Chapter 5

Amy's POV

This was just down right ridiculous. It was as if I was an animal or some kind of prisoner. I was confined to the bed and I meant literally. After my last stunt last week when I tried to kill myself, Lucas had one of my hand handcuffed to the bed's headboard and in addition to that, he got some guy to come sit there in the room with me as some guard or watchdog I supposed. He would pull my handcuff whenever I needed to use the bathroom, stand guard outside to make sure I didn't try anything like that again and then handcuff me again when I was done. I was still having withdrawal symptoms and feeling sick to the point where it was starting to get painful. I was sure I was going to die soon, and the worst part is being confined to this room wasn't helping. I really needed to go see or talk to my mom but of course I was again denied that opportunity.

Crying, whimpering and begging didn't work on this guy either. After Lucas had supposedly comforted me that evening when he saved me from drowning myself, I hadn't seen him since. He just got this guy Jay or whatever his name was to constantly watched me. This guy couldn't be much older than me in anyway either and whenever I asked him for Lucas, the answer I got was that he was busy or working. I believe that he was just avoiding me though.

I was sick to the bone now. I know I had lost a considerably amount of weight since I haven't really been eating in weeks and I've been passing out whatever little I tasted and throwing up a lot. Hence, the bucket they gave me so I wouldn't have to be pulled from my handcuffs that regularly. I didn't know why this Lucas guy didn't just let me die or better yet kill me himself. If he was going to try and get me clean the least he could've done was to try see if there was an easier way to go about this, like I don't know drop me into a rehabilitation center or get me something else to deal with my cravings and withdrawals.

I was feeling so much worst that I didn't know if I was ever going to make it out clean alive. My head felt like it was going to fall off and I was pretty sure I was starting to hear voices in my head. My heart was constantly racing as if it was going to jump out of my mouth, not to mention the nauseous feelings that was hitting me along with the other symptoms. I could feel the vomit rising in my stomach so I reached for the bucket as I emptied my already empty stomach into it. The bucket was filled with mostly water. As I was finished a bottle of water was passed to me, I looked up at the guy before taking it with my free hand and rinsed out my mouth.

"You alright?" He asked me.

"Why do you care?" I asked in a bitter tone. "You all just have me chained up in here like some underprivileged dog anyway. So why would you care!?"

"You being handcuffed to that bed is your fault. If you hadn't tried to kill yourself last week I don't think you'd be confined to the bed. It's for your own good and safety." he replied.

"What the hell do you know what's for my good huh!? If you or Lucas or anyone wants what's good for me, you'd let me go!" I screamed with contempt.

"I know what it feels like to be having withdrawal symptoms. You feel like you're about to die, you can't function without the drugs and you're mad at the world when you're being denied the chance to go get a hit." Jay replied. "I've been there, trust me. I know it is hard but believe me when I say it'll get worse before it gets better. When it does, it'll be totally worth it.”

"I-Is that your idea of a pep talk, inspiration or encouragement? It'll get worse before it gets better?" I asked glaring. "If you've been there you'll know how much pain I'm in right now and let me go."

"That wouldn't help. Letting you go would only send you right to a dealer and you'll be right back where you've started." he replied. "You have to focus on getting better, getting clean."

"Getting clean hurts alright?" I cried. "I just want to die. Why don't you just let me die or better yet why not just kill me? Please."

"Why would I kill you?" He asked surprised by my request.

"If you want to help me you'd do it. Help end my suffering." I said to him. "I'm sure you don't want to be sitting here all day and night constantly babysitting a crazy stripper. You probably have much better things to do than subjecting yourself to such menial task that Lucas gave to you. You could be free from this, all you have to do is let me call my mom tell her goodbye and then you do it. Don't you have a gun too or something?"

"See, now that is the drugs talking. I don't have a problem with my job now. In fact, I think this is much better and easier than anything else he's asked me to do." he responded. "And being in your position once, I believe I'm perfect for this job."

"Why do I even try!? You all just rather to torture me instead. You and your boss are the same, certified assholes! That's what you both are!" I screamed at him before laying down on the pillow and turning away from him.

