Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 10 Bronson

Walking around with one hand holding onto a champagne flute and the other grasping the waistline of my fiancé, I give everyone my best impersonation of a smile and continue strolling through the large hall.

I hate these sorts of events.

Hundreds of people rubbing elbows with others, making small talk as their wives dressed in millions of dollars’ worth of jewelry and designer clothing strut around giving each other cat eyes, while the charity we are here to support gets less than everyone’s pocket change. Normally, I would simply write a check for the charity and move on, but this one was important, this one was worth me suffering through the handshakes and light dinner talk.

The Mayor of the city was honoring me with an award for my work with a specific charity. I was always empathetic of children going through struggles, my sister facing her own childhood struggle with cancer when she was just thirteen years old, so the Research facility of Childhood Cancer was an organization I wanted to be a part of, and if that meant rubbing elbows with the cities elite and being able to speak personally with the mayor over whether or not I could count on him in the future, then I was happy to be a part of a night such as this.

“Bronson, Cassandra, don’t you two look lovely.” Miss Dolores says as she greets the two of us. Dolores Alrich is an old friend of my fathers and even after retiring from our company, still holds high stakes in events and charities such as this.

“Miss Dolores, thank you so much. You look amazing yourself.” Cassandra notes. Although she took her time getting back down here to the states, I knew she would do what I asked. Her work means something to me, but mine will always prevail.

“Well you two have fun tonight.” Dolores walks away in search of her husband who I immediately spot over by the bar.

“I think I’ll excuse myself over to the restroom, if you see one of the waiters with champagne, do get me one Bronson.” Cassandra states, and I lean down to allow her to kiss my cheek.

Watching as my fiancé makes her exit plan, I look around, nodding my head and smiling as everyone greets me hello, my eyes focused on anyone offering champagne.

Cassandra and I have been together a little over one year now, and although I proposed, it was more a formality. She’s perfect for this life, perfect to be linked with my arm at every function. My grandfather always taught me that a single man doesn’t get looked at seriously, but give him a wife and two children, his appeal blossoms.

“Mr. Fortworth.” Turning around, I spot Clyde Hansen, striding over to me. His short but stout form makes it looks like he is waddling, and his graying mustache makes his face look older.

“Mr. Hansen.” I greet in return and extend my hand out when he finally reaches me.

Clyde Hansen is the CEO of the company that rivals my own, Hansen Industries. He’s just as cutthroat as I am and worse, will stop at absolutely nothing to get his way. Where I won’t cut funding or destroy someone’s life based on allegations simply because I couldn’t acquire their company, Clyde excels in. He and I are both interested in the Blackwell corporation, which makes me nervous as to why he is here tonight.

“It’s great that you are getting this honor Bronson. Your work in this charity is inspiring.” He says sipping at his scotch.

“Yes well, I can only hope to influence others to be just as influential in their charities as I am in mine.”

“Where is your lovely fiancé? I was hoping for some eye candy tonight.” He says winking at me, and I instinctively must reign in my fist in order to not punch him in his face.

The man is a pig which is why there are numerous secret lawsuits being proposed about him. My grandfather always warned me about being able to spot two different types of animals in men who are just as powerful as myself, the first is a pig and the second a snake.

Clyde is a bit of both.

“She’s in the restroom freshening up.” I say then look around wondering what is possibly taking Cassandra so long.

My fiancé enjoys looking in the mirror often so I wouldn’t be surprised if she is still inside, but when I turn too fast, I run right into someone, sending them nearly catapulting to the ground. My arm snakes out and grips onto the small waist of a woman and when she turns her head, her blonde hair bounding away from her face, I’m mesmerized.

Her face is small, her eyes contrasted with bright blue eyes and dark lashes. Her mouth in the middle of a gasp is circled with red lipstick and her tall and slender body is wrapped in a black tight strapless dress.

She’s beautiful.

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