song." I commented as I started untying the robe.

I could see him raising his brows in interest but at the same time you could tell that he wasn't sure if he should remain seated and watched me. As the robe completely open and fell to the floor, the interest was immediately peaked in his eyes as he looked me up and down. That was a good sign right? If he seemed interested in me then maybe, he'll agree to Alfredo's terms later on.

There was a pole in the room just a few steps away from where the chair was situated. I swayed my hips as I walked over to it and began dancing. Throughout my years working here, I had come to master the art of pole dancing. As I held on to the pole with one hand, I angled my body around in such a way so that he'd have a good view of my skills as I danced. Also, I could keep eye contact with him so I could gauge his mood or interest.

I gyrated and rotate my waist and hips around to the music. I then held on to the pole with both hands as I lapped one of my legs around it and swung around the pole. After doing that, I climbed up the pole hugging it tightly with my legs then slide down in an upside down position.

I could see the interest in the guy's face and tell he was impressed. But at the same time, there was a look of resistance. It was as if he was trying to be bored with what he saw and was putting on a serious business face.

Alright, so maybe this guy was a bit harder to seduce than the others. This simple means that I'd have to try harder to completely grab his attention. Deep down, I just wanted to give up and let this guy be but knowing that Alfredo had warned me not to fail, I know I had to do what I got to do. I slowly made my way over to him by crawling on my hands and knees. When I reached at his feet, I saw him looking down at me with a slightly amused expression as to what my next step or move would be. I used both my hands to push his legs open and crawled up in between his legs while keeping eye contact with him.

I slowly rotate my hips in a grinding order as I stood in front of him now in between his legs. I decided to opt for giving him a lap dance. I was surprised when he just sat there and not even made an effort to try touch me or anything. Most guys would already have tried to grab me or something. I tried to study his demeanor as I climbed into his lap. Since he didn't push me off yet, I tried leaning a bit closer to him as I straddle him; I still had to 'trudged' carefully. I saw him looked down at my chest and swallowing visible before looking back at my face. I smiled at him to let him know that I had seen him checking me out too.

I had one hand resting on his shoulder to keep me balance as the other went to his chest. I started playing with the top button of his shirt as I watched him. He had leaned back into the chair resting his jaw on his fist of the hand that was propped up by the elbow resting on the armrest of the chair.

I popped one of the buttons open, he raised a brow at me but still hadn't said anything. I had reached the third button of his shirt when his hand grabbed mine. I was surprised at the swift way in which he had moved. I barely had time to register what was happening but all I know was that I was off his lap and now in the chair -that he was previously sitting in-with him leaning over me with both hands on either side of me on the chair's armrest.

"I know what you're trying to do. I know what Alfredo sent you here to do but it's not going to work." he said in a low but threatening voice. "He's trying to get me distracted from the original reason why I had come here. It’s not going to work because Alfredo has owed us way too damn long. I already told him that this was the last time I was going to come back to him asking for it."

" Who is us?" I asked curiously as I shrunk back into the chair. "What does he owe you for?"

"That isn't none of your business..." He replied but I cut him off.

"Drugs?" I asked raising a brow.

"Listen, you go back right now and tell Alfredo to come face me right now with my money. I told him the last time I came here that he had a month to come up with it and now he's long overdue!" He said in an angry tone causing me to jump.

"Uhm... Maybe you should uhmm... Let him pay back little by little or uhm...Give him some more time to..." I tried to reason with him.

"He's gotten enough time. This is the last straw. He is either going to pay me tonight or suffer the consequences." he said in a tone that made me honestly saw a little of why Alfredo was scared of him.

"But ..."

"You go now and tell him that he can come to me himself with my money and not send another harlot to try and distract me." he yelled.

My eyes widened at his choice of word. Harlot? That definitely hurt.

"Go, go on now!" He yelled causing me to jump up from the chair backing away from him. "You go tell him that now!"