"We've been called worst sweetheart," he chuckled. "Just hang in there a little longer and you'll be fine eventually."

"I'm going to die." I whimpered to myself as I closed my eyes and decided to ignore him once more.


I was back at Lollipop Tease with Alfredo telling me I had to give a private session to some guy. The way Alfredo was talking about this guy it was as if he was the President of the world or something.

"Alfredo you know I never agreed to give private sessions, I never signed up for any of this." I tried reasoning with him. "Dancing on a stage half naked in front of discussing men is degrading enough, I can't stoop lower to private sessions. You know what these guys want in a private session."

"So you give him whatever it is that he wants. I could care less. Now get out of my sight." he dismissed me.

"Alfredo please..." I tried to beg but I was being dragged from the room.

"No! Please don’t!"

I was thrown in a dark room and landed on the floor on my knees as the door was closed behind me. Inside the room there was an intense eerie feeling and as I slowly got to my feet, the darkness in the room started fading and I could make out a guy sitting in the chair in the room. Without my consent or control, I felt my legs walking towards the guy. Just as I had reached in front of him, I noticed he had a scary aura about him and in his hand was a gun. As I looked back at his face, I noticed how serious he looked and suddenly his face was all familiar once again.

"Lucas?" I gasped wide eyed.

"I told you if you ran your mouth to anyone I'd find you and kill you." he said getting up slowly.

"I-I swear, I didn't s-say anything to anyone. Please..." I begged taking steps back from him.

"I warned you Amy." he said rising the gun to the center of my forehead.

"Noooo!!" I screamed as he pulled the trigger.


There was a sharp pain in my arm and my eyes flew opened as I screamed. I was breathing hard and in a panic as I looked around trying to figure where the hell I was and what had happened. I was so disorientated; I only knew that there were hands trying to hold me down.

"No! No let me go! No!" I continued screaming and thrashing around.

"Ms. Stewart, please calm down. You’re in the hospital." I heard some female saying.

I continued screaming and trying to escape as I tried to figure out what the hell was going on. Who were these people holding me down and why the hell was I in a hospital?

"We're going to have to sedate her." I heard a man said and seconds later I was stabbed in the side of the neck.

I tried to continue fighting but as I felt something rushing through my body, I suddenly felt an urge to calm down and involuntarily I stopped fighting and allowed this calmness to take over.

"Amy? Amy can you hear me?" I heard the male voice asked again.

I slowly turned my head to the side in the direction of the voice. I noticed an older man in white coat standing there alongside a woman in blue scrubs.

"W-who are you?" I managed to croak out despite my dry and scratchy throat.

The woman noticed this and quickly passed me a glass of water from the bedside table. After I had finished drinking, I gave her a small appreciative smile. I eventually realized that I had another nightmare earlier.

"I'm doctor Ankell" the man replied before turning to the woman. "Thank you Nurse Moresby you can go now; I've got it from here."

"Okay Doctor." the woman nodded as she headed for the door.

"How are you feeling now?" Doctor Ankell asked me.

"Weird, I don't know. Drained, weak, tired, confused..." I replied. "My head feels strange and... Why am I here?"

"You don't remember anything?" He asked me.

"I don't... I'm not sure. I remembered being handcuffed to the bed and I was talking to Ja...” I stopped before saying the rest of the name when I remembered I was talking to a stranger.

"It's alright you can talk, I'm Lucas's personal doctor. I know a lot." he said to me.

"Lucas?" I asked in shock. I hadn't remembered him. "Where is he? Who brought me here? What happened?"

"You passed out and was unresponsive for hours. Jay and Lucas brought you here," he replied. "You were mumbling in your unconscious state and we couldn't get you to wake up. You almost died."

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"You going through withdrawal symptoms and throwing up yet not getting any substance in your stomach was causing major issues within your body and also resulted in a low blood count" he responded. "You were lucky they decided to bring you in when they did and we could flush out the remaining drugs out your system and get you on IV drip."

