Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 3

Lucas POV

Looking at her passed out on the floor, seemingly so broken after the ordeal she just had. I couldn't just leave her there. After calling in the guys to do clean up, I went over to her; lifting her limp body in my arms and walking out the door with her.

I didn't know why I cared what would happen to her if I left her there passed out with three dead bodies but I somehow didn't want to take the risk of her regaining consciousness while cleaning up was in progress. And despite her being partially unconscious, there was a slight possibility that she could have heard or seen what happened. I was positive she heard some of what went down and if I left her there and later on she decided to talk, then that could cause more issues. It was that thought that made decide to take her with me—to make sure she knows not to open her mouth about what happened to anyone in case she saw. Also, she was most likely hurt and needed medical attention, I couldn't just leave her there unattended or not knowing the full extent of her injuries. I had my suspicions that what happened to her was probably because she didn't get through in seducing me.

Alfredo had owed us money for some drugs for months now. He was usually a regular customer for years and always paid back until a couple of months ago he started hitching on payment, double crossing and being disrespectful in addition. My boss Gio would have paid Alfredo a visit himself but he went on his honeymoon last week. As his second in command or right hand man, he left me in charge. Hence, me being there at that club tonight.

I had never really liked Alfredo because of how sketchy he was. But Gio had started doing business with him and I just did what I had to do. Alfredo had gotten the warning that his payment deadline was soon overdue but he chose not to repay the money to us. There had also been rumors that he had been making deals with other dealers and also buying girls for his club. Ads much as we were a part of a mafia group, sex trafficking or human trafficking was not something that our group supported whatsoever. And seeing how Alfredo moved, I had no doubts that these ‘rumors’ were true.

Earlier when I got to the club, his little steroid lap dog led me to a secluded room and asked me to wait there. I wasn’t expecting to have this dark haired stripper came in trying to seduce me. I immediately knew that this was Alfredo's doing and that he was trying to get me distracted and hopefully I'd left without the money but I was given one advice by Gio "Get the money or take him out."

After I had rejected the girl's advances and sent her to tell her boss that I wasn't going to fall for his trick, I decided to go and find the coward myself since he wanted to waste my time. When I reached what looked to be his office, I could hear someone crying and what sounded like someone being beaten. Upon listening more closely, I recognized the sound of a female and Alfredo’s voice. I decided to enter and check it out.

The scene before me was of Alfredo holding the dark haired brown eye girl from earlier by the neck. The difference now was that her hair was much longer and I realized that she must've been wearing a wig earlier. The girl’s face was bloodied and she was practically passed out as a result of how tightly he was holding her. He was obviously cutting off her air supply.

I withdrew my gun and aimed it at the back of his as I demanded he let the girl go. The minute Alfredo and his monster saw me they froze as if not sure what to do next. Alfredo threw the girl aside and she stumbled losing her balance and fell to the floor; her head hitting the ground in the process. That made me extremely angry-seeing them treating a woman like that. My newfound anger and the fact that he owed me and tried playing me for a fool caused me to lash out.

His monster tried to defend him when I approached Alfredo so I did what I had to do—I fired. Alfredo tried reason with me as to why he couldn't find the money to give me now and so I got rid of him as well. After all, he was a pig and a coward who abused women, he was better off dead. As soon as I had gotten rid of those two, another one ran in to attack me and so I shoot him as well.

"Oh my God Amy! What happened? Is she alright? Where are you taking her!?" A blonde dressed in pink lingerie and a shorter redhead came running up to me the minute she saw me with the dark hair girl in my arms.

So her name is Amy.

"I'm not going to hurt her," I said to them. "She needs immediate medical attention."

"Oh god, did she get shot!? We heard gunshot and everyone fled. What happened? What happened to her!? Please tell me that she's fine." The blonde asked frantically running behind me.

"She's going to be fine. She was badly beaten by her boss but she'll be fine once I get her the medical attention she needs." I replied as I made my way to the car.

"Who are you?  We can take her to the hospital." The redhead informed as they were still running behind me. "We're her friends, you're a stranger. How do we know you're not going to kidnap or kill her or something?"

"You don't, but you're just going to have to trust me because I am taking her." I said to her as I put Amy in the back seat and went to the passenger door.