I was definitely screwed now, I thought to myself as I grabbed the discarded robe from the floor and throwing it on. There was no way I was going to stay in a room with him, especially with him showing just how angry he can get. I was hurt by his harlot remark but who could blame him? He doesn't know a thing about me and why I'm here so basically that was what I was.

I let out a breath I was holding once I was fully out the room but as I stood out in the hallway I wondered what the hell was I going to tell Alfredo now. In frustration, I dragged the wig from my head letting my natural hair fell down my shoulders and back. As I raked my hand through my hair, I slowly made my way from the door and in the direction of Alfredo's office. It was best if I tried to get this over with as soon as possible. I was definitely scared though to let Alfredo know that I had failed even though he had warned me not to. But he was going to find out eventually anyway so I might as well be the one to break it to him.

As I reached near the doorway of his office I came face to face with Solj leaving Alfredo's office.

"You back so soon. Did you get through with what Alfredo asked?" He asked me.

"Uh.. not exactly." I said nervously scratching the back of my head.

"What the hell do you mean by not exactly?" Solj asked raising a brow.

"There's been...a little set back." I replied.

"A setback huh?" Solj replied nodding before grabbing my forearm and dragging me to Alfredo's door. "Alfredo is going to love hearing this."

"Ow... It isn't my fault... Solj you're hurting me!" I tried pulling my arm from him.

With his grip on my hand I felt as if he was cutting off all circulation and even more it felt as if he was about to break my arm.

"What the hell is all the commotion about!?" Alfredo demanded as Solj pushed me inside.

"Stewart here have something to tell you" Solj said pushing me forward.

"What?" Alfredo demand looking at me curiously. "Did you complete the task I gave you?"

"Well... There has been a bit of a hitch...I did what you asked and everything..." I started.

"But?" Alfredo pressed.

"But he was just so upset and bend set on you paying him back tonight. He- he said your little distraction isn't going to work." I said to him cautiously. "I couldn’t persuade him. I'm so sorry, I tried everything to convince him otherwise and asked him to give you more time but he still wasn't having any of it."

"Great! Just frigging great!" Alfredo roared angrily, slamming his hand down on the table. "I gave you one simple task and you just couldn't complete it."

"I-I tried but he was just so determined to get his money. He didn't care about me or what I did or said. He was just focus on getting paid." I tried to explain.

"Yeah sure he was," Alfredo laughed humorlessly as he approached me. "He probably was only focused on getting paid because you weren't good enough to do one simply job."

"I-I'm sorry." I said trying to back away from him but Solj had to hold me in place.

"You will be you worthless piece of shit!" Alfredo exclaimed and before I had time to process anything else a hard slap across my face sent me flying to the ground.

I tried to scramble up holding my face where I had gotten slap. It felt as if I was hit with some object instead of just a hand. I had only just gotten up in a sitting position when a kick to the stomach sent me back down. I cried out in pain as more abuse took my body.

"Get up! I said get up!" Alfredo roared pulling me back to my feet before sending another slap to my face.

I could definitely taste the blood in my mouth. I didn't know whether it came from my split lip or from my nose which I am sure was busted and bleeding now as well.

"P-please, please." I cried as Alfredo's hand found my throat as he pressed me into the wall.

"You can't do a simple task right. Well I'll show you what happens when you fail." he said as he started squeezing.

I tried clawing at his hand as I felt as if I was going to pass out. I couldn't breathe and my eyes were blurring. I could see dark stars twinkling in front of me and I was slowly losing consciousness. I had given up fighting when I heard that voice again.

"Alfredo, let the girl go!" he said threateningly.

Immediately, I was thrown aside like a rag doll and I lost my balance due to being so disorientated. I fell to the ground, my head hitting the concrete hard as I fell.

"Where is my money Alfredo?" I heard the voice asked again.

I was not sure what else happened or what was said by Alfredo or Solj but there was a bit of a commotion. And just before I lost complete consciousness, I heard what sounded like gunshots rang out.

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