"So does that mean I'm okay now?" I asked.

I was praying to God that I was since I wasn't exactly feeling as bad as before when undergoing withdrawal symptoms. I felt a whole lot better even though I was feeling a bit dizzy and weak right now.

"Well we've detox your body, so most of the drugs in your system seems to be out. However, you may still have a few withdrawal symptoms from time to time, though less intense than before and also a bit of craving." he responded. "You're just going to have to eat properly and exercise in order to get back your full health. I'm not going to tell you that you'll be better immediately but you should be fine in a couple of months if you stay clean. I don't have any doubt that Lucas will make sure of it though."

"What do you mean Lucas will make sure of it?" I asked him.

"You're staying with him aren't you?" He asked. "He's coming back to get you now that you're okay again."

"What!?" I asked in a panic. "No, no, no. I can't go back with him. You can't let me go back with him."

"And why is that?" Doctor Ankell asked me.

"Because I don't know him. I was kidnapped by him and held against my will. He's dangerous, I can't go with him." I tried telling him frantically.

"But he's the one who brought you here so I presumed you know each other and why would you say that he's dangerous?"

"Because he is. I was kidnapped! You can't let me go back with a kidnapper! Who knows what will happen to me after." I said in a panic as I jumped off the bed and staggered a bit.

"Amy calm down please." he said as he helped to steady me.

"Thank you for your help and everything but I have to go now." I said as I headed in the direction of the door only to have him held me back.

"Sorry sweetheart but I can't allow that."

"Why are you holding me hostage!?" I yelled as Lucas dragged me inside the elevator. "I don't belong here; you need to let me go."

"You do realize fighting with me about it isn't going to help your case right?" Lucas replied as he let go my arm and pressed the button to the floor.

"Why am I here?" I asked in barely a whisper this time. It was obvious that me yelling at him isn't going to get me answers or freedom. "Why aren't you letting me go?"

"You know too much." Was all he responded before pulling me out the elevator with him.

"Know too much about what exactly?" I asked frustrated. "That you're some drug dealer or something? I was hooked on drugs for years—you helped me. Do you really think I'd go ratting you out or something? I don't even know anything about you except your name...I still don't get it why you're keeping me here locked up here. I can't contact anyone, my mom, Katie, Nora? They're probably worried sick about me. Especially my mom... Please you got to let me go or contact her or something. She's sick and who knows what could happen if she worries about my disappearance too much."

"She's fine." Lucas said cutting off my rambling.

"What!?" I asked surprised. "H-how did would you know that?"

We were inside his apartment now and even though it was the first I was seeing anywhere outside the room he had me locked up in all these weeks, I didn't have time to focus much at anything. When he didn't respond but instead let go off my arm and started taking off his jacket before walking away from me, I had to stop him. I ran in front of him putting a hand on his chest to stop him from moving another step. The dangerous look I received from doing that had me withdrawing my hand instantly and apologizing.

"Sorry but... What do you mean my Mom is fine? How would you know that?" I asked him. Lucas only gave me a look which I'm guessing it meant he had seen her. "But how? How did you find my would you even know that's my mom or where to find..."

"She's quite young, I have to say." Lucas replied folding his arm across his chest. "I myself had a bit of a hard time believing she was your really mother."

"She had me at 18." I responded. "How is she? How did you even know where to find her? How..."

"I have my ways." Lucas replied. "She was worried about you but I assured her you are OK as long as you do what I say?"

"What do you want?" I asked after hearing that. "Could you just leave her out of this? Just tell me what you want, I’ll do it".

"I just need you to answer some questions I have." Lucas responded as he sat down on the sofa that was in the living room. I hadn't even had the time to notice it before.

"Okay," I nodded before hugging myself. I always hated when people tried to figure me out. Lucas gesture to another sofa for me to sit but I declined by shaking my head. "I'm alright standing."

"I insist. Sit. " Lucas said in a threatening voice which had me taking a seat immediately. "I'm just curious. How does a seemingly innocent girl like you ended up in a business like Alfredo's?"