"You can't do that!" The redhead shouted as I opened my door. "You don't know her. Amy isn't going to be pleased with this."

"She's just going to have to be grateful that I saved her life. No worries though, I'll have her call you when she’s conscious and well. By the way, maybe you guys should start looking for a new place of employment because you no longer have a boss." I said before going into the car and driving off.

Amy's POV

*I was in an old two room apartment with my mom. Inside the room was a small crooked coffee table, a small four chair table and a twin couch. The room we were in was also lit with only a single lantern. There was a big blue bucket set in the middle of the room to catch water since the roof was leaking. Inside the room was cold and silent except for the dripping of water being caught in the bucket and the sound of bugs chirping outside.

*I was sitting on a cushion on the floor as mom sat in one of the chairs above brushing and braiding my hair. I've always loved when mom combed my hair, it was just so relaxing. Mom was telling me stories about a beautiful little mermaid who had long pretty brown hair and beautiful blue eyes. The way she was describing the mermaid had me giggling then asking her if she was describing me instead— of course she denied it. Everything was alright as mom continued brushing my hair and telling the story. Well that was until the front door jiggled opened and my stepfather walked in. From all the way across the room you could tell he was drunk and high.

*"Marie!" He roared as his eyes landed on us.

*I had started trembling at the sound of his voice. Ever since he started drinking and most likely doing drugs, we've been so scared of him. He'd lashed out at us and everything became a living hell.

*"Have you packed the brat’s bags as yet!?" He roared crossing the room coming over to us.

*"Mom what is he talking about?" I whispered to her.

*"Don't worry sweetheart, he isn't going to hurt you." mom reassured.

*"I don't want you whispering! I told you it was time to get rid of the damn little brat!" he shouted. "We can't afford to keep her anymore."

*"Weston, we aren't getting rid of her. She may not be yours but she's my daughter and you're not selling her." mom replied angrily pulling me up from the floor.

*"Alright, we'll just see about that!" He yelled before launching at me.

*"Amy run!" Mom shout as she pushed me behind her. "I said run! Go now through the back door!"

*I didn't want to leave her behind but she told me to run so I did just that. As I made my way out the house and a little way away from it, I could hear her and my step dad wrestling as he tried to come after me but when I looked back the house was going up in flames. They must've knock over the lantern.

*"Mom! Mom!" I started screaming as I started to run back towards the house but it felt as if someone was holding me back.

*"No! No! Mom!"

I felt as if I was then tackled to the floor and I closed my eyes as sharp pain went through my body and my right hand. I could hear someone talking and my eyes flew open to find the owner of the voice.

"Hey, hey calm down." the person holding me down said to me.

I realized that I was only having a bad dream. Though it felt as real as ever because parts of it were similar to my experiences.

I blinked my eyes trying to figure out where the hell I was and what had happened. I soon realized that I was on the floor of a kind of luxurious room which was definitely not mine. My eyes were killing me and felt as if they were burning or had pins in them. I knew that it was also because I had fallen asleep with my contacts in. My head felt as if it was going to fall off my body, I was sweating profusely, my stomach was cramping and my heart was racing like hell. I scrambled to a sitting position-freaking out as I looked around. My eyes then landed on a slightly familiar face and my eyes widened as I started hyperventilating.

"Are you calm down now?" He asked gauging if I was going to freak out again.

"W-who are you?" I asked shaking as I backed up on the bed. Even though I believe we met last night, I still didn't know who he was. "Where am I?"

"You're at my place. I took you here last night after I found your shit of a boss beating the crap out of you." he said to me. "Fortunately, you haven't got any long term damages, just a few bruises. I had my doctor checked you.”

"Alfredo he was.... I heard gunshots and I...." I paused, my eyes widening as I looked at him in fear as I started remembering hearing his voice, just before I heard what sounded like gunshots then passing out.

"Oh my God. You- you..."

"I what?" He asked raising a brow as he sat on a chair that was in front the bed.

"You were the one…" I said in shock. "Did you- did you kill them?"

By the satisfied and proud look I got in return, I already knew the answer. I was in a room with a murderer. I know I was starting to run low and the drugs wearing out of my system was starting to affect me but I know I wasn't imagining it. I had to get out of here.

"Oh God." I said in fright as I eyed the door then jumped off the bed making my way to the door.