Hearing Alfredo's name and remembering what happened to him made me tensed. I was immediately reminded that Lucas wasn't any ordinary guy-he was dangerous. And in addition to that, I hated remembering how my stepfather sold me to Alfredo.

Lucas voice was what snapped me out of my panic and reverie.

"The whole point of the question is to get an answer Amy."

"Sorry... I... I was sold to him by my stepfather." I finally whispered. "Right after my mom developed her heart condition. He started doing drugs so he just... He sold me to Alfredo in order to keep him high. And he just booked my mom into that nursing home."

"How long?" Lucas asked.

"It was... I was 17 years old. I've been forced to work there for five years... I didn't have a choice. I tried to leave before but that only landed me a few beating which resulted in me receiving a few fractures from time to time. And then the drugs...and then I..."

Lucas cut me off before I could say anything else.

"Then you became hooked on drugs and couldn't stay away long enough before returning to him for a fix." Lucas finished. "Am I right?"

"Being hooked on drugs wasn't a voluntary choice. I was forcefully injected and ever since I got addicted." I told him. "I had no other choice but to do whatever Alfredo asked. That was why I was in that room the night you were there. He told me I had to make sure I got you to agree with waiting longer for the money by keeping you satisfied. I was threatened...if I... if I didn't do what he asked, he wouldn't give me my fix and I'd have Solj to deal with... Not that things worked out for me anyway... I still got beaten."

Lucas face softened a bit but within seconds his expressionless face was back.

"You're probably keeping me here because of what happened and you think I'm going to go to the police or tell someone... But I'd never do that. I'm not stupid, I know what could happen if I do. And I really don’t care, I hated Alfredo and Solj. That is why I'm begging you please let me go." I tried reasoning with him. "I'm not going to say anything to anyone. I promise that I won't..."

"I can't risk that," Lucas said getting up. "You're a recovering drug addict, I let you go now and you go back to your old practice, there's no telling what you'll do or say. I'd have to personally find you and take care of you before my boss does. You're only safe or alive staying here for now."

"What?" I asked defeated. Pleading and begging of course isn't helping. I'm not safe staying here either, I don't know anything about him and even more I know he's a murderer.

"What exactly do you do?" I finally sum up the courage to ask.

"You're better off not knowing." Lucas responded as he took out his phone and turned to leave the living room. "I hope you like Chinese food."

With that I was left alone in the living room. Sighing in defeat, I slouched further into the sofa. Well at least, I wasn’t being locked inside that stuffy prison room and chained to the bed anymore. Lucas didn't seem to take any precautions in making sure I didn't try to leave while he left the room but I had a feeling if I was to try I'd definitely not like what would happen next.

"Amy is everything alright? Can I get you anything?" Lucas’s maid Greta asked me for the millionth time.

"I'm fine Greta, thank you." I smiled at her.

So Lucas had decided to be a bit more humane to me. The room that I was in now had in a vanity table, dresser, wardrobe with mirror and even the bathroom had a mirror now. I guess he somewhat trusted me not to try attempt suicide again. The room now felt like a room for a living person. I was allowed to leave my room and wonder around the apartment as well. It was more like a penthouse from what I've seen. The catch to all this freedom though, was that I couldn't leave. The doors had security locks which a code was needed for, which I of course didn't know or have. And there was also security camera installed about the place, so my guess is that Lucas or someone else was monitoring my every move.

"If you need anything you let me know alright?" She said to me which gave me an idea.

"Greta? I actually need a favor." I said to her. "You know how I've been here for a month now and I was down being all drugged up and out of it? I haven't gotten much chance to go for a run or something. Could you give me the codes for the door?"

"Mr. Ackles would've had my head. I'm not supposed to give it to you. According to him, you're not supposed to leave. " the lady responded.

Just freaking great. Anyway, it didn’t hurt to try.

"Of course not." I sighed defeated. "I really just want to go see my mom too."

"Maybe you should ask Lucas to take you one day. I'm sure he would. Or even have one of the guys take you if he's too busy." Greta replied.