I didn't make it far enough before I was grabbed by the arm and pulled back to him. I started screaming

as I felt him grabbed me. I was literally screaming and thrashing around which earned me my arm being twisted behind me in an odd angle which hurt like hell.

"Look, just calm down and stop the screaming or I'll have to break it." he said dangerously close to my ear.

I didn't doubt that he'd do just that, so I tried to calm myself as best as possible as I stopped screaming and tried to breathe evenly.

"There you go." he said as he slowly let go off my arm.

I fell back to the bed massaging my now sore arm as I cowered back from him.

"What do you want? W-why am I here?" I asked trying to fight the strong urge I suddenly had to start screaming once more and pulling out my hair.

I was once again having withdrawal symptoms. Last night I was promised a week’s supply of fix to keep me high and functioning if I completed the task Alfredo gave. If he got killed last night and I'm here, then I was screwed. How the hell would I get my daily fix? Without it how was I going to be able to keep relax and function properly?

"I won't say anything! I swear I won't. I didn't even see it take place. I know nothing. You have to let me go! I can't stay here; you have to let me go!" I said frantically as I started raking through my hair and scratching at my arms.

"You said you haven't seen or know anything, yet you're freaking out right now? Why? " He said raising a brow at me. "You expect me to believe that you won't say anything to anyone?"

"I- I w-wont. I said I won't so I won't! You have to believe me! Ugh!!!" I screamed at him before attacking my own eyes.

They felt as if they were practically being ripped out with nails. They were all watery and suddenly felt more like there were sand or gravel inside of them.

"What the hell are you doing? Are you freaking crazy or something!?" The guy asked as he came over to me and began holding my hands to stop my assaulting my own eyes.

"I have to get them out now!" I screamed at him trying to get him to let go.

"Your eyes are extremely red," he said to me slowly letting go off my hands.  "Do you have in contacts?"

"I have to get them out!" I said as I practically dug them out one after the other.

"Your eyes are blue." he commented but I didn't have time to congratulate him on his new discovery of my true eye color.

"I need to go! I have to go!" I said shakily getting up from the bed.

"Go where? You're not going anywhere until we've talked..."

"I don't want to talk! I need something! I need- I need a new fix you idiot!" I yelled at him as I pulled at my hair.

My nose was starting to get all runny, my head felt like it was about to burst any minute. My skin was crawling- especially my scalp- and felt as if there were little creatures running around. Not to mention the fact that my face and body hurt and the difficulty I was starting to have to breathe. I was sweating, shaking, on the verge of an anxiety and the urge to vomit right here on the floor.

"Oh great, you're a druggie." he said in realization at the cause of my freaking out. "How had I not figured this out already?"

"Yeah, yeah whatever. Can I just go now!? I won't say anything to anyone I swear." I said as I started pacing in front him after realizing the door wouldn't open. "Please, I have to go now."

"Where the hell are you going to go? Your supplier is dead." he said to me. "And I would've probably let you go before but knowing you're a drug addict? That's not going to happen now. I won't risk you running your mouth, I'd have to find you and kill you personally."

" W-who are you? " I asked again feeling scared. "You still haven't told me who you are and why did you shoot them?"

"Just be thankful that I did- since I saved your ass." he said to me. "My name is Lucas.”

" Lucas," I started crying. "Please you have to let me go. I can't function or control myself if I don't get another fix. My head feels like it’s about to burst, my stomach is cramping. If you don't let me go, I'm going to die. Please. My hands are trembling. "

"You don't need a fix." Lucas said to me. "You need to get clean."

" I-I can't. I can't. I have to get a fix. I tried getting clean before, I almost died. I just need something to take the edge off. Please!" I screamed through my crying.

"You're going to have to get clean if you want me to let you go now." Lucas replied. "There's no way I can let you go in this state considering what you know."

"I'll get clean one day but right now I have to get a fix and I got to go see my mom. I haven't seen her in a while and ...." I started saying but the vomit was already coming up my throat and before I could do anything else, I vomited right there on the floor.

"Oh shit!" Lucas said jumping back before it could splash on him. "This is why you definitely need to get clean."

"Sorry, I’m sorry." I said as my eyes started going dark and my knees started giving up on me. “Help me.”

"You're not leaving here as long as you're in this state." I heard Lucas said as he caught me before I fell.

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