"He's not going to." I shook my head. "The guy forbids me to see the outside world. Haven't you noticed? I'm his personal prisoner."

"He isn't that bad you know?" Greta tried telling me. "He may seem all harsh and scary but he isn't exactly all bad. Most of his tough act is just a facade, and for work. You should try talking to him, maybe he'll hear you out."

"It is nice of you having such strong faith and belief in your boss." I said to her, before deciding to ask a question that's been on my mind for a while now. "What exactly does Lucas do for work?"

"He's into tourism and business management. He runs a couple businesses and partner in some larger ones like in the hotel and restaurant industry." Greta told me.

"So he's a businessman?" I said in surprised.

I never really knew what Lucas did but I've always assumed it was only something illegal— seeing what happened with Alfredo and the whole drugs thing. "Is that the only thing he does?"

"What do you mean?” Greta asked.

"Uh...never mind. It’s nothing." I shook my head. "Greta, I know this is a weird request but if you don't mind could I help you around the place? I mean it is so hard just sitting here not doing anything. Please don't object, I need to keep myself occupied or I might go crazy."

"I'm not sure Lucas is going to like this but alright." she finally caved.

"Thank you, I'm going crazy not doing anything." I said as I followed her to the kitchen. "So what should I do?"

"You know I haven't done this in a while, I'm just so awkward with this knife now." I said to Greta as I tried cutting some vegetables.

"You don't hold the knife like don't put your fingers there put them ...yeah like that. That way you won't slice your fingers too." Greta said as she showed me how to set my hand when holding the vegetables so I could cut them safely and properly.

"Thanks." I chuckled after setting my hand and holding the knife correctly. "I used to help my mom in the kitchen when I was smaller. But I hadn't been in the kitchen much since...since she wasn't with me anymore."

"Oh, I'm sorry for your lost." Greta said sincerely most likely thinking that I meant my mom died or something.

"No, she isn't dead. Remember I told you earlier I wanted to see her? She just didn't live with me anymore." I corrected.

"Oh sorry, silly me. I just assumed that since you..." Greta started explaining but I cut her off.

"No, it’s okay. It probably sounded that way to how I said it." I said to her.

"So where is she now? If you don't mind me asking." Greta asked.

"She lives in a nursing home. She had a heart condition." I told her.

"Amy, I'm sorry to hear that. Is it that bad?" Greta asked me.

"I'm not sure, she had coronary heart disease." I said to her. "At first when she was diagnosed she only had some difficulty breathing at times or heart palpitations. Then my stepfather had become a drug addict and when mom got sick, he just sold everything we had for drugs and dragged her off to a nursing home. After which, he also sold me and because he already emptied our bank account, we had no choice but to leave her at the nursing home. And I of course was forced to work in that despicable place for that bastard in order for them to support her there."

"Oh sweetie, you went through a lot. I'm so sorry you had to go through all of that." Greta told me sympathetically. "And then you got hooked on drugs too?"

"I didn't voluntarily become a drug addict; it was also forced on me. But it’s okay...maybe these are the types of experiences that makes a person stronger." I told her with a sad smile.

"Amy, sweetie you're..."Greta started saying but Lucas voice cut her off.

"What's going on here?" Lucas deep voice asked.

"Uhm nothing!" I answered quickly. "Greta was just showing me how to..."

"Doesn't matter," Lucas said holding up a hand stopping me from saying anything else. "Come with me, we need to talk."

"Sorry Greta, I'll be back." I said wiping my hands on a dishtowel before taking off the apron I had put on earlier.

"It is okay dear, go ahead." she smiled at me before I left to follow Lucas.

"Is something wrong?" I asked as I followed Lucas to the living room.

"Here," Lucas said handing me a bag. "You need to wear this and be presentable by seven."

"Why? What's this?" I asked eyeing the bag he had shoved in my hands. "A-am I going somewhere?"

"Just try to look presentable and be ready by 7pm this evening okay?" Lucas said to me. "The boss wants to meet you."

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